AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:58:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 An Introduction to DSPs and Why You Need Them Wed, 17 Aug 2022 13:33:43 +0000 7 MIN. READ Paid advertising is important for promoting an app, but the process of finding publishers for ads can be daunting and inefficient. Instead, you can use...

The post An Introduction to DSPs and Why You Need Them first appeared on AppSamurai.

Paid advertising is important for promoting an app, but the process of finding publishers for ads can be daunting and inefficient. Instead, you can use demand-side platforms (DSPs) to automate this process. In turn, you can spend less time searching for publishers and spend more time on other important matters. At the same time, you can remain comfortable knowing that your ads are reaching the right people at the right time and through the right channels.

With the ideal DSPs, you can benefit from high-quality ad campaigns that improve user acquisition and yield positive ROI. With a better understanding of what DSPs are, their benefits, and how they work, you can find the right solution for your advertising efforts.

What Are Demand-Side Platforms?

Demand-side platforms, or DSPs, are a type of software that advertisers can use to purchase ads through automated programmatic advertising. DSPs enable mobile advertisers to easily purchase and manage their ad inventories from various sources from a single platform, making them among the best marketing automation tools to use. 

With the help of a reliable DSP, you can buy programmatic ads for nearly any platform, including social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, along with Google and YouTube. Ordinarily, you would need to go through each platform individually to secure and manage ads, but a DSP makes it easy to gain complete control over your campaigns with a central solution.

As a result, a DSP can help you save time, energy, and money as you get the results you want from your digital ad campaigns.

How Do DSPs Work?

DSPs work in two main ways, connecting advertisers to publishers.

The programmatic advertising process begins when advertisers develop their ads and upload their content to the platform, establish a budget for their campaigns, and identify a target audience. Advertisers can do all of this through a single easy-to-use DSP interface. 

Once the advertiser has uploaded ad content and established the ad parameters, the platform will begin looking for the most relevant publishers. The platform will select an appropriate publisher and bid for ad placement based on the advertiser’s budget. The advertiser then benefits from having their ads placed on the best platforms based on their requirements. 

The entire process is consistently convenient and efficient, enabling advertisers to get their ads up and running in no time. The key is finding the right DSP to get the job done, as not all DSPs are equal.


What Are the Benefits of DSPs?

DSPs offer several main benefits that make them helpful for advertisers when promoting an app or another offering. The following are some of the biggest advantages of using a reliable DSP for programmatic advertising campaigns:

More Efficient Ad Buying

The most obvious benefit of DSPs for ad buyers is more efficiency across workflows. Instead of seeking individual platforms for ads and managing multiple campaigns via separate solutions, you can keep everything centralized on one platform. This makes it easier than ever to develop and consistently keep track of your ad campaigns, with more control over ad distribution and budget.

A Wider Range of Ad Exchanges

Another advantage of using DSPs for boosting user acquisition through ads is increased access to a variety of ad exchanges, with the ability to place bids in real-time. You can achieve this with DSPs due to the fact that they work with supply-side platforms (SSPs), which allow for easier management of ad inventories.

Additionally, ad exchanges consistently update to help make sure your campaigns benefit from the most current data. As a result, you can ensure your ads land on the right platforms that are always relevant to your brand and industry.

Improved Targeting Capabilities

A dependable DSP will also provide you with advanced targeting capabilities that enable you to hyper-target all ad campaigns. You can select specific demographics, locations, and even browser behavior to get your brand in front of the audiences who are most likely to download and install your app. 

The right platform will also be able to use retargeting campaigns to connect with users who’ve seen your ads but didn’t connect with them the first time. This will help maximize impressions and ensure your ads have more chances to reach the right people at the right time.

In-Depth Analytics

To get the most from your ad campaigns, you need to be able to measure their results. Otherwise, you’ll be in the dark regarding their reach and overall performance. 

Using the right DSPs, you can gain all of the insight you need into your campaigns at a granular level. You can view key metrics in real-time, from click-through rates and impressions to page view lift and traffic. This information will remain consistently up-to-date to keep all of the data relevant at all times. 

Based on the information you collect about your campaigns, you can take the appropriate steps to further optimize them. As soon as you make any changes to your ad campaigns, you can immediately implement them with your DSP to get the results you want much more quickly. 

DSPs General Cost-Effectiveness

DSPs can also save you more money on your ad campaigns and maximize ROI with the right strategies. 

One of the reasons for this is that DSPs come with a fixed rate in most cases, which makes costs predictable. In addition, you’ll be able to direct your advertising investment to channels that yield real results. You’ll be able to use the most relevant ad platforms to connect with prospective app users and target your audiences based on some of the most specific details. 

Because of this, you can save more money on campaigns that reach only those who are most likely to respond to your ads. This is much more effective than the outdated “spray and pray” method of advertising. The latter would attempt to reach the highest number of users, while DSPs enable you to spend only what you need on the most lucrative advertising opportunities.

What to Look For in a DSP

A DSP can significantly help your advertising efforts, but you must find the right solution for your app. Different DSPs offer different features and capabilities, making it important to select the one that’s most compatible with your business.

Here are some of the specific considerations to keep in mind when selecting a DSP to make the most of your investment.

Ad Inventory

The first aspect to consider is the kind of ad inventory that DSPs offer. While many DSPs may offer the same kind of ad inventory, some may require their users to pay more for them than others. 

Depending on your needs, choose a DSP that offers display, video, and mobile ad types. If your DSP has ample ad inventory, you’ll be able to connect with your audiences as needed.

