AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:24:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Multi-Reward Strategies for Mobile User Acquisition and Monetization Fri, 26 May 2023 14:16:18 +0000 11 MIN. READ In today’s competitive mobile app industry, you must ensure that your mobile app has effective UA strategies, monetization models, and solutions to boost user engagement....

The post Multi-Reward Strategies for Mobile User Acquisition and Monetization first appeared on AppSamurai.

In today’s competitive mobile app industry, you must ensure that your mobile app has effective UA strategies, monetization models, and solutions to boost user engagement. When the ecosystem strives to attract and retain users, innovative approaches are explored to engage and motivate their audience. One such approach gaining popularity is the use of multi-reward strategies. This blog post will delve into multi-reward strategies, exploring their definition, importance, and various techniques used for user acquisition and monetization. Have an amazing read!

Both Developers and Users Love It: Incentivized Advertising 

Incentivized advertising is a powerful technique for acquiring users by offering them rewards in exchange for engaging with ads. This strategy captures users’ attention and encourages them to participate actively, increasing user acquisition rates. Let’s explore some popular methods within incentivized advertising:

1. Rewarded Engagement (Offerwalls): Offerwalls provide users with a selection of rewarded activities to complete, such as surveys, app installations, or video ads, in exchange for in-app currency or other valuable rewards. Users who engage in these activities earn virtual currency or unlock exclusive content within the app. This approach incentivizes users to spend more time in the app and gives them a sense of value and gratification for their efforts.

👉 A gaming app may offer an offerwall where users can choose to complete surveys or install other apps to earn in-game currency or unlock special items. The app encourages user engagement and creates additional revenue streams by allowing users to earn rewards by completing these actions.

See how we boost player engagement and LTV for mobile games with Rewarded Engagement!

2. Rewarded Video Ads: With rewarded video ads, developers allow users to watch video advertisements in exchange for in-app rewards voluntarily. Unlike traditional video ads that users might find intrusive or disruptive, rewarded video ads provide an opt-in experience, where users actively choose to watch the ad to receive a reward. This approach ensures a higher level of engagement and willingness from users, as they value exchanging their time for valuable rewards.

👉 A fitness app may offer users the option to watch a short video advertisement in exchange for unlocking a new workout routine or receiving bonus points. By strategically incorporating rewarded video ads, the app monetizes through ad revenue and boosts user satisfaction and retention.

Tell a Friend to Tell a Friend: Referral Programs

Referral programs leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing, tapping into the existing user base to attract new users. A Nielsen study found that 92% of people trust recommendations from friends or family more than advertisements. Developers can maximize their effectiveness and generate a viral effect by implementing multi-reward strategies within referral programs. Let’s explore three key techniques:

1. Multi-Tiered Rewards: In a multi-tiered referral program, developers offer incentives to the referrer and the referred users, creating a cascading effect that amplifies the program’s impact. For example, when a user refers a friend, and that friend signs up, both the referrer and the referred friend receive rewards or benefits. This multi-tiered structure incentivizes users to invite others and helps expand the user base more rapidly. The more successful referrals a user makes, the greater the rewards they can earn, creating a sense of achievement and motivation.

👉A ride-sharing app may offer users a free ride or ride credits for referring a friend. If the referred friend signs up and takes their first ride, they also receive a discount or a reward. By introducing multi-tiered rewards, such as additional ride credits for subsequent successful referrals, the app encourages users to participate in the referral program and drive exponential growth actively.

2. Social Media Sharing Incentives: Social media platforms have become powerful channels for sharing experiences and recommendations. By incentivizing users to share their referral links on social media, developers can tap into the vast potential of these networks, reaching a broader audience and increasing the chances of acquiring new users. Users can earn additional rewards or benefits when their friends sign up through their shared referral link.

👉A food delivery app might offer users a discount on their next order or a special promo code when they share their referral link on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter. This encourages users to spread the word about the app to their social networks, attracting new users who are more likely to trust recommendations from their friends.

3. Personalized Referral Links: Giving users personalized referral links allows developers to track and reward individual referrals accurately. Each user is assigned a unique referral link to share with friends. When a new user signs up through that specific link, the referrer is credited with the successful referral, and both the referrer and the referred user receive their respective rewards.

Personalized referral links can create a sense of exclusivity and personalization, making users feel recognized and rewarded for their efforts. This approach also enables developers to gather valuable data on the effectiveness of different referral sources and optimize their referral program accordingly.

👉 A fashion e-commerce app might provide users with personalized referral links with their usernames or profile names. When a new user signs up using the personalized referral link, the referrer, and the new user receive discounts or loyalty points. This personal touch enhances the user experience and strengthens the bond between the app and its users.

As you can see, referral programs with multi-reward strategies tap into the inherent trust and influence of existing users, driving organic growth and expanding the user base. 

By offering enticing incentives, leveraging social networks, and providing personalized experiences, developers can create a powerful referral engine that fuels the acquisition of new users.

