AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:57:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Promote Food And Drink Apps Mon, 04 Oct 2021 00:01:12 +0000 9 MIN. READ How do you promote the food and drink app? This is a question that many companies are interested in. No matter what demographic, people love...

The post How To Promote Food And Drink Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

How do you promote the food and drink app? This is a question that many companies are interested in. No matter what demographic, people love to eat and drink. So why not take advantage of this interest with an app? Marketers are constantly looking for new ways to promote their brands.

Using apps is a great way to reach your audience and provide them with an interactive experience. You can create campaigns that will be engaging, social media-friendly, and mobile-friendly.

With the proper promotion, your company could see more customers as well as increased sales. The following article will teach you how to make the most out of your food or drink apps marketing strategy.

Analyze the market

If you are a chef specializing in cooking the most delicious dishes and if your app offers tips on making those same recipes, people will be happy to pay for it. At the same time, you have the option to make your food and drink free to use and add some paid and premium features along the way.

Further, you can also display user–friendly ads to increase the app down and increase your revenue. The point that we want to convey is simple, carefully study and analyze the market before diving into it. However, your main goal should be to offer value to your users.

Practical methods To Promote Food And Drink Apps.

If You think we all need food to survive and everybody loves to eat, so you will not face hurdles in promoting the app, and you can acquire a lot of users comfortably? Well, think again. It’s not simple to beat the other popular food and drink apps that already have spent a lot of time and money to reach the top positions.

Besides, there is not a magical way or shortcut to achieve this. You will have to work hard to make your food and drink app visible to your audience. So, follow these methods and promote your food and drink in the right way.

What Others are Doing?

When you’re coming up with your app idea, don’t forget to take a look around and see what other people are doing. Diageo created an application where the bottle is connected wirelessly via sensors.

When someone purchases Johnnie Walker Blue Label wine from their online store, it can be downloaded onto that individual’s phone or tablet. Now, this may not be suitable for everyone, but with the right creativity and imagination, anything is possible.

Find the Perfect Mix

Finding your purpose is not a straightforward path. You need to keep an open mind and look at what you’re doing from the user’s perspective too. Starbucks is an app that has created a loyal customer base and made it to the top of most-used food and drink apps.

The reason for this might be because they offer everything in one place, from special offers to user-generated content. Every marketing technique is integrated with their strategy in subtle ways, making them successful without having too many flashy or disruptive ads on your screen.

Add Some Flavor!

Businesses need to understand the different needs of their customers in order for them not only to enjoy but also be appreciated. Diverse user bases expect special treatment, and your mobile app should provide it accordingly with appropriate solutions that match each customer’s preference.

Let’s face it; not everyone is the same. Some people prefer organic food, and others can never eat anything that doesn’t have meat in it; some of them are vegan, while others don’t mind a little dairy here or there.

So to make sure you’re catering to every need possible when designing your app, understand what users want from an app by putting together surveys on different preferences (vegetarians vs. omnivores). Think of the Yummly app and how it provides the same to its users.

Set The Timer!

Timing is everything when it’s about food delivery service apps. People want their meal as soon and warmly, so they can impress their guests with tasty dishes that were prepared especially for them. The best way would be by making sure that your app has accurate timing algorithms in place to keep track of progress and gives you updates on customer’s orders throughout each day so there won’t be any surprises.

Look at DoorDash mobile app that delivers the desired foodstuff in less than 50 minutes. Adding order tracking and easy-to-use payment options into your food and drink app will offer you a much-needed advantage over other apps.

Help them!

When you’re developing an app, the overall experience can’t be overlooked. Food and drink apps are designed to help customers save time and money.

Therefore, it is essential that they don’t overwhelm with too much information or confuse people who have never used one before. The app is a lifesaver for those who need to get things done. It has been designed so that users can easily solve their dilemma with just a few taps of their fingers.

For example, if you provide users with a friendly app that solves their problems, they will not mind paying for it. As an example, analyze the Paprika app. The app is paid but offers many benefits to uses through its simple interface and handy features.

Make It Delicious!

Food pictures are great for apps. If you want more people to download your food app, show them what they will receive from the experience and use social media channels like Instagram or Pinterest that focus on visuals with food-related content in order to get the attention of potential customers who might find it interesting.

You can also post meaningful and relevant content with valuable insights if you want to increase the organic growth of your food and drink app. Check the Tasty app and how it works on Instagram, and you will get the point.

Enjoy the process!

