AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:31:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Decoding Mobile Ad Networks: Your Key to Successful App Marketing Tue, 27 Jun 2023 15:27:22 +0000 10 MIN. READ Ad networks are so essential to the mobile ad process that most app owners probably have some ad networks in their shortcuts and they spend...

The post Decoding Mobile Ad Networks: Your Key to Successful App Marketing first appeared on AppSamurai.

Ad networks are so essential to the mobile ad process that most app owners probably have some ad networks in their shortcuts and they spend a significant amount of time within the platforms daily! In this blog post, we will explore the world of mobile ad networks and uncover the secrets to successful app marketing. Let’s go!

Understanding Mobile Ad Networks, The Connectors of App Marketing

To grasp the significance of mobile ad networks, it’s essential to understand how they function. As intermediaries, mobile ad networks bring together app developers and advertisers in a mutually beneficial environment. With these networks, developers can monetize their apps through ads, and advertisers can reach their target audiences efficiently.

Here’s a closer look at how these networks function:

  1. Aggregation and Distribution: A mobile ad network aggregates ad inventory from various publishers and app developers. The ads are then distributed across their network of partner apps, giving advertisers a wide reach and diverse audience.
  2. Ad Targeting: Mobile ad networks employ sophisticated targeting mechanisms to ensure ads are delivered to relevant users. Ads are tailored to the interests and needs of the target audience based on the users’ demographics, behavior, and preferences.
  3. Ad Mediation: Mobile ad networks often offer ad mediation services as well. Using this platform, developers can manage multiple ad networks simultaneously, optimizing ad placements and maximizing revenue.

The Role of Mobile Ad Networks in User Acquisition

Mobile ad networks play a pivotal role in driving the UA process. Here’s how they contribute to it:

  1. Extensive Reach: There is a large pool of potential users available through mobile ad networks, spanning across a wide spectrum of demographics and regions. Developers can reach a wider audience by leveraging these networks.
  2. Precise Targeting: Developers can refine audience segmentation using advanced targeting features of mobile ad networks. Mobile ad networks increase engagement and loyalty by delivering ads to users who are more likely to be interested in the app.
  3. Cost-Effective Campaigns: Mobile ad networks allow developers to set budgets, bid on ad placements, and optimize campaign performance. This flexibility empowers developers to run cost-effective campaigns while achieving desired user acquisition goals.


There are Various Types of Ads Available on Mobile Ad Networks

Advertisers can choose from a variety of ad formats to meet their needs and provide engaging experiences for users. Here are some popular ad formats:

  1. Banner Ads: A static or animated image appears within the interface of an app. Banner ads typically appear at the top or bottom of the screen and can generate brand awareness.
  2. Interstitial Ads: Interstitial ads appear at natural transition points within an app, such as during a video streaming session or between levels in a game. Ads like these provide a strong visual experience that makes your message compelling.
  3. Native Ads: A native ad blends seamlessly into the app’s design and user experience. In addition to increasing user engagement and conversions, they offer a non-intrusive way to promote products or services within the app environment.
  4. Rewarded Videos: Rewarded videos offer users an incentive for watching video ads, such as in-app currency or exclusive content. The format offers a win-win situation, where users gain value and developers monetize their apps.
  5. Playable Ads: Playable ads provide users with an opportunity to interact with a demo or mini-game that demonstrates the features of the app. Users get a hands-on experience through this format, enhancing engagement and giving them a sense of the app’s functionality.

What are the Top Mobile Ad Networks?

Now let’s delve into the top mobile ad networks that have revolutionized app marketing:

Snapchat Ads

The Snapchat Ads platform has become immensely popular among younger users, making it an ideal platform for developers who want to engage this demographic regularly. Among its ad experiences are AR lenses and sponsored filters, which provide immersive and visually captivating experiences. The use of AR lenses can allow developers to create interactive experiences that enhance or transform a person’s surroundings, driving high engagement.With sponsored filters, brands can create custom overlays for users to apply to their photos and videos, seamlessly integrating the brand into the content.

Snap Ads also offer precise targeting based on locations, interests, and demographics. This ensures ads are delivered to the right audience, maximizing effectiveness.


Unity, known for its game development engine, has expanded its services to include a robust mobile ad network. Ads can be seamlessly integrated into Unity-powered games, allowing developers to monetize their apps without compromising on user experience. A key strength of Unity is its ability to offer different ad formats specifically designed for gaming apps such as rewarded videos, interstitial ads and playable ads. 

Unity’s comprehensive set of ad formats and its deep integration into the gaming ecosystem make it easy for developers to monetize their games and provide quality user experiences at the same time.

Google AdMob

The AdMob mobile advertising network is powered by Google’s extensive advertising ecosystem. AdMob offers ad formats like banner ads, interstitial ads, and rewarded videos, similar to Unity’s offering.

AdMob’s powerful targeting capabilities make it stand out. Google’s massive data and sophisticated algorithms can be leveraged by developers to deliver ads at the right time to the right users. As a result, conversions will be increased and returns on investment (ROI) will be maximized. The AdMob platform also provides robust analytics tools that developers can use to gain valuable insights into user behavior, improve ad performance, and refine targeting strategies.