Gamify Your App to Success 

Gamification is a powerful technique that introduces game-like elements into the user acquisition process, making it more engaging and enjoyable for users. A Gamification Market Report shows that gamification tactics improved engagement and loyalty by 30% for brands such as Walgreens, eBay, Threadless, etc. By incorporating multi-reward strategies within gamification, developers can further enhance their user acquisition efforts and drive increased participation. Let’s delve into three key components of gamification:

1. Progress-Based Rewards: Rewarding users as they progress through specific milestones or achievements within the app can be a highly effective user acquisition strategy. By offering rewards, such as in-app currency, unlockable content, or exclusive features, developers can motivate users to continue using the app and encourage them to invite their friends to join the journey. As users unlock rewards, they experience a sense of accomplishment and are more likely to become loyal advocates for the app.

👉A language learning app may give users badges or rewards as they complete lessons, reach certain proficiency levels, or unlock new vocabulary packs. These rewards incentivize users to engage with the app and create a sense of progress and achievement, driving them to share their success with others.

2. Achievements and Badges: Implementing a system of achievements and badges within the app can significantly enhance user acquisition. Defining specific goals or challenges and rewarding users with badges or achievements upon completion enable developers to tap into users’ desire for recognition and status. These achievements and badges serve as virtual trophies that users can showcase to their peers, fostering a sense of pride and encouraging them to invite others to join the app.

👉A fitness tracking app might award badges to users for reaching milestones like running a certain distance, completing a set number of workouts, or achieving personal bests. Users can then share their achievements on social media, sparking curiosity and motivating their friends to download the app and start their own fitness journeys.

3. Leaderboards and Competitions: Creating leaderboards and organizing competitions among users can fuel healthy competition and significantly boost user acquisition. Developers inspire users to compete against each other by displaying rankings based on various metrics, such as points earned, levels completed, or challenges won to drive engagement and encouragethem to invite their friends to participate.

👉A trivia app could introduce weekly or monthly competitions where users can earn points for correct answers and climb up the leaderboard. The app can offer special rewards or recognition to the top performers, fostering a sense of friendly competition and motivating users to invite their friends to join in the challenge.

Incorporating gamification and multi-reward strategies into the user acquisition process, provides a more immersive and enjoyable experience for users. 

These techniques tap into users’ intrinsic motivations, such as the desire for progress, achievement, and recognition, driving increased engagement, and encouraging users to share the app with their networks. 

Spoil Your Subscribed Users, and Attract Others: Subscription-based Rewards

Subscription models offer a recurring revenue stream for mobile apps and provide an opportunity to implement multi-reward strategies that foster loyalty among long-term subscribers. Recognizing and rewarding these loyal users can significantly enhance user retention and increase customer lifetime value. Let’s explore the concept of loyalty rewards for long-term subscribers:

1. Recognizing Loyalty: Acknowledging and appreciating long-term subscribers is a crucial aspect of building a loyal user base. Developers can implement features celebrating milestones or anniversaries, such as a special badge or personalized message, to make subscribers feel valued and recognized for their commitment to the app. This recognition strengthens the bond between the app and the user and encourages continued subscription and advocacy.

👉 A music streaming app might send a personalized email or push notification to subscribers on their one-year anniversary with the app, expressing gratitude and offering a small reward, such as a discount on premium features or exclusive access to new content. This gesture demonstrates the app’s commitment to its users and encourages long-term loyalty.

2. Exclusive Rewards and Benefits: Providing exclusive rewards and benefits to long-term subscribers creates a sense of exclusivity and incentivizes them to remain subscribed. These rewards can be in the form of additional features, premium content, early access to updates, or special discounts on in-app purchases.

👉A productivity app could offer long-term subscribers advanced features or access to premium templates unavailable to regular users. By offering these exclusive rewards, the app encourages subscribers to maintain their subscriptions and showcases the added value they receive as loyal customers.

3. Loyalty Point Systems: Implementing a loyalty point system within the app allows long-term subscribers to accumulate points based on their subscription tenure or engagement level. These points can be redeemed for various rewards, such as in-app currency, special perks, or physical merchandise.

👉A subscription-based gaming app could introduce a loyalty program where subscribers earn points for every month they remain subscribed. These points can be redeemed for in-game currency, exclusive character skins, or limited-edition virtual items. This approach incentivizes long-term subscriptions and provides tangible rewards for user loyalty.

Recognizing and rewarding long-term subscribers is important for developers to demonstrate their commitment to providing value and fostering a positive user experience. This, in turn, enhances user retention, encourages continued subscription, and increases customer lifetime value. Loyalty rewards create a sense of exclusivity, appreciation, and satisfaction among subscribers, fostering a loyal user base that is more likely to advocate for the app and contribute to its long-term success.

It’s time to do some measuring!

Effectively measuring the success of multi-reward strategies is essential for developers to evaluate the performance of their user acquisition and monetization efforts. Developers can continuously optimize their strategies for better results by relying on key performance indicators (KPIs) and adopting a data-driven approach. Let’s explore the key components of measuring success:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are Everything 

1. Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Calculating the cost per acquisition helps developers understand the efficiency and profitability of their user acquisition strategies. It involves tracking the expenses incurred in acquiring each user, such as advertising costs, referral rewards, or in-app incentives. By comparing the CPA with the lifetime value of acquired users, developers can assess the effectiveness of their multi-reward strategies and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

2. Retention Rate: The retention rate measures the percentage of users who continue using the app over a specific period. It provides valuable insights into user satisfaction, engagement, and the effectiveness of retention-focused rewards. Developers can identify potential issues by monitoring the retention rate and optimizing their multi-reward strategies to improve user retention. A higher retention rate indicates that users find value in the app and are motivated to continue using it.