Efficiency and Flexibility

Your DSP should make it easy for you to modify your ad campaigns, targeting capabilities, and ad placements. Look for a platform that puts you in complete control and enables you to easily make changes as your ad campaigns or audiences change. For example, if you discover that a segment of your audience responds to certain ad creative better than what you’re currently using, you can quickly update your ads and upload them to the platform, followed by placing them on the right platforms. You’ll then be able to manage and monitor your campaigns as they update with in-depth data in real-time.

Detailed Reporting and Analytics

You must be able to see how your campaigns are doing at all times. A DSP platform should provide you with the tools to do so, including real-time data tracking with in-depth metrics. The right solution will allow you to see all relevant metrics and key performance indicators based on the goals you have in place. You can then compare your reports to your goals to determine how well your campaigns are performing. With this information, you can effectively optimize your campaigns to continually improve results.

Dependable Support

Another aspect to keep in mind is support. What kind of client support does the platform offer? If you experience any technical problems with your DSP, you should be able to get immediate assistance to resolve them. Otherwise, inadequate support and unresponsive teams can compromise your campaigns. It’s often best to work with a platform that offers a dedicated account manager or well-equipped support team to keep your DSP working as it should.


Implement the Right DSP to Boost Ad Performance and User Acquisition

When you locate and integrate the right DSP into your operations, you can be on your way to the results you want and need with your ad campaigns. If you’re looking for the best solution for your brand, AppSamurai has partnered with some of the world’s leading DSP platforms. AppSamurai is a comprehensive mobile growth platform that can do much more for you than DSPs alone. 

Sign up today and a dedicated account manager will reach out to you with a tailor-made mobile marketing strategy including but not limited to DSPs, influencer performance marketing and OEMs to name a few. Reach out today to begin your app’s growth journey!

The post An Introduction to DSPs and Why You Need Them first appeared on AppSamurai.

Tips to Help You Optimize Monetization Using Offerwalls Wed, 23 Mar 2022 05:58:09 +0000 9 MIN. READ Today, many users are unwilling to pay for premium content in applications. This frustrates developers who need to earn from their apps only to get...

The post Tips to Help You Optimize Monetization Using Offerwalls first appeared on AppSamurai.

Today, many users are unwilling to pay for premium content in applications. This frustrates developers who need to earn from their apps only to get just a handful of paying users. Thankfully, an offerwall presents a perfect opportunity for app makers to monetize content to all their users. 

Users would be more willing to complete offers within the app if they derive a direct benefit. Savvy developers ensure that the earning potential is maximized across all user segments by mixing different offerwall strategies.

As much as it’s tempting to stick to strategies that have worked before, the ever-changing monetization landscape won’t allow it. Sample cases include the increased use of general data protection regulations (GDPRs) and the Apple crackdown on incentivized installs.

Here’s how developers can forge a way forward in light of the new realities.

What Is an Offerwall?

Offerwalls are in-app advertisements that reward users in exchange for completing specific actions. They’re widely implemented in mobile gaming on Android and iOS applications. For example, users can receive extra game coins if they reach level 12 on a game or make in-app purchases. 

Offerwalls can also be used to incentivize video ad engagements and app downloads. The main idea behind an offerwall is to build user engagement and monetize non-paying users with “freemiums”. With new features added consistently, offerwalls present countless opportunities to monetize your users.

How Do They Work?

The developer embeds an offerwall into a game or application. A call-to-action on the user interface will direct users to the offerwall. For example, an “Earn Free Credits” button on a game. Launching the offerwall gives users different incentives and actions they must complete to earn them like:

  • Filling a survey
  • Watching a video ad
  • Making an in-app purchase

Most rewards are usually given in virtual currencies or game bonuses.

Benefits of Monetizing Apps With Offerwalls

Developers can use offerwalls to enhance user engagement, increase revenues and improve the user experience. Here’s how it works:

Improve User Experience

Because users can choose when to opt-in, most offerwalls do not disrupt the flow. They enhance user experience(UX) by allowing users to access premium content without paying for it.

Increase In-App Purchases

You can use an offerwall to give non-paying users a taste of premium add-ons. They might end up paying for the features once they discover what they have been missing out on all along. You have a higher chance of conversion when users complete an offer on an offerwall.

Boost Ad Revenues

Offerwalls can be used to deliver a higher effective cost per thousand impressions (eCPM). Users interact more with ads when they’re getting something in return.

A woman wearing a headphone happily playing her mobile game.

Mobile game player

Increased User Retention

Offerwalls can make users stay longer on your app. Indeed, retention rates are higher with offerwalls because users have more options to access premium content. For instance, gamers who run out of coins don’t have to exit the app. They can access more playing credits through the offerwall.

Monetize Non-Paying Users

Offerwalls create a win-win situation for everyone. Users unwilling to complete in-app purchases get their free playtime in exchange for viewing ads. Developers can still make money from non-payers by letting advertisers foot the bill.

Driving User Acceptance With Offerwalls

Offerwalls give users more reasons to interact with your app. For instance, they might love that they don’t have to leave the app if they run out of virtual currency. Different statistics prove that retention rates are higher when offerwalls are used, with app makers rewarding loyalty with enhanced offers.

Delivering Monetization With Offerwalls

Offerwall monetization drives revenue generation for app developers. It provides opt-in options for users to pay for enhanced features or complete ad-based actions for the same benefits. Because some users are unwilling to pay for the extra content, app makers can transfer the bill to advertisers.