Facebook Audience Network

Facebook Audience Network provides developers with access to a large user base for mobile apps through Facebook’s advertising capabilities. The network offers a variety of ad formats, including native ads and rewarded videos. 

Advertisers can better target their ads by leveraging Facebook Audience Network’s vast user data. Combining Facebook’s advanced ad optimization algorithms with precise targeting allows developers to maximize the impact of their campaigns and drive greater engagement and user acquisition.

AppSamurai One-Stop-Shop

AppSamurai has a wide range of UA services we’d like to describe as the ‘’One-Stop-Shop’’. 

Programmatic DSP Inventory: DSP refers to programmatic advertising to enable brands & their premium agencies/ad network partners to bid on app download campaigns for their app growth & mobile marketing strategies.

Our DSP inventory enables app owners to attain maximum benefits with minimal effort via an all-in-one platform that allows clients to create ad campaigns easily. 

The dedicated team of app growth consultants optimizes your ad impressions for funnel-down actions to ensure qualified user acquisition. 

The performance-oriented demand-side platform enabled brands & their premium agencies/ad network partners to set up performance-oriented campaigns, backed via an AI optimization on leading DSPs & AdExchanges.

You can also check out AppSamurai for Games and App Discovery (OEM).

You Might Encounter Some Challenges with Mobile Ad Networks

While mobile ad networks present exciting opportunities for app marketing, they also come with their fair share of challenges. Two significant challenges worth mentioning are lower-quality traffic and ad fraud.

Lower Quality Traffic

The issue of low-quality traffic is one of the biggest challenges with mobile ad networks. It is possible that not all users who are reached through these networks are genuinely interested in the app being promoted. This can result in inefficient user acquisition and low return on investment (ROI) for. To mitigate this challenge, developers must carefully select ad networks with robust targeting mechanisms that prioritize quality traffic. A reputable network that offers precise targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behavior can help ensure that your ads reach the right audience and are more likely to be engaged.

To evaluate the quality of traffic generated by different ad networks, developers should regularly monitor campaign performance and analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and user engagement. Keeping a close eye on these metrics can help developers determine which networks deliver high-quality traffic and adjust their ad spend accordingly.

Ad Fraud Issues

Digital advertising has been plagued by ad fraud for years, and mobile ad networks are no exception. A variety of fraudulent activities are included in ad fraud, such as click fraud, impression fraud, and installation fraud. Fraudulent activities can lead to distorted campaign data, wasted advertising budgets, and reduced user acquisition effectiveness.

Developers should partner with ad networks that have robust fraud detection systems to combat ad fraud. Networks that employ sophisticated algorithms and machine learning technologies detect and prevent fraudulent activity. Ad impressions, clicks, and conversions are constantly monitored to identify anomalies. Working with trusted ad networks and regularly monitoring campaign data for suspicious patterns can help developers minimize ad fraud and ensure that their marketing efforts produce effective results.

Developers can also implement third-party fraud prevention tools and practices to enhance their defense against ad fraud.With these tools, fraudulent activity can be detected and blocked in real-time, adding an additional layer of security.

A proactive approach to combating low-quality traffic and ad fraud can help developers maximize the effectiveness of their ad campaigns, increase user acquisition, and protect their advertising investments.

Here’re Couple of Strategies to Build Successful Mobile Ad Campaigns

To ensure mobile ad campaigns succeed, developers need to employ effective strategies. Here are some key considerations:

  • Visual Appeal: It is important for mobile ads to have visually appealing elements that are aligned with the brand identity of the app. Ads can stand out in the crowded mobile space with high-quality images, vibrant colors, and attention-grabbing visuals.
  • Concise Messaging: The message should be conveyed quickly and concisely in mobile ads. Considering the limited screen space, it’s essential to communicate the key value proposition of the app clearly and concisely. To capture users’ attention, create headlines that are concise and compelling, and provide succinct descriptions.
  • Clear Calls-to-Action: A clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA) is essential for driving user action in mobile ads. The CTA should be easily visible, compelling, and easy to understand, whether it is for downloading the app, signing up for a free trial, or making a purchase. CTA buttons should be designed to stand out with action-oriented language.
  • Interactive Elements: Interactivity in mobile ads can boost engagement and increase user interaction. Use gamified experiences, playable ads, or interactive videos to engage users and encourage them to interact with the ad.

Read our blog post ”Mobile Ad Creatives That Truly Work” for more tips & tricks!

Importance of Analyzing Mobile Ad Campaigns

Regularly analyzing mobile ad campaigns’ performance is crucial for optimizing results and maximizing ROI. Here’s why it’s critical:

  • Insights into User Behavior: Data analysis provides insight into user behavior, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement metrics. Developers can identify trends, preferences, and areas for improvement by understanding how users interact with ads.
  • Refining Targeting Strategies: Developers can refine their targeting strategies by analyzing campaign performance. Developers can adjust target audience criteria based on demographics, interests, and engagement data to reach the most relevant users. In this way, you can optimize your ad spend and increase your conversion rate.
  • Identifying Successful Ad Formats: Using data analysis, optimization, and A/B testing, developers can determine which ad formats are most effective for their target audiences. Different ad formats, such as banners, interstitials, and video ads, can be compared to determine which drives higher engagement and conversion rates. This insight can guide future campaign planning and optimization.