3. Lifetime Value (LTV): Calculating the lifetime value of users helps developers understand the long-term profitability of their multi-reward strategies. LTV measures the total revenue generated by each user throughout their lifetime as an app user, taking into account factors such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue. Comparing the LTV with the cost per acquisition allow developers to assess the overall profitability of their user acquisition and monetization efforts. Increasing LTV through effective multi-reward strategies ensures sustainable revenue growth.

A Lot Relies on A/B Testing and Optimization 

A/B testing involves creating different variations of multi-reward strategies and measuring their impact on user acquisition and monetization. By randomly assigning users to different groups and comparing the performance of each group, developers can determine which strategies are most effective. A/B testing allows developers to experiment with different rewards, incentives, or variations in the user experience and collect data to inform decision-making.

Through A/B testing, developers can optimize their multi-reward strategies based on objective data and user behavior analysis. This iterative process of testing, measuring, and optimizing ensures continuous improvement and maximizes the effectiveness of multi-reward strategies.

Listen to Your User’s Feedback and Analyze Engagement Metrics

Engaging with users and soliciting feedback is an invaluable source of insights for developers. User feedback provides qualitative data that help identify pain points, preferences, and areas for improvement in the app’s multi-reward strategies. Actively listening to user feedback is crucial for developers to uncover valuable insights that may not be captured by quantitative metrics alone.

Monitoring user engagement metrics, such as time spent in the app, frequency of interactions, or completion of specific actions, provides quantitative data on user behavior and the effectiveness of multi-reward strategies. Analyzing these metrics helps developers identify areas where users are highly engaged or areas where improvement is needed. By aligning user feedback with engagement metrics, developers can fine-tune their multi-reward strategies to meet user expectations better and drive user satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

Multi-reward strategies offer a powerful approach to mobile user acquisition,  monetization, and user engagement. Developers can attract and retain users by incorporating incentives, gamification, and personalized experiences while driving revenue growth. However, adapting and continuously improving these strategies based on data-driven insights and user feedback is crucial. As is crucial the mobile app industry evolves, staying ahead of emerging trends and consumer preferences will be essential for sustained success.

In the future, we can expect further advancements in personalization, AI-driven recommendations, and the integration of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into multi-reward strategies. By embracing these trends and continuously refining their approach, app developers can seize the full potential of multi-reward strategies in the ever-evolving mobile app landscape.

Remember, in the world of mobile app user acquisition and monetization, the path to success lies in engaging users, understanding their needs, and providing them with compelling reasons to choose and stick with your app. With multi-reward strategies, you have the tools to achieve just that.

The post Multi-Reward Strategies for Mobile User Acquisition and Monetization first appeared on AppSamurai.

Unleashing the Power of Analytics: Elevating Mobile Game Design and Performance Mon, 22 May 2023 06:48:34 +0000 6 MIN. READ In the fast-paced mobile gaming world, developers face the daunting challenge of capturing and retaining players’ attention amidst intense competition. To succeed, game designers must...

The post Unleashing the Power of Analytics: Elevating Mobile Game Design and Performance first appeared on AppSamurai.

In the fast-paced mobile gaming world, developers face the daunting challenge of capturing and retaining players’ attention amidst intense competition. To succeed, game designers must continuously improve their game’s design and performance. Thankfully, analytics has emerged as an invaluable ally in this pursuit. By harnessing the power of data, developers can gain profound insights into player behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. In this blog post, we will delve into the dynamic realm of game analytics, exploring its impact on mobile game design and performance. 

We will uncover compelling statistics and trends, examine practical analytics tools such as Unity Analytics, Google Analytics, and GameAnalytics, showcase case studies of successful games that have leveraged analytics, and present strategies for collecting and analyzing data to unlock the full potential of your competition!

Game analytics serves as a compass, guiding developers toward success.

In the realm of mobile gaming, analytics plays a vital role in creating captivating and successful games. Collecting, measuring, and analyzing player data unravel the mysteries of player behavior. By employing analytics, developers gain a profound understanding of how players interact with their games, enabling them to make informed design decisions, optimize gameplay experiences, and enhance monetization strategies.

The primary objective of game analytics is to enhance the player experience. It achieves this by identifying pain points, improving game mechanics, and personalizing content to align with players’ preferences. By leveraging analytics, developers can monitor and track various metrics, including player progression, session length, retention rates, and revenue generation. These valuable insights empower developers to make data-driven decisions, refine gameplay, optimize in-game economies, and deliver tailored experiences that captivate players.

Follow the trends and be data-driven

To navigate the ever-evolving landscape of mobile gaming, developers must stay abreast of statistics and trends that shape player behavior. Understanding these trends is essential for creating games that resonate with players and generate revenue. For instance, studies reveal that the average mobile game session lasts approximately 8 minutes. This underscores the importance of capturing players’ attention and delivering engaging experiences quickly. 

Developers must focus on creating compelling gameplay mechanics and intuitive user interfaces that captivate players from the very beginning.