Your app’s promotional campaign starts with you. Are we on the same page? You need an app that people love and can’t live without. Trust in what your app does, and if it is good enough, then trust will pay off tenfold when marketing-wise because every customer counts as success these days (and they’ll tell their friends).

We are all about food, right? So why not share your passion and work with the world and go attend some gourmand meetings or events. You never know- they might take notice of what you and your app are doing.

Go ahead and get in touch with your users and show them what you have got for them (I mean, who doesn’t love meeting new people?

Offer loyalty programs to get new app users

Apps with a lot of downloads will get higher rankings in app stores, but there’s more to marketing an successful campaign. Your most valuable users are the loyal ones and not just those that download your application on their own. So it is essential for you to keep them around.

A positive user experience will turn your download into revenue and a good ROI. This is why you need to ensure that the app itself and its features are experienced by users to convert them into loyal ones who create value with their use of it.

Furthermore, many users, after downloading an app, won’t use it regularly. This churn rate deserves your attention, and you cannot overlook it. If you or your app is not acquiring loyal users, there can be something wrong with its design or functionality.

Without rectifying these issues, it will not be possible for you to take full advantage of your organic traffic and promotional campaigns.

At the end of the day, loyal users will decide how your app is performing in the market and the future of your mobile app.

At this point, the Food and Drink industry is booming. With more than 400 million people around the world who regularly buy a meal or drink from their phones every day. So, it’s no wonder that there are so many apps available for hungry seekers.

To stand out against such stiff competition, though (and stay relevant), you need some sort of edge on your competitors.

Use mobile-only deals, coupons, and promos to boost app downloads

In a world of fast-changing, sophisticated technology, it is easy to get distracted by the newest shiny thing on offer and forget about tried and true app marketing strategies such as discounts or coupons.

In the world of mobile ordering and social media, discounting has always been a critical component to driving sales.

Before this era, there were coupons that would be handed out in stores or online promotions, such as discounts on food items for bringing friends over who come from outside your neighborhood more than once per month.

The secret to an effective and successful promotional campaign is simple yet often forgotten in the digital world. You must focus on building relationships with your audience and providing them content they will enjoy rather than investing time into flashier strategies that can take away from what matters most.

A bright future awaits those who remember not only how important these fundamentals are for success but also know when simplicity itself deserves our attention!

There are many examples in the industry that you can look for as inspiration, such as try to understand how McDonald’s, domino, and KFC embrace this simple strategy for their brands.

Higher ratings and glowing reviews can boost mobile app downloads

One of the challenges in marketing a mobile app is getting people in the door. Why would someone download your application when there are so many other options out on market shelves?

Optimizing your app’s store listing is an easy and effective way to increase downloads. Create a compelling description that provides users with information on what the product does, as well as some of its unique features or benefits, in order for them to understand why it would be worth their time.

Furthermore, you can go a step further and start driving positive ratings and reviews to your advantage. While sometimes you have no control over them, and you can use some simple app strategies that will give you more five-star ratings and positive consumer reviews.

Let’s quickly take a look at the industry’s stats and numbers to give you a better idea. Averagely 78% of the iOs food and drink apps have five-star ratings, and only 7% were one-star ratings. On the other hand, on Google Play Store, around 66% of the food and drinks apps have five-star ratings, while 23% of the apps have a one-star rating.

Why is there such fierce competition for five-star ratings among food and drink apps? This industry doesn’t face the same challenges as other industries, like clothing or music, where consumers switch companies more than they do with coffee.

The challenges are different, and overall the market is more competitive. That’s why it’s vital for you to focus on getting more positive ratings and reviews.


Promoting your work is essential to the success of any business. Once you have created a flawless app, it’s time to think about how you can get people downloading it.

With these special ingredients for promoting food and drink apps, we hope this article has given you some inspiration for marketing campaigns that will help drive sales up while simultaneously building relationships with loyal customers who appreciate quality products. Now show all the fantastic things your app does to others.

The post How To Promote Food And Drink Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How To Promote Mobile Role – Playing (RPG) Games Tue, 05 Jun 2018 08:30:02 +0000 6 MIN. READ What are your preferences when choosing a mobile game? Would you prefer action, an interesting storyline, and some simulation elements? Then you probably like Role-Playing...

The post How To Promote Mobile Role – Playing (RPG) Games first appeared on AppSamurai.

What are your preferences when choosing a mobile game? Would you prefer action, an interesting storyline, and some simulation elements? Then you probably like Role-Playing Games. From tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs) to massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and everything in between, all these genres attract players of all ages. But what features are more appreciated and what can you do to improve your marketing strategy in case you own an RPG game? You will find out by the end of this article.