It’s always helpful to look at successful case studies

Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a popular mobile game developed by Supercell. They launched an engaging and interactive mobile ad campaign to boost user acquisition and generate buzz about their game.

The campaign included playable ads that allowed users to play a shortened version of the game directly within the ad. A brief level of Clash Royale was played to showcase the game’s mechanics, graphics, and overall excitement. To reach a relevant gaming audience, the ads were strategically placed within popular gaming apps and targeted through mobile ad networks.

Playable ads enticed users to download and play the full game by giving them a taste of the gameplay experience. In-app purchases, app downloads, and user engagement metrics were observed to measure the campaign’s success. As compared to traditional static ads, playable ads resulted in a significant increase in app downloads and player retention.


A series of engaging ads featured in Airbnb’s successful mobile ad campaign in the US.

It was carefully designed to appeal to business travelers’ specific needs and preferences, who often seek comfortable and convenient lodging options while on the road. Airbnb captured this key demographic’s attention by showcasing the benefits of staying in an Airbnb property, such as a relaxing and productive workspace away from hotel distractions.

There was an impressive 6% increase in business travel bookings. It is a testament to the effectiveness of targeted marketing campaigns tailored to the preferences and needs of specific consumer groups.


Final Thoughts

App marketers rely on mobile ad networks to reach their target audience and expand their user base. App developers can maximize their app marketing efforts if they understand how these networks work and leverage the top mobile ad networks, such as Snapchat Ads, Unity, Google, and Facebook.

It’s still important to remain aware of the challenges associated with mobile ad networks, by staying vigilant and employing effective strategies. Embrace the power of mobile ad networks and open new doors of success for your app!

The post Decoding Mobile Ad Networks: Your Key to Successful App Marketing first appeared on AppSamurai.

Reward-Based Advertising: Unlocking the Power of Customer Engagement and Retention Thu, 30 Mar 2023 09:24:59 +0000 5 MIN. READ I’m sure you’ve heard of reward-based advertising, an effective way to engage with users and incentivize them to install your app via various rewards. Let’s...

The post Reward-Based Advertising: Unlocking the Power of Customer Engagement and Retention first appeared on AppSamurai.

I’m sure you’ve heard of reward-based advertising, an effective way to engage with users and incentivize them to install your app via various rewards. Let’s explore the importance of reward-based advertising in customer engagement and retention, what they are, how they benefit businesses, and the best practices for implementing them. Go, go, go!

What is reward-based advertising?

Reward-based advertising is a type of mobile advertising that offers users an incentive in exchange for their time or engagement. These incentives can come in the form of virtual currency, discounts, exclusive content, or other rewards. According to a survey conducted by Unity Technologies, 71% of mobile gamers prefer watching reward-based advertising to receiving in-app rewards.

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads refer to a type of advertisement where users are given the option to watch a video or interact with a playable ad in return for a reward within the app. For instance, when players reach a crucial point in mobile games, they may die and have to restart from the beginning. This can be frustrating, and users often wish to continue playing without starting over.

  • First, the user is prompted with an option to view an ad in exchange for a reward.
  • If they opt-in to watch the ad, they will receive a reward upon completion of viewing the ad, such as an extra life or power-up. 
  • Once they use the reward, they can continue playing the game from where they left off. Users are eager to keep playing, so they frequently complete the entire process. 

Rewarded ads are helpful in terms of balancing monetization and user experience. They are popular among users as they can obtain in-app benefits, such as faster progression or paid items, by investing their time rather than money. Moreover, the opt-in approach of rewarded ads empowers users to control their ad experience, making it a safe integration option that does not interfere with the user experience. 

Rewarded Engagement (Offerwalls)

Offerwalls are ads that offer users rewards for completing a specific action, such as downloading another app or filling out a survey. These ads can be effective because they give users a tangible reward for their time and effort. Similar to rewarded ads, offerwalls are also fully user-initiated. Players can choose different offers from various apps, such as signing up or reaching a certain level to get rewards. AppSamurai’s rewarded engagement campaigns are conversion-based, meaning that app owners pay only for completed tasks but still earn revenue from the time players spend in the app. 

Offerwalls should be implemented carefully to ensure users don’t feel that the rewards are not worth the effort or that the ads are misleading. 

Success Stories

Several businesses have successfully used reward-based advertising to engage and retain customers. For instance, Lyft, a ride-hailing app, offers users ride discounts in exchange for watching ads. 

Similarly, Hulu, a streaming service, allows users to watch ads to access premium content.

Spotify also benefits from reward-based advertising by allowing users to download and stream music for free with ads. 

Lastly, the famous language lessons app Duolingo puts rewarded ads into practice by enabling users to gain ‘’hearts’’ that unlock new learning material.

How Reward-based Advertising Benefits Your Business?

Reward-based advertising offers several benefits to businesses, including increased customer engagement and retention. By offering users incentives, apps can encourage them to spend more time on their apps, thereby increasing engagement and the app’s stickiness by offering users a reason to return to the app.