Designing captivating in-game economies and offering appealing virtual goods can significantly impact the monetization potential of a game. Moreover, in-app purchases have emerged as a significant revenue generator in the mobile gaming industry. 

Analytics plays a pivotal role in

  • identifying purchasing patterns
  • optimizing pricing strategies
  • creating targeted offers,

leading to increased revenue generation.

Data-driven insights also help developers adapt to the changing preferences of mobile gamers. Developers can identify emerging trends by analyzing player data, such as new gameplay mechanics or popular genres. This knowledge empowers developers to stay ahead of the curve and tailor their games to meet players’ evolving expectations, resulting in heightened engagement and satisfaction.

Find the tool that works best for you

Numerous analytics tools are available to assist game developers in collecting and analyzing player data. Let’s explore three prominent tools widely used in the industry:

  1. Unity Analytics: Unity Analytics offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored specifically for game developers. Among its many offerings are real-time reporting, customizable dashboards, and player segmentation capabilities. Developers can track key metrics such as player progression, session length, and retention rates. Unity Analytics also facilitates A/B testing, enabling developers to experiment with different features or design choices and assess their impact on player engagement.

  1. Google Analytics for Firebase: Google Analytics for Firebase is a robust tool offering extensive tracking capabilities, making it a popular choice for mobile game developers. This tool provides valuable insights into user acquisition, retention, engagement, and monetization. With Firebase’s cloud-based infrastructure integration, developers can seamlessly collect and analyze data to better understand player behavior. They can track user actions within the game, such as level completion rates, in-app purchase conversion rates, and ad performance. The comprehensive reports and customizable dashboards empower developers to make data-driven decisions to optimize the game’s design, gameplay mechanics, and monetization strategies.

  1. GameAnalytics: GameAnalytics specializes in game-centric analytics, offering a range of features tailored to the specific needs of game development. It provides valuable insights into player behavior, progression, and monetization. Developers can track player retention rates, and revenue generation and analyze in-depth player interactions. The tool allows for cohort analysis, enabling developers to understand player behavior based on specific segments and identify patterns for targeted improvements. With GameAnalytics, developers can gain a holistic view of their game’s performance and make informed decisions to enhance player engagement and monetization strategies.

How do successful mobile games use analytics?

Numerous mobile games have harnessed the power of analytics to improve their design and performance significantly. Here’re some compelling case studies:

  1. “Crossy Road”: This popular mobile game used analytics to refine its gameplay mechanics. By analyzing player data, the developers discovered that players enjoyed short and addictive gameplay sessions. Armed with this insight, they refined the game’s core mechanics to create a more engaging experience. They also leveraged analytics to fine-tune the difficulty curve, ensuring that it provided an appropriate level of challenge without becoming frustrating. As a result, “Crossy Road” achieved remarkable success, garnering millions of downloads and generating significant revenue.
  2. “Candy Crush Saga”: Analytics played a pivotal role in the success of this addictive puzzle game. The developers utilized data analysis to optimize in-app purchases and level difficulty. They identified opportunities to enhance the game’s virtual economy by analyzing player behavior and spending patterns, resulting in increased player engagement and revenue. Additionally, they used analytics to balance the difficulty of levels, ensuring that players remained challenged yet motivated to progress. Through these data-driven design decisions, “Candy Crush Saga” became a global phenomenon, captivating millions of players and achieving immense financial success.

Strategies for Collecting and Analyzing Data 

  1. Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify the metrics and KPIs aligned with your game’s objectives. You can gather relevant data that aligns with your goals by focusing on specific KPIs. This could include player engagement, retention rates, in-app purchases, or level completion rates.
  2. Implement Analytics Tools: Integrate robust analytics tools, such as Unity Analytics, Google Analytics for Firebase, or GameAnalytics, into your game. These tools provide the infrastructure to collect and analyze player data effectively. Configure the tools to track relevant events, actions, and behaviors within the game.
  3. Ensure Privacy and Ethical Considerations: Prioritize player privacy and adhere to ethical data collection practices. Clearly communicate your data collection policies to players and obtain their consent where necessary. Implement appropriate security measures to protect player data.
  4. Conduct Segmentation and Cohort Analysis: Segment your player base based on relevant criteria such as demographics, play styles, or spending habits. You can gain deeper insights into player behavior and preferences by analyzing different player segments. Cohort analysis allows you to compare and contrast groups of players to understand how changes in the game impact player engagement and retention over time.
  5. Iterate and Experiment: Continuously analyze and interpret the data to uncover actionable insights. Experiment with different features, gameplay mechanics, or monetization strategies and measure their impact on player behavior

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile game design, analytics has become an indispensable tool for developers seeking to create captivating experiences and drive success. By harnessing the power of data, developers can make informed decisions that optimize gameplay, enhance player engagement, and maximize revenue generation. The statistics and trends in mobile game analytics highlight the importance of understanding player behavior and preferences, and the case studies of successful games demonstrate the tangible benefits of leveraging analytics in game design.

Game analytics empowers developers to make data-driven decisions that elevate their games to new heights.

The post Unleashing the Power of Analytics: Elevating Mobile Game Design and Performance first appeared on AppSamurai.