Debunking Offerwall Myths

Offerwalls are often met with some resistance by developers because of a few misconceptions around them. We will break down some of these myths and show why they are irrelevant in modern times.

Offerwalls Will Eat Into IAP Revenues

Many developers have argued that rewarded campaigns deter users from making in-app purchases. But in reality, the reverse seems to be true. A recent study revealed that an IAP was 4.5x more likely to happen when a user engaged with rewarded ads. 

Developers can use rewards to introduce users to their premium features. Many users will be motivated to spend for fear of missing out on these features. A well-executed hybrid model consisting of IAPs and reward ads would greatly improve the earnings from these apps.

Showing More Ads Leads to More Money

Relevance is one of the key elements for success when running digital ads. You can drive more user engagement by showing fewer, quality ads at the right time. Users place a premium price on scarcity and rarity. Bombarding them with the same advertising content will make it look like you’re trying to force it down their throats.

Offerwalls Don’t Attract Quality Users

An interesting argument suggests that offerwalls punish developers, only attracting users with low-engagement scores. However, this can only be true where low-quality ads were used in the first place. Better ad targeting and placement ensures that users remain positively engaged and spend more time on your app.

Offerwalls Reduce User Engagement

Some developers fear that ads will reduce user session time. But, in practice, users have been found to stay on apps for longer when ads became more engaging and interactive. 

Offerwalls can include specific actions or events that the player needs to keep going. For instance, in-game credits can help them continue with premium features.

Offerwalls Are Only Effective With Game Applications

Offerwall may have been a long-time staple for game developers, but there are countless other opportunities. We can use reward ads to monetize user actions in social networks, news, shopping, and entertainment applications. A perfect example would be a shopping app that prompts the user to create an account in exchange for a discount.

Offerwalls Don’t Improve Monetization

The reality is that you can increase your revenues significantly through rewarded campaigns. Developers who exploit offerwall best practices can increase their average revenue per daily active user(ARPDAU). For instance, they can segment user groups to create deeper connections and maximize earnings from these segments.

A group of 3 people sitting in a café playing their winning mobile game.

3 people playing mobile games.

Offerwall Best Practices for Boosting Monetization

When implemented right, offerwall can boost your revenues and app engagements by significant margins. You’re going to achieve higher eCPMs if you can commit more non-paying users to the ad-based incentives. We’ll share some of the best practices for monetizing non-payers and maximizing your revenue generation.

Develop Clear Rewards

Rewarded campaigns are optional. We need to ensure that users understand what they’re expected to do and how the rewards improve their experiences. With a strong and clear call-to-action (CTA), the user knows what to expect from an ad engagement. 

Some perfect examples include:

  1. i) Earn Free Credits! (by watching a video, for instance)
  2. ii) Claim Your Free Tickets Now

Ensure that users see value in the reward and are willing to engage in it. For example, you could introduce an offerwall at the toughest stage in a game. It gives users a fighting chance while allowing you to maximize earnings.

Capitalize on Timing

Positive returns rely on perfect timing. Our previous gaming example proposed sharing the offerwall at a grueling stage, where they would need it the most. From this experience, users will be motivated to make IAPs as they seek to stay on the newly-unlocked levels. 

Special offerwall promotions targeting user retention can be run for limited periods. Capitalizing on limited-time-period rewards requires a deeper understanding of peak times, and it should be used sparingly to maintain interest. Weekends and holidays can be the perfect time to implement a special offerwall promotion.

Segment Your Users

Classify your users because there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for offerwall monetization. You can differentiate them according to age, buying behavior, geographic location, in-app actions, and usage frequency. You can customize the offers according to user profiles, maximizing engagements and increasing revenues. 

For instance, when we separate paying and non-paying users, we can be more aggressive with reward ads for the non-payers. Developers can also implement offerwalls that engage users when they’re more likely to make a purchase. They would need to track user behavior and predict their in-app actions.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is about finding the optimal monetization strategy. Here, you’re reaping maximum revenues without cannibalizing IAPs. Split testing tools allow publishers to manipulate different metrics while measuring the increase in the conversion rate. 

For example, you might want to test strategies that entice users to extend their sessions. You can then design two ads, each with customized messaging, and run them to check which one delivers the best results. You should A/B tests continually to ensure that rewards stay meaningful to all user categories.

Develop Fresh Content

Keep reviewing your offers to enhance user experiences and increase engagements. Thanks to A/B testing, you can find the perfect mix of strategies that optimize your revenues. Users will keep coming back if you’re consistently renewing your content as they look forward to more exciting offers and rewards.

Developers need to keep a close eye on rewards. They can change those that have fallen out of favor with users and add more favorable features to promising ones.

Create a Seamless Experience

Serve your reward offers in a way that creates little to no interruptions for the user. It is easy to implement this with offerwall because they’re optional, but UX should not change after opt-in. Developers should follow the original branding to make the offerwall an integral part of the application. 

Here are two ways you can do it:

  • Sticking to the color scheme
  • Using brand logos, symbols, or art in the headers

If you want to increase retention rates and improve revenues, every transition within the app should feel natural.

Offerwalls in Action – Best Use-Cases

Offerwalls are a perfect opportunity to monetize non-paying users because they put them in control of the transaction. They have several choices to pick from, like paying for the benefits or completing an ad-based offer for the same. Here are some of the strategies commonly used to implement offerwalls:

Temporary Premium Offers

This feature temporarily unlocks premium features in an application. Users may be asked to complete a survey or watch a video ad before accessing the content. This option entices users to pay for the premium version, floating benefits like ad-free experiences, support, and enhanced pro features. 