Reward-based advertising can also help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors. By providing unique and valuable rewards, apps can set themselves apart from others. 

Another benefit of reward-based advertising is that they offer a cost-effective way to acquire new customers. Businesses can attract new users to their apps or service by offering rewards. This can be particularly effective for startups and small businesses that may not have a large marketing budget.

Best Practices for Implementing reward-based advertising

To implement reward-based advertising effectively, businesses should follow these steps:

  1. Identify the most suitable reward for your audience and app: The reward should be valuable enough to motivate users to engage with the ad, but not so valuable that it becomes too expensive for the business to provide.
  2. Design a user-friendly and engaging ad experience: The ad should be visually appealing and engaging, and the reward should be communicated to the user.
  3. Set realistic goals and measure success using relevant metrics: App owners should set clear goals for their reward-based advertising campaign and track progress using metrics such as engagement rate, retention rate, and return on investment (ROI).
  4. Test and optimize the ad experience regularly: App owners should continually test and optimize their reward-based advertising campaign to ensure that it is effective and provides a positive user experience.

However, businesses may face challenges while implementing reward-based advertising. For instance, users may find the ads intrusive, leading to negative feedback. Additionally, app owners may need help balancing the rewards offered with the cost of the rewards. By carefully planning and testing their reward-based advertising campaign, businesses can overcome these challenges and reap the benefits of this powerful tool.

Final Thoughts

Reward-based advertising is a must-try strategy if you want to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. By offering incentives, you can keep your customers engaged, stand out from your competitors, and make them feel like VIPs. But hold your horses, don’t just dive in blindly! Planning and testing are crucial to ensure a positive user experience.

So, what’s the bottom line? Incorporating reward-based advertising can unlock the power of customer engagement and retention. Follow best practices and continuously optimize your reward-based advertising campaign, and you’ll be on your way to reaping the benefits and staying ahead of the game!

The post Reward-Based Advertising: Unlocking the Power of Customer Engagement and Retention first appeared on AppSamurai.

Accelerate Your Utility App with App Discovery (OEM) Tue, 10 Jan 2023 14:20:53 +0000 2 MIN. READ App Discovery, also known as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), is one of the most effective ways to get your app in front of millions of...

The post Accelerate Your Utility App with App Discovery (OEM) first appeared on AppSamurai.

App Discovery, also known as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), is one of the most effective ways to get your app in front of millions of Android users. App Discovery builds brand recognition, helps you acquire quality users, and achieves sustainable growth. 

How does App Discovery work?

App Discovery has two different models: 

  • The preinstalled model
  • On-device recommendation model

The pre-load model

In the pre-load model, the users receive their brand new smartphone with different apps pre-loaded in the smartphone. This means that your app is one of the first apps users see when they open their new smartphones. Users are more inclined to discover and install new apps at this time than ever, which results in a dramatic rise in the daily install rate. To catch that moment of motivation to install new apps is what app owners desire, and App Discovery provides that by highlighting the app on the user’s screen.

Different smartphone manufacturers have different checklists and the number of slots for apps they pre-load. AppSamurai works with leading manufacturers such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Lenovo, Oppo, and more to create the most suitable and well-performing strategies. 

A great example would be Tıkla Gelsin, a leading delivery app that reached almost 40.000 new Samsung users in 2 months with AppSamurai’s App Discovery campaigns. Check out more here. 

On-device recommendation model

The on-device recommendation model allows your app to be displayed on a variety of placements in Android devices, such as: 

  • Bottomline ads
  • Minus one screen
  • Browsers 
  • Folder placement

This way, your app is constantly viewed by the users, building strong brand awareness and driving qualified installs. 

Now that we’ve talked about what App Discovery is and how it works, we can move on to the reason why it’s one of the most effective campaigns, especially for utility apps (weather apps, crypto wallet apps, productivity apps: calculator, planner, document creation, etc.)

App Discovery works well with mass audiences, and utility apps have that.

Since App Discovery campaigns are embedded into devices, the larger the audience, the better the results. Unlike other models, such as programmatic campaigns, App Discovery targets users from a broader perspective. This makes utility apps more suitable for App Discovery campaigns, as they are generally helpful for people regardless of age, gender, and even location.

If you are a utility app owner, App Discovery campaigns are the best way to:

  • Reach over 74% of all Android users worldwide
  • Integrate your app into the user experience
  • Get fraud-free placements
  • Acquire real and engaged users
  • Constantly drive installs 

Start your campaign, let your app be smoothly integrated into millions of users’ everyday lives, and enjoy the results!

The post Accelerate Your Utility App with App Discovery (OEM) first appeared on AppSamurai.

Universal App Campaigns (UAC) & Marketing Alternatives Mon, 19 Dec 2022 09:39:23 +0000 7 MIN. READ Targeting the right audience is of paramount importance to any mobile marketer; it allows you to advertise efficiently, and effectively and maximize your ROAS. This...

The post Universal App Campaigns (UAC) & Marketing Alternatives first appeared on AppSamurai.