How to Monetize an App Without Ads? [2024 Definitive Guide] Thu, 23 Mar 2023 11:06:13 +0000 8 MIN. READ Do you have questions about how to monetize an app or how to monetize an app without ads? Mobile app developers and business owners constantly...

The post How to Monetize an App Without Ads? [2024 Definitive Guide] first appeared on AppSamurai.

Do you have questions about how to monetize an app or how to monetize an app without ads?

Mobile app developers and business owners constantly seek new and innovative ways to monetize their apps. Although ads have been the go-to monetization strategy for many apps, they can be disruptive and negatively impact user experience. This blog post will explore various app monetization strategies that do not rely on ads and provide insights on how to implement them effectively. You may have questions about how do free apps make money without ads or how do free apps make money. Here is your detailed guide.

What is app monetization?

App monetization refers to generating revenue from an app, and it’s essential for app developers and business owners who want to create sustainable revenue streams. The most common way to monetize an app is by displaying ads, but users may find them annoying and intrusive, which can decrease user retention and engagement. Let’s discuss app monetization without ads and see if it’s a good fit for you!

The Importance of App Monetization for App Owners

App monetization is crucial for app developers and business owners who want to create sustainable revenue streams. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Generate revenue: App monetization allows app developers and business owners to generate revenue, which is essential for covering development costs, paying employees, and creating profits.
  2. Improve user experience: App monetization without ads allows app developers and business owners to improve user experience by removing intrusive and annoying ads that can decrease user retention and engagement.
  3. Increase user engagement: App monetization strategies such as in-app purchases and subscription-based models can increase user engagement by providing exclusive content and features that users are willing to pay for.
  4. Build brand loyalty: App monetization strategies such as sponsorships and brand partnerships can help app developers and business owners build brand recognition and loyalty by aligning with relevant companies and promoting their products or services.

While app monetization is necessary for most app owners, there are also other cases where not showing ads performs better for app owners in terms of steady revenue and user experience.

Monetizing apps without ads offers various benefits:

  1. Steady revenue stream: App monetization strategies such as in-app purchases and subscription-based models can provide a steady revenue stream as users are willing to pay for exclusive content and features.
  2. Improved user experience: App monetization without ads can improve user experience by removing intrusive and annoying ads that can decrease user retention and engagement.
  3. Increased user engagement: App monetization strategies such as in-app purchases and subscription-based models can increase user engagement by providing exclusive content and features that users are willing to pay for.
  4. Brand recognition and loyalty: App monetization strategies such as sponsorships and brand partnerships can help app developers and business owners build brand recognition and loyalty by aligning with relevant companies and promoting their products or services.
  5. User data insights: App monetization strategies such as data monetization can provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, which can help app developers and business owners improve app features and functionality.

It’s important to note that this is no comparison between the two methods! Both monetization techniques have their benefits and disadvantages that depend on several factors related to the app.

Monetization Strategies Without Ads

1.In-app purchases

In-app purchases are one of the popular ways to monetize an app without showing ads. It’s the process of selling digital content within an app to users and, for instance, selling extra features, content, or virtual items to enhance the user’s experience. Popular apps like Candy Crush, Spotify, and Tinder have used in-app purchases to generate revenue. To make your in-app purchases successful, you must have a clear strategy, provide value to users, and ensure that the purchasing process is smooth and easy.

In-app purchases can offer a range of benefits to app developers. For example, they can provide a steady revenue stream as users are willing to pay for exclusive content or additional features. Additionally, in-app purchases can help you retain users and improve their overall experience with your app. However, offering value to users and keeping the in-app purchase process management is essential, as this could lead to losing users.

2. Subscription-based models

This model requires users to pay to access your app’s content or features for a certain period. This model is widely used in apps that offer premium features or exclusive content, such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. To make your subscription model work, you need to provide high-quality content that users can’t find elsewhere, offer different subscription plans, and make the subscription process easy to navigate.

Subscriptions can also provide a steady revenue stream, as users are willing to pay to access exclusive content or features. Additionally, subscription-based models can foster a sense of community among your users and build brand loyalty. However, it is vital to ensure that the subscription process is easy to navigate and offers value to users; otherwise, they may opt-out of your app altogether.

3. Sponsorship or brand partnerships

This method is called sponsorships, where a company pays you to promote their product or service within your app. It’s a mutually beneficial collaboration where you get paid while the sponsor gets exposure and potential customers. For example, Nike could partner with a running app to promote their running shoes. To make your sponsorship or partnership work, you need to choose the right partner, ensure that the collaboration aligns with your app’s vision and goals, and be transparent with your users about the sponsorship.

Sponsorships can offer a range of benefits to app developers. For example, they can provide a significant revenue stream and help build brand recognition. Additionally, sponsorships can provide your users with exclusive deals and offers, improving their overall experience with your app. However, ensuring that the collaboration aligns with your app’s vision and goals is vital, as users may feel that your app is no longer authentic if the sponsorships are irrelevant.

4. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a process of raising funds from a large group of people, usually through a crowdfunding platform such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo. To make your crowdfunding campaign successful, you need to have a clear message, provide value to your backers, and offer different pledge levels. Crowdfunding can provide a way to raise capital for your app without sacrificing equity or ownership.