Developers can implement multiple offerwalls, setting different payouts according to the desired outcomes. For instance, they could have 1-month, 3-month, and 12-month offers, each with predetermined payouts for completed actions.

Temporary Ad-Free Offers

Unlike the temporary premium option, which unlocks several paid features, this option only allows users to go without ad interruptions. Developers opting for temporary ad-free offerwalls should look to optimize the payout value per every completed action. It lets you earn from users who otherwise wouldn’t spend any money on the app. 

Timing and placement are critical when placing these offers. Placing them where they’re likely to click to remove ads prompts them to think about paying for the ad-free version. And you’d still make money if it goes either way.

Lifetime Premium Offers

This offer permanently unlocks the pro features with a one-off payment or on completion of an ad-based action. It is similar to the temporary premium option, only that this time, the users gain permanent access to the pro version. The payouts will be higher than the temporary version to account for the forgone future earnings. 

This type of offerwall placement works best with non-paying return users.

Lifetime Ad-Free Offers

Unlike the lifetime premium option, this offer only provides permanent ad removal. Users make the application to stop serving ads by making a one-off payment, filling out a survey, or watching a video ad. The minimum payout should be a value that optimizes the returns for the app’s lifespan.

AppSamurai Gets the Best Out of Your Offerwalls

AppSamurai delivers innovative solutions in mobile app development. We provide a comprehensive solution covering the user journey from acquisition to retention, with real-time fraud detection tools protecting them. Get in touch to discover how you can maximize your returns while giving your users the best experience. 

The post Tips to Help You Optimize Monetization Using Offerwalls first appeared on AppSamurai.

How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:01:33 +0000 7 MIN. READ After creating an app, you likely want to get started on maximizing exposure and downloads for it. However, with so many social media platforms and...

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

After creating an app, you likely want to get started on maximizing exposure and downloads for it. However, with so many social media platforms and other channels available, it can be difficult to decide on the ideal platform to boost app download and installation rates. One of the best social media apps to use today is Instagram, which is highly visual and an effective way to engage potential app users. Through a strong Instagram ad campaign, you can significantly boost app signups and usage, turning your target audience into happy users.

 As you approach Instagram advertising, you may be unsure how to advertise an app on Instagram. If you want to learn more about how to promote your app on Instagram, the following are some strategies worth implementing. By taking these steps, you’ll attract new audiences and boost app usage.

Create a Variety of Instagram Ads

 If you want to boost app downloads, you need to use different types of Instagram ads to get the most from this platform. You can use a wide variety of ads to connect with Instagram users, including: 

  • Image ads — Instagram image ads use a single image to advertise apps. These are ideal to use if you have a single image you can use to entice audiences.
  • Video ads — These are video ads that can feature videos up to 60 minutes long, but the shorter the better. With visually appealing and engaging videos, you can attract even more attention than traditional image ads would alone.
  • Instagram Stories ads — Stories ads are full-screen video or image ads that will show up between users’ Stories. Because they take up the entire screen, users frequently engage with them, which can help dramatically boost app downloads.
  • Collection ads — Collection ads function as both carousel and shopping ads together, showing multiple products directly. These ads could be helpful if you offer several apps.
  • Carousel ads — Carousel ads use a series of videos or images that people can swipe through, which could include screenshots from your app. They may appear in people’s feeds or Stories, and they can include a link that people can swipe or a call-to-action button to drive more traffic to your app store or website.
  • Explore ads — Explore ads are image or video ads found within Instagram’s Explore tab, which is where users can uncover new accounts and content that appeal to them based on their unique user behavior. These ads appear once a user clicks on a video or photo in Explore.
  • IGTV ads — IGTV ads play midroll once a user opts to watch an IGTV video in their feed. These video ads are up to 15 seconds long and are normally intended for vertical full-screen viewing on smartphones.
  • Reels ads — Reels ads appear between Instagram Reels, and they’re similar to Stories ads. These are video ads that can be as long as 30 seconds, and they typically feature audio tracks such as music to help create a seamless viewing experience between Reels. 

Each of these ads can bring your app to people’s attention in different ways and encourage them to download it. Keep in mind that creating effective ads takes time and effort, but it’ll be worth it in the end as you watch your download rate increase. If you can develop campaigns consisting of multiple types of ads, you’ll be able to extend your reach on the app and further boost app usage.

Use Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

Calls to action, or CTAs, indicate a specific action that people should take. Effective CTAs in Instagram ads can encourage people to download or buy your app. If you to boost app signups, there are many CTAs you can use to drive downloads, including:

  • Use App
  • Download App
  • Install Now
  • Sign Up

Depending on the ad, you can try different CTAs in mobile A/B tests to see which works best. For instance, you can run two different ads at the same time, one with “Use App” as the CTA and another with “Install Now.” Based on which performs better, you can drop the other. Of course, your CTAs could include more complex messages depending on what you want audiences to do.

Be Creative

It’s best to be consistently creative and unique with your Instagram ads if you want to boost app downloads. Instagram gives you plenty of ways to showcase your creativity in innovative ways. If you can make your ads stand out with high-quality images and videos that introduce people to your brand and app, you’ll be able to drive more engagement and downloads. 