Targeting the right audience is of paramount importance to any mobile marketer; it allows you to advertise efficiently, and effectively and maximize your ROAS. This happens to be the specialist of universal app campaigns (UACs). UACs are a great way to promote your app and reach new users, but it’s important to understand where UACs can run in order to maximize your ad campaign’s performance. Here’s everything you need to know about where UACs can run and how to make the most of them. 

What is a UAC?

A UAC is a form of automated online advertising offered by Google. Google’s UAC is powered by machine learning algorithms that allow it to determine your best-performing ads and show them to your best-responding audiences. This allows UACs to help app marketers quickly and easily reach the right users on the right platforms, namely Google Ads, YouTube, Google Play, and the Google Display Network.

Google Ads

Google Ads is the most common platform for UACs. UACs can be used to display ads in Google Search and Display networks, including Gmail and the YouTube App. Ads will automatically be optimized across all these networks.

Google Play

UACs can also be used to show ads in the Google Play app store. These ads will be targeted to users that are likely to be interested in your app. Ads can be targeted to specific behavioral, demographic and locational segments, allowing you to reach the target market you have identified.


UACs can also be used to show ads on YouTube. These ads will be targeted to users who are likely to be interested in your app based on their YouTube viewing history. Ads can be targeted to specific demographics and locations, allowing you to reach the right users.

Google Display Network

UACs can also be used to display ads on the Google Display Network. This network includes over two million websites and apps that reach over 90% of internet users. These ads will be targeted to users based on their browsing history and demographics.

AdMob: In-app Ads

UACs can also be used to show ads in other apps through Google’s Admob integration. These ads will be targeted to users based on their in-app behavior. This is a great way to reach users who are already engaged with mobile apps that offer similar stimuli to users as your own app.

Benefits of Alternative App Marketing Strategies

Ad platforms like AppSamurai are specifically adept at targeting users beyond the reach of walled gardens like Google’s marketing solutions and UAC. AppSamurai specifically is a one-stop shop mobile marketing solution that allows advertisers to target users through multiple channels with unique benefits.

OEM Inventories

OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, it is used to describe entities that build technologies and devices; in mobile marketing, it includes smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei and Oppo to name a few. OEM inventories are further subcategorized into pre-install campaigns and recommendation engines.

Bypass the Competition

By advertising using pre-install campaigns, your app will be pre-loaded onto new smartphone devices before they are sold to end-users. The campaign displays a conversion once a user opens your pre-installed app on his smartphone for the first time. This campaign style allows you to target and pay for users who are interested in your app before your competition can even reach them. This is a method commonly used by Samsung and can be accessed via AppSamurai’s ad platform.

Get Recommended

The in-device recommendation engine is a form of advertising space within a smartphone device’s applications page that features promotional apps for its users. This method can be targeted toward users that download apps similar to your own; it converts when a user downloads your promoted app for the first time. Xiaomi’s Mi Ads platform is optimized for this form of advertising and is accessible through AppSamurai’s inventory.

To learn more about OEMs, click here.

DSPs (Demand Side Platforms)

Demand-side platforms, or DSPs, are a type of software that advertisers can use to purchase ads through automated programmatic advertising. DSPs enable mobile advertisers to easily purchase and manage their ad inventories from various sources from a single platform, making them among the best marketing automation tools to use. 

Extended Ad Reach

AppSamurai’s aggregation of the top DSP platforms in the world means that advertisers can gain access to a vast plethora of placements around the world, boosting their reach to new heights. 

Improved Targeting

DSPs can provide you with advanced targeting capabilities that enable you to hyper-target all ad campaigns. You can select specific demographics, locations, and even browser behavior to get your brand in front of the audiences who are most likely to download and install your app. The right platform will also be able to use retargeting campaigns to connect with users who’ve seen your ads but didn’t connect with them the first time. This will help maximize impressions and ensure your ads have more chances to reach the right people at the right time.

Ad Performance Analytics

Additionally, you can gain all of the insight you need into your campaigns at a granular level. You can view key metrics in real-time, from click-through rates and impressions to page view lift and traffic. This information will remain consistently up-to-date to keep all of the data relevant at all times. Based on the information you collect about your campaigns, you can take the appropriate steps to further optimize them

Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads, also known as incentivized ads or rewarded engagements, are certain types of ads that enable users to choose whether to view them. After viewing these ads, users can receive certain in-app rewards, which could include in-app currency or other monetary rewards like Paypal top-ups or Starbucks cards. Rewarded ads are usually displayed on what is known as offer walls.

Offer walls consist of a series of ads that ad networks put together. Through the integration of an SDK in their app, owners can offer rewarded engagement materials to users. Users can then choose to engage with the offer wall, which will enable them to view ads and receive rewards after interacting with them. Rewarded ads

Increased Ranking in Stores

A burst of incentive-led installs will allow your app to experience a boost in terms of its category ranking in the app store. Why is this beneficial? By jumping over competing apps, you enter the competitive space for increased visibility amongst organic users, boosting your organic uplift.

Drive more in-app purchases

Once users have purchased in-app items and content with rewarded currency or points, they’ll be more likely to spend real money on in-app items in the future. In fact, statistics show that rewarded ads are up to 4.5 times more likely to lead to in-app purchases.