Business Model

First of all, we should discuss your monetization plans. Take a look at the most popular role-playing games on Apple App Store and Google Play and tell us what you see. You probably observe that some apps follow the freemium pattern, especially Android games, but there are also plenty of games offered for a fixed price. On both app markets, these creations offer in-app purchases and even some paid ones have certain items that come with a cost. Analyze these lists really well and try to discover which business model is the most suitable for your strategy. Think about your app and your players and in what way they interact with your product.

RPG Games on Google Play Store

RPG Games on iOS App Store


How To Promote Mobile Role – Playing Games

We want to show you the most effective techniques you can use for increasing the popularity of your game and we will demonstrate with real examples that those methods really work.

Portable Games

Even if your game moved from consoles and PC right in your users’ hands this doesn’t mean they will continue playing it unless it has amazing features and great graphics. So, even if your audience appreciates your desktop game, you should be very careful when you want to recreate the same experience for small screens. It is mandatory to provide high – quality elements and to make sure users continue to engage with your app. Take, for example, Titan Quest which brings a classic game in front of mobile users in a unique style. Additionally, you can check the features implemented with the same purpose in mind: to attract mobile players.


Role Playing games are a special category of apps for which the narrative factor matters the most. This doesn’t necessarily mean that users won’t interact with the characters. Remember, we are talking about mobile games, not novels. But the way, the story is told makes all the difference for RPGs. It really depends if you choose to make your game more realistic or you want to create a strange world. You should communicate with your users and see if they prefer knights and monsters or if they will appreciate a more real-life experience. In the first category, we can include The Bard’s Tale which impresses users with its interesting plot.


We said before that many Role Playing Games come with a price. The challenge is to convince users to pay that money before trying the game. They will do that only if they receive strong recommendations about the app. And do you know who has the power to make a huge number of players to pay attention to a game? That’s right, influencers! Of course, you can’t really measure the results of such a campaign but you will have visible results and you will notice an increase in the app install rate. Guess how Summoners War reached the fantastic milestone of 90 million downloads. Its creators built a strategy based on influencers. Read the entire story in the article published by VentureBeat which highlights the importance of releasing new content and updating your app.  And that is equally crucial as spreading the word about the game.


In – Game Events

With every game category we discuss on our blog it becomes clearer that the purpose of mobile games is to allow users to interact with your creation and to offer them valuable assets while they enjoy the gameplay. There are plenty of ways to increase their engagement and to make them part of the action. You can run all kinds of campaigns and offer them special prizes. Very often, virtual bonuses make players coming back into your game representing a very good retention strategy. We can give you an example which proves our point. This year, in May, The Alchemist Code reached 5 million installs and that represented the perfect occasion to share this success with players by offering them all kinds of events during the entire month.


App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization is an essential strategy for increasing your game’s visibility. Of course, it is available for all categories of apps and games but we should mention it here again because you will observe great result if you create the perfect app store page. And speaking of which, you should start by finding relevant keywords for your creation. After that, add them to the app title and app description. Be careful with the rules set by both platforms when it comes to the number of characters allowed for presenting your game. As Gummicube highlighted in an article “RPG” is a high – volume keyword which can help you rank higher in the app store. Just search for RPG games on Google Play and see what you got. Everybody’s RPG appears first in your list. Why is that?

Final Thoughts

Role-playing games aren’t just simple games. They can’t be played while you wait in line at the grocery store. They offer a complex adventure and they require your full attention. With an entertaining story and amazing characters, they provide a great experience for players who appreciate this genre. And the same thing is required for app owners who want to promote their RPG. They need to take into account all the characteristics which attract users and to find a unique way to integrate them into their creation. Well, it goes without saying that marketing your game is mandatory for reaching the wanted success!

The post How To Promote Mobile Role – Playing (RPG) Games first appeared on AppSamurai.

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What You Need To Know About Mobile Device IDs Thu, 14 Sep 2017 11:26:18 +0000 5 MIN. READ It is essential to discover new ways for receiving a great amount of data from your users but you also need to be aware about...

The post What You Need To Know About Mobile Device IDs first appeared on AppSamurai.