When developing your ads, keep your audience’s specific needs and wants in mind. What are the features in your app that would appeal most to them? What are the specific pain points that your app can solve? You can answer these and create different ads that appeal to different segments of your audience on Instagram. From messaging to visuals, you’ll be able to develop creative elements that truly speak to Instagram users.

Locate the Right Audience

Finding the ideal audience for your ads is crucial when promoting your app on Instagram. It doesn’t matter how well-designed your app is or how high-quality your ads are. If your ads don’t reach the right people, you’ll wind up wasting valuable time, money, and energy. Make sure you find the right audience for your ads before you develop your creative and launch your campaigns, as this will mean the difference between success and failure. 

When selecting the right target audience, consider who can benefit most from your app. What kinds of demographics, occupations, and other factors would your users fall under? Of course, you may already have had a clear audience in mind when developing your app, but you then need to locate them on Instagram.

To help you target your ads, Instagram offers a number of targeting options. Facebook ads are known for their targeting capabilities, and the fact that Facebook owns Instagram enables you to access those same capabilities via Instagram. 

 When targeting users on Instagram, the targeting options available to you include:

  • Demographics such as gender, location, age, and more
  • Behaviors, including purchase intent or previous purchases, device usage, and other behaviors.
  • Interests, which are based on the kinds of apps and pages that people have expressed interest in on Instagram and Facebook

It’s also possible to create custom audiences based on your current list of phone numbers, email subscribers, app user IDs, or Facebook IDs, which can make ad targeting even simpler. Regardless of your approach, effective targeting for your Instagram ads will make sure they appear in front of the right people at the right time. In the process, you’ll be able to effectively boost app downloads with much greater success. 

Set Other Campaign Goals Beyond App Downloads

While increasing app downloads may be your ultimate goal, remember that other goals can help indirectly lead to more downloads and users. In addition to increasing app downloads, set some other goals for your Instagram ads that could help drive more installations. 

For instance, you can set the following three goals to get people interested in your app until they eventually download it: 

  • Video views — A high number of video views can help measure the effectiveness of your video ads. How many people are watching compared to how many people are engaging with your brand can also indicate how well your videos are performing. If you’re developing a brand awareness campaign, video views can be invaluable in helping gauge the campaign’s success.
  • Website visits — If people are clicking through to your website at a certain rate, this could also show how well your CTAs are doing. In turn, this could show how many people are interested in learning more about your app before downloading it.
  • Page post engagement — Some ads may encourage people to follow your Instagram account, which could lead to increased brand engagement overtime on other platforms. 

Setting these goals for different ad campaigns could help you track users along their buyer’s journeys toward eventually downloading and using your app. Based on how well your campaigns meet these goals, you can then work to optimize your ads accordingly to drive even better results.

In Conclusion

Instagram remains and will continue to remain one of the best platforms for advertisers of all kinds, including app developers. If you want to boost app usage and launch an effective ad campaign, be sure to use a variety of ads, create effective CTAs, be creative, and target the right audience with specific campaign goals in mind. In doing so, your app will have the chance to excel through the platform with strong advertising behind it. When used in combination with other platforms, including Facebook and other social media sites that your audience uses, you can get all the exposure you want for your app to increase downloads.

If you want to learn more about how to promote your app on Instagram and get the best possible results from Instagram ads and other campaigns, App Samurai can help. App Samurai is an AI-powered mobile growth platform that’s both intuitive and secure. Contact us today to begin implementing this platform.

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

How Prominently Should You Place Your App on New Devices? Tue, 26 Oct 2021 14:07:55 +0000 7 MIN. READ How Prominently Should You Place Your App on New Devices?  After developing your app and getting your app marketing efforts prepared, one of the biggest...

The post How Prominently Should You Place Your App on New Devices? first appeared on AppSamurai.

How Prominently Should You Place Your App on New Devices? 

After developing your app and getting your app marketing efforts prepared, one of the biggest steps to take next is to decide which platforms are ideal for launching your app. While many developers may simply want to cover as many devices as possible, it’s in their best interest to carefully choose the right ones for app placement. Maximizing reach is great, but establishing a strong connection with target markets is more ideal. After all, you want people to not just know about your app, but you also want them to download and actively use it.

In thinking about what types of platforms are best for your app, you’re likely to look at various app stores and websites based on compatibility and your audience’s preferences. However, another potential option is on-device media inventory (OEM). Here we’ll review exactly what OEM is and how you can choose these and other platforms according to the audience you’re trying to target.

What Is OEM?

OEM advertising enables app placement within premium manufactured devices, which include Samsung, Xiaomi, and Oppo devices. In driving OEM traffic, your app will be either preinstalled or recommended on new devices, which can drastically increase the chances that people will install and use your app over others in the same category.  

Through OEM advertising with App Samurai, you can connect to users across millions of devices in more than 180 countries. Using these services, your app won’t appear like a sponsored ad. Instead, the app will benefit from organic placement that makes the app feel more native to the device, further encouraging new users to open it. 

Although competition may be stiff in the app world, you can gain the upper hand over competitors by avoiding competition entirely with OEM traffic. Unlike other types of app placement, you’ll appear next to a minimal number of other apps to increase your visibility and single you out. Additionally, when working with App Samurai, you’ll benefit from a dependable and fraud-free partnership that helps you get the most from your OEM advertising efforts. 

How OEM Works

When using OEM advertising to reach customers with the help of App Samurai, the process works in two simple yet highly effective ways:

  1. Your app could come preinstalled on new devices
  2. Your app could appear as a recommendation on new smartphones at the right time

Both of these options can drastically increase the chances that users will use your app instead of less prominently placed alternatives. 