Influencer Performance Marketing

Not to be mistaken with the branding version of influencer marketing which focuses on building brand awareness, influencer performance marketing aims to enhance app user acquisition. The same way one would provide a DSP (demand side platform) with an attribution tool’s tracking URL, influencers are provided with trackers and creatives which they then integrate into their content or profile information and distribute via explore pages.

Organic Uplift

Historic campaign data has proven that advertisers that promote their apps via IPM campaigns only end up paying for 70% of their total acquired users.

ROAS Positive

Based on the aforementioned fact, not only does this mean that you can boost your organic downloads and enhance your visibility to prospective customers, but you also end up getting a 30% natural discount every time you launch an IPM campaign. 

Brand Awareness

While IPM does focus on performance-based marketing, it cannot be denied that this is a form of viral marketing. Given that, it can be expected that the followers of the influencers that promote your app are bound to hear about it, and even discuss it amongst their communities.


The key factor for advertisers to consider is that by simply running UAC campaigns, you cannot reach your full potential target audience. In order to run a successful marketing campaign, the optimal strategy would be to divide your marketing budget amongst UAC campaigns and alternative app marketing platforms. App advertising platforms like AppSamurai specialize in targeting users that are out of UAC’s reach, which means a synergized approach will maximize your target audience and hence your mobile marketing success rate.

Run all your alternative DSP, OEM inventory, rewarded ads and IPM campaigns on AppSamurai’s one-stop shop platform with the assistance of a dedicated account management team. For more information, head to the AppSamurai website or sign up to begin your hyper growth journey today.

The post Universal App Campaigns (UAC) & Marketing Alternatives first appeared on AppSamurai.

The Advanced Guide for OTT (Over-the-Top Content) Wed, 30 Nov 2022 07:31:45 +0000 7 MIN. READ The term ‘OTT’ is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape. But what is OTT? OTT, or Over-The-Top, describes a streaming media service...

The post The Advanced Guide for OTT (Over-the-Top Content) first appeared on AppSamurai.

The term ‘OTT’ is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape. But what is OTT? OTT, or Over-The-Top, describes a streaming media service that delivers movies, TV shows, and other content directly over the internet. This means that you don’t need to subscribe to a traditional cable or satellite TV service to access this content.

In the marketing world, OTT meaning extends beyond content delivery–representing a new frontier for advertising. So, what is OTT marketing? It’s the practice of serving ads via these streaming platforms, allowing advertisers to reach their target audiences in more precise and data-driven ways than traditional TV advertising. How does OTT work for marketers? Essentially, it allows for targeted, measurable, and interactive advertising that can be fine-tuned in real-time, much like other forms of digital advertising. It’s a game-changer in the advertising industry, redefining what it means to connect with audiences through the power of video.

As the name suggests, OTT (Over-the-Top) content is any kind of content delivered over the Internet without a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription. This could include anything from catch-up TV and on-demand movies to web-based audio and video content.

The great thing about OTT content is that it offers users a lot more choice and flexibility than traditional TV packages. You can watch what you want when you want and on whatever device you want. This is mainly due to this distribution channel’s ability to leverage the internet to provide content rather than traditional cable or radio-centric methods.

What is OTT (Over-the-Top)?

OTT, or “over-the-top,” refers to delivering audiovisual content over the Internet without needing a traditional cable or satellite television subscription. This type of content is typically accessed through apps or websites on smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices.

Some examples of popular OTT services include Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. These services offer a wide range of content, including both traditional television programming and exclusive, internet-only content.

One of the key advantages of OTT is its convenience and flexibility. With OTT, users can watch their favorite shows and movies anytime, anywhere, and on any device. In addition, OTT subscriptions are often more affordable than traditional cable or satellite TV packages.

Overall, OTT is a major disruption to the traditional television industry and changes how we consume audiovisual content. It offers a convenient and flexible alternative to traditional TV but also brings its own set of challenges for both content creators and consumers.


OTT content can be viewed on various devices supporting streaming capabilities. This includes smart TVs, computer devices, smartphones, tablets, and more. One can also view OTT content whilst training on “Smart Treadmills,” which have started appearing in gyms. The variety of devices it is available on means that OTT-delivered media has a very large audience.


In the past, scheduled programming would announce timings for individual programs through a TV guide or ads between different contents. Through OTT, the user can choose whatever media they wish to stream. One can also be recommended content personalized to their liking based on their preferences and activities within the OTT website/device.


Given that the choice dynamic has shifted in favor of consumers rather than producers, another thing to note is that users have the freedom to choose what they want when they want it. A Netflix user does not need to wait till a certain hour to view their favorite TV show or film. They can labor through a hard day’s work and at the end, flop onto the couch and watch whatever they’d like. Consequently, OTT replaces what we know as linear content scheduling.

OTT Advertising

What is OTT Advertising?

OTT advertising is a form of digital advertising that uses internet-connected devices to deliver targeted ads to consumers. OTT stands for “over-the-top,” which refers to the delivery of content (in this case, ads) over the internet, without the need for a traditional cable or satellite TV subscription.