It is essential to discover new ways for receiving a great amount of data from your users but you also need to be aware about certain methods which are built into the system. We discussed about mobile targeting which means to use different techniques from advertisers’ point of view, based on segmentation. On the other hand, personalization refers to customers’ needs and their desire to be treated like individuals. Because users can change their goals anytime, personalization engines adapt the content served according to the new landscape. So, what tools allow you to obtain the necessary information for creating a more impressive connection with your users? You will be glad to know that there are some little keys which open the doors for personalization in a more sophisticated way, called mobile device IDs. Let’s talk about them.

What is a Device ID?

Let’s start with the question of ”What are IDs?”. IDs devices have are basically mobile device identifiers. They are unique strings of letters and numbers. These identifiers connect apps with specific servers and they are obtained after the app was installed on customers’ gadgets. Using them you can track users based on the data sent by their smartphone or tablet. Obviously, due to customers’ privacy regulations you can do that if and only if they allow you to access that data. For a better description of this term we want to make an analogy between mobile device IDs and push notifications. When users opt in for being followed by marketers, great things can happen for both parties implied in the process. The difference is that push notifications are messages sent by app owners to users, while device IDs send the information from users towards apps. The only condition in both cases is to use them in a smart way.

Click here to download free ebook to learn how to build a successful app user acquisition strategy!

Types Of Mobile Device IDs

Usually advertising platforms generate certain registration IDs but these should not be confused with mobile device IDs which are provided by operating systems. In this case we have two types of identifiers.

Identifier For Advertising (IDFA) – it is used for iOS devices. Before iOS 6, it was called Unique Device Identifier (UDID). You should know that users are able to reset it anytime and in case they enable Limit Ad Tracker (LAT) advertisers can’t use it for marketing purposes.

Google Advertising ID (AAID) – it is provided for Android devices (as you probably guessed!). This identifier acts similar to IDFA and it can be reset by device’s owner

How To Track Device ID And How To Use Device IDs For Mobile Marketing?

One of the major disadvantages of these identifiers is that they require users’ approval for gathering data. But for those who offer their consent, mobile IDs represent a very efficient way for customizing ads based on customers’ interests. You can discover more details about the possibilities offered by device IDs when users don’t enable all three options referring in – app ads, data collection, remarketing and interest – based targeting in the documentation about Google Ad Exchange. Meanwhile, assuming that users don’t opt out of this activity, there are many benefits when you track those identifiers.

Get To Know Your Users

In today’s mobile ecosystem, smartphones are vital for their users, almost like the air they breathe (well, it is a little exaggerated, but you get the point). Due to this fact it became a lot easier to understand what they do or what they are looking for. And because device IDs can be tracked inside apps, they allow app owners to learn more about their users’ preferences when it comes to analyze their creation. This information is also very important whenever they want to update the app. Let’s put it this way. It gives you a considerable advantage over your competitors who don’t pay attention to this technique. For maintaining the highest standards and to impress customers while they complete the activities inside your app you can benefit of this real time opportunity.

Associate Each Device To A Specific User

While a computer can be used by many users, a mobile device usually has a unique owner. When you use web cookies there are big chances to gather ambiguous data from multiple users. With smartphones it is almost impossible for this situation to happen. Also, it is worth mentioning that for tablets which can have multiple owners it is possible to set unique identifiers for each customer. This could be considered a good reason for using device IDs when you want to be sure that the information received corresponds to a single customer. Because each device generates a unique identifier you should observe that device IDs are also a great tool for minimizing ad fraud. And it is crucial to remember that in case you are dealing with ad bots you risk losing time and money without even knowing what happens.

Personalize Your Ads

We arrived in the most important point of our discussion. We want to highlight that ads served inside apps have a huge advantage. They can’t be blocked with ad blocking tools as easy as the ones delivered inside browsers, which means advertising on mobile devices are more efficient with mobile device ID. Keep in mind that annoying users with intrusive ads could have disastrous effects. Of course, the point is to offer relevant content for your users no matter the weapons available for them to fight against ads. After all, this is the purpose of using device ID. Following users’ behavior provides a great amount of accurate data and helps you to delimitate different activities according to the information received. This is a valid reason for eliminating assumptions when you build your strategy. Reaching higher level of personalization means to offer a better user experience and to increase retention rate.

Check out to best mobile ad formats and mobile ad sizes to find out which one is best for you!


If customers allow you to collect data this doesn’t mean that all problems are solved. It is your turn to make the best of it. That being said, the advantages presented above won’t be visible unless you pay attention to the techniques adopted for impressing your users after obtaining these unique identifiers. As a conclusion, we can say that mobile device ID represents an additional solution for improving the relationship between your brand and your customers.

