With advancements in technology, mobile advertisers are beginning to realize the unique benefits OEMs offer. Targeting and performance capabilities have transformed OEMs into a dynamic advertising channel. In this article, we will discuss how App Samurai can help you to reach mobile users directly with OEMs.
- On-Device Media Experience
Advertisers can leverage a rich, dynamic onboarding experience that is designed to present users with relevant apps on setting up the new devices with the apps, unlike the traditional preloads of old. With the right targeting according to device model and geo, advertisers can precisely target and reach their potential users. Your mobile app is pre-loaded on the device and discovered by users after they click the app. When a user chooses to install your app during the onboarding experience, the app is installed immediately.
- Increasing Conversion Rate
It is natural that advertisers can expect a higher conversion rate with running an OEM campaign. Recommending your app to users at the moment they are setting up on a new device is a very native experience as users need to download and set up their preferred apps on their new device. Preloaded campaigns lead to much higher conversion rates, higher user acquisition rates, and higher LTV for your users since your users are choosing the apps they want to use over the long-term rather than trying out an app they saw in an ad. Therefore, it is an effective way of app marketing campaigns.
- Acquire Real and Active Users
Preinstalled app campaigns are fraud-free since you reach real users through new devices. On-device media inventory provides you to put your mobile app directly on users’ devices. Therefore, you can benefit from an operator-certified loading guarantee with constant control for ad fraud. Moreover, you can reach target users and increase brand awareness among competitors and your customers by being on new devices. You can reach 67& of Android users that you cannot reach. Get started your OEM campaign with App Samurai’s OEMs.
To sum up, preinstalled app campaign offers advertisers app placements inside premium manufacturer devices, including Samsung, Oppo & Xiaomi. You can benefit from more daily installs while you can dramatically lower costs per installation over a 90-day period. Learn more about App Samurai OEMs and contact us to start your OEM campaign today.