How Does OTT Advertising Work?

OTT advertising works by serving targeted ads to consumers based on their online behavior. Advertisers can use data from a variety of sources, including social media, search engines, and website visits, to target their ads to the right people. When a consumer sees an ad on an OTT device, it is typically in the form of a pre-roll ad, which is an ad that plays before the main content. These ads can be skipped after a certain amount of time, but they cannot be blocked unless the user has a 3rd party ad blocker installed on their device.

What Are the Benefits of OTT Advertising?

There are many benefits of OTT advertising, including:


OTT devices are in nearly 60% of American households, which gives advertisers a wide target market to reach. Most media consumers are flocking toward OTT devices and platforms for their consumption needs; read below for more information regarding OTT-related statistics. 


OTT advertising allows advertisers to target their ads to specific consumers based on their online behavior by use of behavioral targeting. This may be subject to the user accepting/rejecting cookies upon visiting the OTT site.


OTT ads can be seen multiple times by the same consumer, which increases the likelihood of them taking action due to frequent exposure.

What Are the Challenges of OTT Advertising?

There are a few challenges to consider when it comes to OTT advertising, including:

Ad Blocking

Some consumers may use ad blockers, which prevent ads from being seen. This can be perilous for platforms that depend on monetization for revenue.

Ad Skipping

As mentioned previously, OTT ads can be skipped after a certain amount of time.


There is a lot of competition for attention on OTT devices, so advertisers need to make sure their ads are well-crafted and relevant.

What’s the Future of OTT Advertising?

The future of OTT advertising looks bright. Ad spending on OTT is expected to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years, as more and more advertisers shift their budgets to this effective and efficient form of advertising. Here are some interesting stats about the outlook of the OTT industry:


OTT Technologies

OTT Ad Spending

  • OTT video ad spending will almost double from $34 billion in 2020 to $63 billion in 2025.
  • Podcast ad spending will double from 2019 to 2024 and surpass $2.4 billion.
  • (Non-OTT) Broadcast TV ad spending is set to remain stagnant at $65 billion/year for the foreseeable future.

Cord-Cutting Culture Making Way for OTT Media

Cord cutting is a growing trend, especially among millennials. More and more people are ‘cutting the cord on cable TV and opting for OTT providers such as streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. The reasons for this trend are that streaming services are much cheaper, offer more options in terms of content, and also give more flexibility and convenience to consumers than cable TV.

Advertisers will be delighted with the cord-cutting trend as OTT advertising is far more efficient and effective than traditional cable and radio forms of advertising. Additionally, as mentioned before, this means the ability to target more and more users through the extended reach that OTT platforms offer. However, for OTT websites, personalized targeting may take a hit as third-party cookies are slowly set to be phased out by Google in 2024.

Consumer behavior itself has changed quite a lot since the ’80s and 90’s when the ubiquitous VHS player burst on the scene; It would allow users to watch shows at times better suited to themselves, and to fast forward through ads and watch their favorite shows without having to wait. Since then, OTT media has evolved thanks to the increased number of screens at our disposal, the ample infrastructure (increased bandwidth) required to stream content and the vast stockpiles of content to watch or listen to.


It is official, the shift from traditional media channels to OTT is now in full swing; this means it is important to keep a finger on the pulse of this industry in order to plan one’s marketing strategies. To make the most of this ongoing trend, keep in mind that:

  • Consumers now have the autonomy to choose OTT rather than cable-based media channels
  • OTT content consists of more than just video, it also encompasses audio, messaging and voice calls as well.
  • Continually growing infrastructure such as internet speeds is facilitating the pace of “Cord-cutting Culture” as more people shift to OTT platforms
  • Growing the OTT target market is good for advertisers, but as more and more advertisers shift their focus onto OTT, the competition is bound to increase ad costs.

For more information about the mobile marketing industry and topics related to it, visit the AppSamurai website. If you are interested in growing your apps through top-of-the-line advertising and boosting your ROI, sign up now here and begin your app’s journey.

The post The Advanced Guide for OTT (Over-the-Top Content) first appeared on AppSamurai.

Mobile Game Soft Launch – Best Tips & Tricks Mon, 21 Nov 2022 08:01:31 +0000 6 MIN. READ When it comes to launching a mobile game, there are a lot of factors to consider. But if you want to give your game the...

The post Mobile Game Soft Launch – Best Tips & Tricks first appeared on AppSamurai.

When it comes to launching a mobile game, there are a lot of factors to consider. But if you want to give your game the best chance for success, then a soft launch is the way to go.

A soft launch is when you release your game in a limited market before releasing it worldwide. This allows you to test your game with a smaller group of users to see how it performs.

Why is a Soft Launch Important?

A soft launch is an important tool for mobile game developers to test the waters with their game before releasing it to the public. It allows developers to get feedback from real players and make changes to the game before it is released to the masses. This can help to ensure that the game is well-received and avoid any negative feedback that could come from a public release.

A soft launch also allows developers to see how their game performs in the real world, with real reviews from real gamers. This can be helpful in identifying any issues, big or small, that need to be addressed before the game is released to the public. It can also give developers an idea of how popular their game may be and help them to plan for a successful public launch.