Crowdfunding can offer a range of benefits to app developers. For example, it can provide a way to validate your app idea and generate buzz and interest. Additionally, crowdfunding can help you build a community around your app and get feedback from potential users. However, setting realistic goals and timelines for your crowdfunding campaign is essential, as failing to meet them can damage your app’s reputation.

5. Data monetization

Data monetization means selling or licensing your app’s user data to third-party companies. To make your data monetization strategy successful, you must be transparent with your users about the data you collect and how it will be used. Additionally, you must ensure that the data you collect is accurate and valuable to the companies you sell it to.

Data monetization can generate revenue without sacrificing user experience or app functionality. Additionally, data monetization can give insight into user behavior and preferences, which can help you improve your app’s features and functionality. However, it is vital to ensure that you are transparent with your users about the data you collect and how it will be used, as you need to do so to maintain your app’s reputation.

6. Hybrid models

Finally, a hybrid model combines different monetization strategies without ads. For example, you could offer a free version of your app with limited features and in-app purchases to unlock additional content or features. Alternatively, you could offer a subscription-based model with exclusive content and sponsorships from relevant companies. To make your hybrid model work, you must ensure that you provide users value and that the different monetization strategies are integrated seamlessly.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Monetization Strategy

Before selecting a monetization strategy, you must understand your app’s users and needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a monetization strategy:

  1. Target audience: Who is your app’s target audience, and what are their needs and preferences? Understanding your target audience can help you choose a monetization strategy that suits their needs.
  2. App Category: What category does your app fall into? Different categories have different monetization strategies that work best. For example, gaming apps often use in-app purchases, while news apps use subscription-based models.
  3. App features: What features does your app offer, and how can you monetize them? For instance, a subscription-based model might be the best option if your app offers exclusive content.
  4. User behavior: How do your users interact with your app, and how can you monetize their behavior? For instance, if your users spend a lot of time on your app, you could monetize their engagement through in-app purchases or a subscription-based model.

How to Identify the Best Monetization Strategy for Your App?

Identifying the best monetization strategy for your app can be challenging. Here are some steps to help you identify the best strategy:

  1. Research: Research different monetization strategies and identify the ones that align with your app’s vision and goals.
  2. Analyze competition: Analyze your competition’s monetization strategies and see what works for them.
  3. Test and iterate: Test different monetization strategies and iterate based on user feedback and engagement.
  4. Track metrics: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue, retention rate, and user engagement to measure the success of your monetization strategy.

Testing and Iterating Your Monetization Strategy

Testing and iterating your monetization strategy is crucial to its success. Here are some tips for testing and iterating your monetization strategy:

  1. A/B testing: Use A/B testing to compare different monetization strategies and identify the one that works best.
  2. User feedback: Gather user feedback and iterate based on their suggestions and complaints.
  3. Analyze metrics: Analyze metrics such as user engagement, retention rate, and revenue to measure the success of your strategy.
  4. Experiment: Experiment with different pricing models, subscription plans, and content to optimize your monetization strategy.

Best Practices for Implementing a Non-Ad-Based Monetization Strategy

Implementing a non-ad-based monetization strategy requires careful planning and execution. Here are some best practices for implementing an effective non-ad-based monetization strategy:

  1. Provide value: Ensure that your monetization strategy provides value to your users and enhances their experience.
  2. Offer different options: Offer different pricing plans and subscription options to cater to different user needs and budgets.
  3. Make it easy: Make the purchasing and subscription process easy and seamless to encourage users to convert.
  4. Be transparent: Be transparent with your users about your monetization strategy and how it works.

Challenges and Potential Roadblocks to Implementing a Non-Ad-Based Monetization Strategy

Implementing a non-ad-based monetization strategy can come with challenges and roadblocks. Here are some potential challenges to be aware of:

  1. User resistance: Some users may resist paying for content or features, which can affect your revenue stream.
  2. Competition: Competing apps may offer similar content or features for free, making it challenging to monetize your app.
  3. Technical limitations: In implementing your monetization strategy, technical limitations can affect the user experience and revenue stream.
  4. Market saturation: The market may be saturated with similar apps, making it challenging to stand out and monetize effectively.



App monetization is an essential component of app development and business success. App developers can maximize revenue by exploring non-ad-based monetization strategies such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, brand partnerships, crowdfunding, data monetization, hybrid models, affiliate marketing, white-labeling, donations, and user-generated content while maintaining a positive user experience.

The post How to Monetize an App Without Ads? [2024 Definitive Guide] first appeared on AppSamurai.

Supercharge Your App Marketing, and User Acquisition Strategy with ChatGPT Mon, 20 Mar 2023 08:38:15 +0000 5 MIN. READ Are you feeling lost in a sea of data and channels when it comes to mobile marketing and user acquisition? Fear not, my friend –...

The post Supercharge Your App Marketing, and User Acquisition Strategy with ChatGPT first appeared on AppSamurai.

Are you feeling lost in a sea of data and channels when it comes to mobile marketing and user acquisition? Fear not, my friend – there’s a language-processing AI that everyone’s talking about: ChatGPT!

In this post, we’ll show you how ChatGPT can boost your mobile marketing and user acquisition strategy, share some best practices for implementation, and warn you of potential roadblocks. So buckle up and get ready to ride the ChatGPT wave to marketing success!