While OEM advertising and other types of placement can be invaluable when launching your new app, you need to take the time to carefully choose the ideal placement for your application. There are a number of factors to consider that could greatly affect your app placement strategy.

How to Decide on the Right Platforms for App Placement

You have a wide selection of potential platforms available to you as an advertiser. However, the costs of development for each can limit your budget, and you may not reach your target audiences by placing your app on the wrong platforms. Generally, you will have three main platforms available to you when launching your app, including Apple, Samsung, and the web. All three come with certain advantages and disadvantages, making it important to choose only the platforms that are worth the time and investment. 

As you decide on the right platforms for app placement, you’ll want to consider factors such as cost, security and target demographics, all of which could mean the difference between a successful and unsuccessful launch. The following is a guide to help you choose the ideal platforms for your app, including mobile devices for OEM advertising.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Platforms

Every platform has its purpose, but some will be more beneficial than others depending on the specific app. If you’re wondering which platform to use, take the following into consideration:


Generally, if you don’t have a lot to invest in your app launch and app placement, web-based apps are more economical. However, you may find that it’s worth the investment to spring for mobile devices from the start, which can generate significant ROI over time. 

Target Users’ Income Level

Also, consider the kind of budget your target market is working with. How much do they make compared to how much they spend? Users who aren’t as willing to spend big on apps likely use Android or web-based apps. For customers who are able and willing to spend more, Apple devices are often worth targeting.

App Functionalities

If you want to use certain functionalities that are unique to smartphones, it’s best to target mobile devices. For instance, your app may be used to make calls, access the device’s photos, or determine the user’s location.

Security Concerns

If you’re planning to launch your app on Android devices, you may require the assistance of a developer who can maintain security. Generally, iPhones are more secure and that security is easier to maintain on these devices. 

Development Flexibility

iOS devices tend to have more stringent development rules, allowing for less freedom for developers compared to Android devices. If you want to have more flexibility in this area, you’re better off launching on Android devices.

If you want to find out more about which platform to target for app placement, there are some specific pros and cons of each to think about.

Targeting Apple iOS Devices

 Apple serves over a billion Apple device users, making these devices some of the best for your platform. Specifically, you’ll benefit from targeting Apple iPhones and iPads with your app, and the platforms offer some unique benefits over others. These advantages include:

More Predictability

Developers may not want to deal with Apple’s increased control over their platform, as Apple has certain restrictions in place and development costs are higher on this platform. On the other hand, Apple maintains a more solid structure that provides more predictability.

Target More High-Income Users

Apple devices are almost notoriously expensive, which means that many iOS users have more money to spend on the apps they use. Whether buying your app from the start or completing in-app transactions, you’re likely to see more sales with iOS users, especially if items come with a heftier price tag.

Maintain a Good UX

Because of the smaller number of Apple device types compared to Samsung, you and your customers will benefit from an improved user experience. Apple also frequently launches iOS updates that optimize overall functionality for its users.

Targeting Samsung Android Devices

The market for Android devices is growing, with experts predicting that 2021 will end with more than 131 million Android users. If you’re thinking of using this platform for app placement, including OEM advertising, some benefits include:

Older and More Cost-Conscious Audiences

Compared to Apple devices, more people between the ages of 55 to 64 tend to use Android devices, which is great for apps targeting these audiences. Additionally, if you want to reach users who are on a lower income level, you’ll be able to connect with them more effectively via Android than iOS.

More Development Freedom

Unlike iOS, Android uses an open-source platform, which offers developers more freedom. This means that developers can use their own pre-built models, which keeps development expenses lower. Additionally, Android has fewer rules in place for developers, further enhancing both flexibility and cost-effectiveness for programmers. 

Targeting the Web

In addition to or in lieu of mobile devices, you may want to target the web. This platform offers certain advantages that may make it more ideal for your application in some cases.

Extend Your Reach

One of the main benefits of web-based apps is the ability to reach everyone who uses the internet. People will be able to access your app using any device connected to the web, regardless of the operating system.

Cost-Effective Development

It’s also far cheaper to use web-based apps as a developer. Regardless of the app’s complexity and functionality, you’ll benefit from more flexibility and cost-effectiveness when developing a website for your app. You won’t need to worry about the restrictions you might otherwise experience with mobile devices.

Although you may want to launch your app on the web, keep in mind that mobile apps are more ideal if you want users to utilize certain mobile features, such as the phone’s GPS or camera. 

Determine Which Platforms Are Right for You

When it comes down to it, you should take the time to decide on the right platform for your app based on your specific needs, along with your budget and audience. Figure out which platforms your audience uses and target them through their devices, which will help you achieve the best results with your app placement strategy. If you don’t choose the platforms that are best-suited for your app and mobile marketing efforts, you risk going over budget while minimizing ROI as people neglect to actually use your app. 

At App Samurai, we can help you target the ideal platform through our innovative OEM advertising services. If you would like to learn more about these and other solutions we offer, contact us today to discuss your individual needs.

The post How Prominently Should You Place Your App on New Devices? first appeared on AppSamurai.

How to Boost App Downloads with Facebook Ads Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:20:29 +0000 9 MIN. READ In the era of social media, Facebook has taken over as a leading platform for advertising. Whether you are running an ad campaign or just...

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Facebook Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

In the era of social media, Facebook has taken over as a leading platform for advertising. Whether you are running an ad campaign or just want to build up your brand’s reach, it can do this all for you.