In addition to helping developers, soft launches are also great to help drive a narrative for marketers. They can highlight what elements of the mobile game are most invigorating and engaging, allowing marketers to address them in promotional material for public launches.

For any mobile game company, a soft launch would be a very credible source of information on how successful the game itself can be and can thus provide valuable insights to prospective investors outside the company as well. A successful soft launch can attract venture capitalists or backers to invest in a mobile game.

Things to Consider Before a Soft Launch

A soft launch is a great way to get feedback on your mobile game before you release it to the public. But, what should one consider before engaging in a soft launch?

There are a few things to consider when deciding when to launch your game. 

Completing Your Game

You need to have a complete game. All the levels should be playable and all the features should be implemented. A soft launch is still a launch and should represent the ideal version of the mobile game. Launching an unready game is a recipe for disaster. You should have metrics and KPIs set up to ensure you are targeting progress toward your intended goals.

Realizing Your Audience

You need to realize your target market and ensure that you have enough players to test the game. If you don’t have enough people playing the game, you won’t be able to get enough feedback, which is the whole point of soft launching.

Choosing Your Platform

You need to have chosen the right platform. You want to choose a platform that has a significant portion of your decided target audience and ensure that your version of the game is compatible with the platform’s rules and regulations.

Setting Your Prices

You need to set the right price for your game or your in-app purchases depending on your pricing strategy. While low prices might attract users, you won’t make enough money to cover your costs. High prices are notorious for turning away potential customers.

Implementing Monetization Tools

It would be best if you considered whether you wish to implement monetization tools in your app or not. If you intend to show ads in your app, a soft launch will help you understand if you have implemented your advertisements seamlessly or if they are game-breaking. 

Setting up a Kill Factor

At its core, a soft launch helps you determine whether your game can function as a business or not. In this scenario, it is prudent to have in place a set of metrics that determine whether your mobile game can succeed or not; if the minimum markers are not reached, the game should be shelved.

Setting a Feedback Assessment Plan

You need to have a plan for what you’re going to do with the feedback you receive. You need to be able to take the feedback and use it to improve the game. Soft launches help app developers determine what elements work and what do not, so having a feedback assessment plan in place will allow you to categorize your feedback in an easily accessible and actionable way.

If you can answer all of these questions, then you’re ready to launch your game. But, if you’re not sure, it’s better to wait. It’s better to launch a game that’s ready and has been thoroughly tested than to launch a game that’s not ready and has to be fixed after it’s been released.

What to A/B Test in a Soft Launch?

There are a few key things you should focus on when testing your game during a soft launch. Here are the top things to keep in mind:

1. Gameplay:

Make sure the gameplay is fun and engaging. See how long users play the game and if they keep coming back for more. Retention rate is important to keep an eye on as well as other engagement metrics like sign-up rate and tutorial completion rate etc.

2. Performance:

Test the game on various devices to make sure it runs smoothly. Check for any bugs or crashes. There may be minor details that need ironing out regardless of your app’s development process.

3. User experience:

See how easy it is for users to navigate the game. Make sure the game is intuitive and easy to understand. It’s important to follow up on feedback about user experience as fresh reviews on your apps’ navigability is otherwise very hard to come by and infinitely important for optimization.

4. Monetization:

Test out any in-app purchases or other monetization features. Make sure they work properly and that users are willing to pay for them. It is important to ensure that the ad experience does not interfere with or interrupt the users’ gaming experience.

5. Social Engagement:

See how engaged users are with the game. Check for metrics like social sharing rate and, if made available, user referrals. Seeing a spike in daily active users (DAU) and a swift downfall afterward is a telltale sign of a low engagement rate and should be looked at immediately.

6. Store Aesthetics

Ensure that your app’s store listing represents its experience adequately. All the creatives should show the up-to-date version of the game and should look appealing to users. It’s worth running A/B testing to decide on which themes, imagery and content you want to go with; factors that bring in the highest clickthrough rate (CTR) are usually the best choice, as conversion rate can be affected by a well-set ASO strategy already.

By testing for these things during a soft launch, you can ensure that your game is ready for a successful launch.

The Do’s & Don’ts of Soft Launching


  • Setup and test integration of your desired tools
  • Define the soft launch owner
  • Set your goals and KPIs
  • Define the kill factor for your game
  • Test creatives and marketing channels


  • Skip testing and optimizing marketing
  • Start your soft launch without a plan
  • Have the expectation that the player base will grow organically
  • Have the expectation that a soft launch will save your game
  • Depending on emotion or assumption driven decision making


If you want to launch your mobile game with a bang, then a soft launch is not for you. However, if you’re looking to test the waters and get some valuable feedback from users before you go all-in on your launch, then a soft launch can be a great strategy. Just be sure to set your expectations accordingly and plan your marketing and PR accordingly.

AppSamurai is a one-stop shop mobile marketing solution that helps app owners achieve their user acquisition goals. For soft launch and app growth strategies, head on over to the AppSamurai website and sign up to receive suggestions from industry-leading mobile marketing specialists.

The post Mobile Game Soft Launch – Best Tips & Tricks first appeared on AppSamurai.