What exactly is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses to text input. It is designed to understand and respond to natural language in a way that mimics human conversation. I’m sure you’ve used it at least once or seen people exploring it. Although there are controversies around AI replacing humans, we believe in utilizing this technology to better our work! But how? 

Well, ChatGPT can help businesses personalize their mobile marketing and user acquisition efforts by providing relevant and engaging content that resonates with their target audience. With its powerful language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can analyze large amounts of data, generate personalized responses tailored to each user, and help businesses engage more meaningfully with potential customers.

Let’s start with app marketing: 

App Store Optimization

  • ChatGPT can help you find out what users really think about your app by analyzing their reviews and ratings, so you can make it even better and get more love.
  • ChatGPT can give you the lowdown on the most popular keywords people are searching for in app stores, so you can make sure your app gets found by the right people.
  • ChatGPT can help you write a totally awesome app description that shows off all the cool things your app can do, so people are like “wow, I need to download that right now!”
  • ChatGPT can help you create screenshots and videos that grab people’s attention and make them want to try your app, so you can get more downloads.
  • ChatGPT can keep you in the know about what your competition is up to and what’s hot in the app store world, so you can stay ahead of the game and keep winning.

Social Media Marketing

  • ChatGPT can help you write social media posts that really speak to your audience, using fancy AI magic to come up with awesome captions and headlines.
  • ChatGPT can help you plan out your social media content in advance, based on what’s hot and what your followers are into, so you don’t have to stress about coming up with ideas on the fly.
  • ChatGPT can help you figure out the best times to post on social media, so you can get more eyes on your content and grow your audience.
  • ChatGPT can help you stay on top of the latest social media trends and best practices, so you can be a social media rockstar and build your app’s brand like a boss.

SEO and Localization

  • ChatGPT can help you make your app description, keywords, and title more attractive to users and search engines, so it’ll pop up higher in search results.
  • It can help you tweak your app’s content and metadata for different languages and cultures, so it’ll appeal to users all over the world.
  • Not sure which markets to focus on for localization? ChatGPT can help you analyze app usage and popularity in different regions, so you can decide where to expand your reach.
  • Keep tabs on your app’s performance in different markets, and monitor how your app is doing and suggest changes to your localization strategy as needed.

Overall, ChatGPT can help you create a marketing strategy outline from scratch, and boost your efforts to market your app by supporting your content, personalized messages, analyzing customer data and reviews, do competitor analysis, fuel customer service and craft strategies based on all these factors. 

Now, let’s move on to how ChatGPT can help you acquire and maintain user engagement:

AI and Paid User Acquisition (UA) Management

Improve at Targeting Users: 

Knowing your target audience is essential when starting user acquisition activities. Using ChatGPT, you can analyze campaign performance and determine how to improve targeting. It ensures campaigns reach the right audience, enhancing conversion rates and reducing acquisition costs. You can also use ChatGPT to create custom product pages and content for them 

Create Trendy Ads

Creating attention-grabbing creatives to use in your ad campaigns is a key part of user acquisition. Using ChatGPT, you can discover which ad creatives perform best based on the data. The goal is to ensure that campaigns are effective and cost-effective, resulting in a higher return on investment.

Maintaining Engagement & Retention

When the user starts using the app and receives value from it, they engage with it more. As a result, the user becomes a loyal user of the app. Developers and marketers can use ChatGPT at this point to analyze competitors’ apps, brainstorm new features, create user onboarding plans, write personalized messages based on the target audiences, or develop a strategy for retaining users.

Growing Revenue

By brainstorming monetization ideas and analyzing the most profitable apps on the market, ChatGPT can help app developers and marketers create monetization strategies for specific app categories and target audiences, provide a step-by-step guide on how to monetize an app or game, or generate suggestions on how to increase revenue from an app.

A little reminder before you go:

While ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for mobile marketing and user acquisition, there are potential challenges and roadblocks to using it effectively. These include:

  • Ensuring that the data used to train ChatGPT is accurate and representative of your target audience.
  • Ensuring that ChatGPT’s responses are relevant and engaging for each user.
  • Ensuring that ChatGPT is integrated seamlessly into your mobile marketing and user acquisition channels.
  • Monitoring and adjusting your strategy to ensure that ChatGPT delivers results.

Final Thoughts

ChatGPT can help businesses personalize their mobile marketing and user acquisition efforts by providing relevant, engaging content that resonates with their target audience. KeeRememberat ChatGPT might not always give what you have in mind, so learn to create solid prompts, and be aware that it may not be the right tool for everything. 

The post Supercharge Your App Marketing, and User Acquisition Strategy with ChatGPT first appeared on AppSamurai.

MMP Reports: What You Can Learn from Them? Tue, 13 Dec 2022 08:28:11 +0000 6 MIN. READ It is vital that any mobile marketer understands the importance of measuring their marketing campaigns, especially in terms of user acquisition and engagement. In the...

The post MMP Reports: What You Can Learn from Them? first appeared on AppSamurai.

It is vital that any mobile marketer understands the importance of measuring their marketing campaigns, especially in terms of user acquisition and engagement. In the world of mobile marketing, this measurement is undertaken and displayed by an ‘MMP’.

What is an MMP?