Facebook is excellent to get in touch with the relevant audience, but you can also use it to get customers to your Google Play and Apple App Store listings. Why? Because many Facebook users use the network through a mobile device.

According to a study, around 95% of the 2.7 billion users access Facebook on their mobile devices. This means that Facebook offers easy access to the audience who are already using the correct device.

Furthermore, Facebook has various analytics that you can use to track ad clicks but also monitor actual app events. This allows you to track mobile app installs and in-app purchases. For example, you can monitor how much ad clicks are costing and how much you will have spent on ads to achieve the targeted app sales.

In short, Facebook can boost your app downloads if you know how to do this through ads. And if you don’t, we will show you that below.

In this read, we will cover:

  • Register your mobile app with Facebook
  • Boost App Downloads with Facebook Ads
  • Target and Give Priority to Your Existing Customers
  • Focus on Lookalike Targeting for Cold Audiences
  • Divisions of Audience
  • Show Pictures and Videos of Your App
  • Place the Right CTA Buttons
  • Promote Referral Programs for Your App
  • Native advertising to boost app downloads and installs
  • Final Thoughts

Register Your Mobile App with Facebook 

Before we move forward and dive into how to use Facebook Ads Manager to boost app downloads, you need to set up your mobile app install campaign. Then you will have to sign up as an app developer on Facebook. 

However, if you are an owner and not a developer, share this information and instructional link with your app developer so that they can get everything ready in the App Dashboard.

Here, we will also advise you to register your app and then install your iOS Software Development Kit or SDK for your Android SDK. Next, you will have to add any app events that are vital for your objectives and business and more. 

When installing the SDK, we will recommend you to pay attention to it and understand the concept behind this handy feature. Moreover, installing SDK is optional, but it is highly recommended, especially when you want to boost app install. The tool has everything that you need to monitor the campaign’s process. Plus, it offers a higher level of tracking and ad targeting. Hence you will get plenty of useful insights. 

As advertisers, the more you can get, the better it will be as you can utilize the available info for various purposes and to make informed decisions. Facebook also allows you to build or create a custom audience and optimize your app campaigns. 

Apart from it, adding app events is optional as well, but we advise setting these up as they are helpful for an app install, app launch, in-app purchase, etc. By doing so, you can serve your ads in a much better way to your audience.

Boost App Downloads with Facebook Ads

Now, if you are sure that you have completed all these tasks properly, you can use these simple and effective methods to boost app downloads with Facebook Ads. Keep in mind that these methods and hacks are simple, but you have to be extremely vigilant and careful.

Plus, ensure that your new app has all the bells and whistles so that users can use and download it happily. Let’s get started:

Target and Give Priority to Your Existing Customers

If you want to get the desired results or a high number of app downloads with the Facebook ads while running the marketing and advertising campaign, you need to target the right, and the relevant audience is key to your success. Think from your user’s perspective that are downloading your mobile app, and you will know the answer. 

To boost the rate of app downloads, we will advise you to categorize your customers according to different factors such as age, location, gender, interest, language, and interests. It would be best if you got skills on the all-tablet devices.

However, this categorization of users mainly depends on your business, its functionality, and your aims and targets.

In this case, your existing customers need your priority in the first place. We will advise you to compile a list of the customers who have been working with you or bought something from you in the past few weeks or months. 

Then, use the custom audience feature available on your ad to demonstrate your new mobile app ads to the users inside your list. Depending on your business’s type, you can adjust the customization of your ad as per your audience.

In addition to this, you can easily choose a new target audience and approach those customers who are not currently in your funnel or have not bought from you in recent weeks. 

Perhaps they are using other services, have stopped purchasing from you, or preferring other brands because you did not have a mobile app to facilitate them and their access to you. Therefore, you need to show them your creation, and when they realize that you have created a mobile app, the chances are that they will come back to you.

Focus on Lookalike Targeting for Cold Audiences

Lookalike audiences are your safest bet for most marketing campaigns, especially when you want to reach out to the cold audience or users who have never heard of you or your app. 

Furthermore, you can also reach out to users who are demographically the same as your specific audiences. Hence, we will recommend focusing on relevant audiences, giving you business, and who use the app regularly.

In order to do this, you need to set up and use Facebook’s SDK with your mobile app. This will works like the site tracking pixel, but for mobile apps. It helps you in your retargeting campaigns and enables you to approach lookalike audiences by anonymously tracking whether they are using your app or not. Through this tool, you can also track how they are using your mobile app.

Moreover, you can build lookalike audiences from those users who are just engaging with your mobile app on a regular basis. It also means that your app is valuable to them. 

Besides, if you are working to reach consumers who are most likely to pick in-app purchases, you can also design a campaign retargeting those who have opted for in-app purchases in the past.

In this regard, we will advise you to look at a tracking app known as MileIQ. Below we will show a detailed example using the MileIQ app. The app allows users to track the miles that they drive daily, and you can also use it to track business miles or the expenses on your taxes. The app’s free version can only track 40 drives in one month. 

That’s enough for households and common users or for the people who work from home. However, for all those folks who are always on the go or travel a lot for business purposes, makers recommend using a premium version of this mobile app. 

Now look from MileIQ’s perspective. The business person with a lot of traveling is more valuable as a lookalike audience “model” than the household users when it comes to this particular app.

Divisions of Audience

Audience segments or divisions of your target audience are the key points to boost and improve the correct data with Facebook ads. The correct data about thousands of users gives you a much higher app downloading rate through the Facebook ads in the app marketing campaign.