The post What You Need To Know About Mobile Device IDs first appeared on AppSamurai.

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What To Choose: Incent vs Non – Incent App Installs Fri, 08 Sep 2017 11:07:24 +0000 5 MIN. READ We never got the chance to talk about a dilemma which appears when you prepare an app install campaign. Should you reward your users for...

The post What To Choose: Incent vs Non – Incent App Installs first appeared on AppSamurai.

We never got the chance to talk about a dilemma which appears when you prepare an app install campaign. Should you reward your users for installing the app? Or, is it better to make sure that they downloaded your app because they really loved it, not for receiving a bonus? Let’s take a closer look at this issue from various points of view.

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What Exactly Is An Incentivized App Campaign?

To make it clear from the beginning we will say that incentivized app campaigns are those strategies where the user is rewarded for completing a certain action, like downloading the app. The best part with sponsored campaigns is that you will get many installs in a short period of time. At first, you would believe that it is what you wanted but how about retention? How many customers will continue to use the app after your campaign?

What Exactly Is A Non – Incentivized App Campaign?

Non – incentivized campaigns allow you to acquire users who are really interested in your app and not attracted by a specific reward. In this case, you can be sure about the high lifetime value of these customers. But how many of them will agree to download the app without receiving something instead? Even though organic traffic sounds better, how efficient is it?

What Is The Best Solution?

Now that we explained the terminology, we will show you how you can figure out the best solution for your strategy. But, don’t jump to conclusion yet. It is better to pass through a couple of preliminary stages for a better understanding of the general situation.

Step 1.

First, it depends on your budget. Even with the rewards you offer, you should know that it is less expensive to go with incentivized app campaigns, especially when you own a game and you are able to provide virtual currency or premium features. Due to the fact that it promises loyal users, non – incentivized app install campaigns require more financial resources. This can be very tricky if you don’t keep an eye on your budget and the other one on your analytics. Instead, if you carefully calculate every step you make, you can build a smart strategy that will allow you to gather users which are really interested in your product without losing a lot of money.

Step 2.

Secondly, you have to set a clear goal and to consider the period of time until you accomplish your purpose. Deciding the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial for optimizing Return On Investment (ROI). With this idea in mind you will have a better image of the entire situation. Incentivized app campaigns will boost your app store rankings and it will get you in the top of your category. Here is the key point. If you have a great app, then it will remain there and potential users will be influenced by the number of downloads for installing your app. If your app didn’t reach perfection before uploading it on the market (well, it can happen!) at the end of your campaign you will have nothing – no money and no users! If you want organic users which will download your app only if they are convinced that your creation improves their lives you won’t gather a really high number but you can be sure that those users will maintain their activity inside of your app even after your campaign. Keep in mind that LTV is very important for the success of your business. The condition is to present your app in its real form and to share relevant insights without lying to your audience. If they are aware of what your product has to offer and you build a trustful relationship with them, then you will achieve outstanding results. Otherwise, you will get in the same position explained earlier – no money and no users!


It is interesting to discover that your app is the single factor which will determine the final verdict. If you have an objective perception of your creation and you accomplish the required (read mandatory) stages before presenting it to its audience than you can be sure that any method selected for acquiring new users will bring you satisfying results. Just be honest with yourself and prepare your app to meet its target users for receiving impressive reviews. Going further, we can advise you to combine the costs of rewarded app campaigns with the engagement offered by non – rewarded app campaigns. If you establish a certain action inside your app after which users will receive their prize you will be sure that they used the app before deciding to uninstall it. This way you will obtain a high number of downloads and a high retention rate at the same time. Nevertheless, if your app crashes or if it has a complicated onboarding flow not even all the rewards on this planet aren’t enough, for convincing your customers to use it. With a flawless app which does what it says in a simple and intuitive way you will be prepared to conquer the world. Well, not the entire world just a specific part interested in apps similar to the one you promote.


We can say that it is a tough decision to make when you need to choose between incentivized and non – incentivized app install campaigns without a basic knowledge of these terms. But we are proud to see that you have the answer already. We just made it easier for you by giving all the details for each method. Now you have the power to determine the most suitable plan related to your budget and your ultimate goal. It wasn’t that hard, was it? At the end of the day, you will be glad to discover that the solution is to reward your users for completing a specific task inside your app and not for installing it. In case you encounter other difficulties on your way to meet valuable users, keep in mind that you can talk to us and our experts will help you immediately.

The post What To Choose: Incent vs Non – Incent App Installs first appeared on AppSamurai.

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