Moreover, you can use multiple segments of audiences such as geography, user behaviors, and techno-graphic, and in this way, you can enhance the app download rate from Facebook ads. 

Audience segments can be interesting to work upon, and data given to you is the gift that forces the audience to download your app with Facebook ads.

Show Pictures and Videos of Your App

On Facebook, most of the users get in touch or are attracted with compelling images and videos while scrolling the news feed.

To boost the app downloads, you need to create attractive and exciting images, links, shorts clicks, and engaging videos that improve the app downloads. In small video footage, you can define all functions of your app with the description.

In the footage, you can also mention how to install the app, its prominent features, and the benefits of the app for users. We will also advise you to design some high-quality and unique images as they bring good results. It will be an excellent mobile app promotional strategy that can significantly improve app downloads.

A right and informative short video relevant to your ad, including the app’s features, gives the user reasons to install and use the app. And it will notably maximize the advertising rate.

Place the Right CTA Buttons

CTA button is a call-to-action button or anything that encourages users to take desired actions. The right CTA can be a game-changer in your app download campaign.

On Facebook, most users get engaged with their friends and family members, simple share by them of your ad can significantly boost the app download. Different factors determine the effectiveness of the CTA button, such as color selection, font style, and size, and other similar factors.

Furthermore, CTA placement also matters a lot, so be careful when using a call to action. CTA buttons can significantly enhance the marketing campaign as well as the mobile app download strategies.

Promote Referral Programs for Your App

To boost the app download with Facebook ads, the referral programs play a significant role. You can promote an app download or advertising campaign by using various referral programs and methods. You can use email marketing to promote and boost app installs.

While sending promotional emails, including social proof, user reviews, and add referral promotions. By using these effective referral program strategies, you can provide smooth access to the users and boost the app download with Facebook ads.

Native Advertising to Boost App Downloads and Installs

Whether you go full-funnel on a single channel or adopt a cross-channel marketing strategy, native advertising is effective for your plans.

As for campaign content, we will advise you to focus on formats that work flawlessly for natives, such as exciting stories, quizzes, questionnaires, infographics, videos, etc. All these content types will help you attract more users while also ensure that your campaign clickers are related enough to convert into your app users.

Furthermore, instead of promoting landing pages that describe your mobile app, provide your audience the reason to get interested in the app. Rather than saying that ‘This Is The Perfect Mobile App for Losing Weight,’ try to say ‘Here’s How This Dad of 2 Lost Weight Using Our App’ and share their real-life stories if possible. Of course, you need to consider your target audience when choosing new campaign content.

Final Thoughts

Businesses have many reasons to create a mobile app. Regardless of the reason, the main goal is to attract more people to your business and generate more revenue and sales. 

Therefore, it is necessary to look for a relevant audience that is interested in your mobile app as they are easy to convert into loyal customers. The methods above effectively boost app download with Facebook ads, and these are simple to use but need your attention. Stick to these methods and boost your app downloads in no time.

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Facebook Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

How Can App Samurai Help You to Reach Mobile Users Directly with OEMs? Fri, 09 Apr 2021 20:05:42 +0000 2 MIN. READ With advancements in technology, mobile advertisers are beginning to realize the unique benefits OEMs offer. Targeting and performance capabilities have transformed OEMs into a dynamic...

The post How Can App Samurai Help You to Reach Mobile Users Directly with OEMs? first appeared on AppSamurai.

With advancements in technology, mobile advertisers are beginning to realize the unique benefits OEMs offer. Targeting and performance capabilities have transformed OEMs into a dynamic advertising channel. In this article, we will discuss how App Samurai can help you to reach mobile users directly with OEMs.

  • On-Device Media Experience

Advertisers can leverage a rich, dynamic onboarding experience that is designed to present users with relevant apps on setting up the new devices with the apps, unlike the traditional preloads of old. With the right targeting according to device model and geo, advertisers can precisely target and reach their potential users. Your mobile app is pre-loaded on the device and discovered by users after they click the app. When a user chooses to install your app during the onboarding experience, the app is installed immediately.

  • Increasing Conversion Rate
Increasing conversion rate with App Samurai

It is natural that advertisers can expect a higher conversion rate with running an OEM campaign. Recommending your app to users at the moment they are setting up on a new device is a very native experience as users need to download and set up their preferred apps on their new device. Preloaded campaigns lead to much higher conversion rates, higher user acquisition rates, and higher LTV for your users since your users are choosing the apps they want to use over the long-term rather than trying out an app they saw in an ad. Therefore, it is an effective way of app marketing campaigns.


  • Acquire Real and Active Users
real users with App Samurai's OEM

Preinstalled app campaigns are fraud-free since you reach real users through new devices. On-device media inventory provides you to put your mobile app directly on users’ devices. Therefore, you can benefit from an operator-certified loading guarantee with constant control for ad fraud. Moreover, you can reach target users and increase brand awareness among competitors and your customers by being on new devices. You can reach 67& of Android users that you cannot reach. Get started your OEM campaign with App Samurai’s OEMs.

To sum up, preinstalled app campaign offers advertisers app placements inside premium manufacturer devices, including Samsung, Oppo & Xiaomi. You can benefit from more daily installs while you can dramatically lower costs per installation over a 90-day period. Learn more about App Samurai OEMs and contact us to start your OEM campaign today.


The post How Can App Samurai Help You to Reach Mobile Users Directly with OEMs? first appeared on AppSamurai.