Mobile measurement partners (MMP) are powerful mobile analytics solutions used to track a user’s journey throughout the sales and promotion process. Also known as attribution tools, they help marketers understand which channels and campaigns are the most effective at driving conversions and post-install events. Attribution tools can be used to identify where users came from, how they interact with your app, and what’s driving them to convert.

MMP tools are essential for any marketer who wants to understand the most effective paths to purchase and optimize their mobile marketing campaigns. With an MMP tool, you can gain insights into which channels and campaigns are driving the most conversions and sales through MMP attribution reports. This data can be used to adjust your marketing strategy and focus your efforts on the most effective channels.

Some top MMP tools in the market include Adjust, AppsFlyer, Kochava,, MixPanel, Tune, Firebase, Singular and AppMetrica to name a few.


What is the importance of MMP Reports?

As MarTech (marketing technologies) continues to grow and evolve as an industry, mobile marketers are beginning to realize the importance of using MMP attribution reports to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. Attribution reports are essential for understanding which of your channels are performing best, where to allocate your budget, and how your users are engaging with your brand across different devices.

Gaining Insights into User Acquisition & Engagement

MMP reports inform you of the rate of success or failure of your user acquisition and engagement strategies. Given that it is directly integrated with your app, it should act as the primary data to be used to gain insights on how your user acquisition channels are doing and whether they need tweaking based on impressions, clicks and install rates. The post-install events section will allow you to understand whether the users you have targeted are committing to activities within your app or not. Essentially, MMP reports allow you to measure the impact of your marketing campaigns and promotions on your user acquisition and engagement.

Optimization Strategies

Attribution reports are capable of providing you with data on a sub-publisher level, meaning you can understand which direct ad placement is most or least effective in terms of your goals and KPIs. As an advertiser, you can opt to have the attribution tool provide this information to your publishers in order to optimize your marketing campaigns. Optimization can be done on the basis of user acquisition and or user engagement; if a publisher is bringing in a myriad of users that are not actively engaging with your app, you will have to decide if you value a larger user base and install rate, or if your goals are more engagement-oriented.

Understanding the User Journey

An MMP attribution report can help you better understand the customer journey in your app. It can track and display each step of the user journey and provide insight into which media channels are most effective at bringing customers to your website, as well as the bottlenecks being faced by certain channels. With this data, you can adjust your content and campaigns to ensure you’re providing customers with the best possible experience and driving more conversions.

Budget Allocation

As an extension of the previous point, since you can view which publishers are bringing in lucrative users that are making in-app purchases and boosting your ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), you can also choose which media channel to provide more budgets with based on performances.

Assessing User LTV

MMP attribution reports are also important for tracking the lifetime value of customers. By tracking the performance of their campaigns, marketers can gain insights into how much revenue each user is generating over time. This allows them to identify which users are the most valuable to their business, which media channel is bringing these users and allocate budgets accordingly along with more targeted campaigns.

Optimizing Communication Strategy

Attribution reports are essential for understanding how users are engaging with your app across different devices. By tracking user behavior across multiple devices, marketers can gain valuable insights into user preferences and how their campaigns are performing on different platforms. This can help you to better target your campaigns and deliver the most relevant message to your users.

Assessing Creatives Strategy

Through an MMP report, you can analyze the impact of creative elements, such as banner ads, on user acquisition and engagement. MMP reports allow you to filter campaign performance based on creatives (if integrated accordingly), hence, by tracking the performance of different creative elements, marketers can determine which images, videos, and text are most effective in engaging users and driving conversions.

10 Key Metrics to Follow in MMP Reports

Adoption Rate

The percentage of new app users who have installed and opened the app at least once.

Retention Rate

The percentage of new users who remain actively engaged with the app in a given period of time.

Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU)

The average amount of revenue generated by one active user over a given period of time.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

The total amount of revenue generated by a user over the course of their lifetime engagement with the app. This is usually a predictive model.

User Acquisition Cost (UAC)

The cost to acquire one new user for the app. Make sure to integrate cost macros with your publishers in order to calculate this.

Cost Per Install (CPI)

The cost per acquisition for each app install.

Cost Per Mille

The cost per 1000 impressions gained per campaign.

Session Length

The average amount of time users spends actively engaging with the app in a given period of time.

Engagement Rate

The rate of user engagement with the app in a given period of time.

Conversion Rate

The rate at which users complete a desired action (e.g. making a purchase, signing up for a service, etc.) in the app.

Optimizing User Acquisition and User Engagement Strategies with MMP Tools

MMP attribution reports are vital to gauge the health of your app’s user acquisition and user engagement strategies. You can use these reports to create A/B tests and try out campaigns to assess their effects on your overall strategies.

User Acquisition

With MMP reports, you have a plethora of data at your fingertips to help inform and refine your user acquisition strategies. You can, through an MMP report, determine which publishers’ traffic is detrimental to your key metrics and harming your overall strategy, and decrease the budget spent on them (or take it away altogether). 

User Engagement

You can monitor and adjust your user engagement strategies based on the post-install metrics in your MMP attribution report data. These metrics include engagement rate, conversion rate, session length and lifetime value to name a few. A/B testing can be applicable here as well, though you will need to have a longer testing time cohort size for more accurate results.


In summary, MMP reports are essential for any mobile marketer looking to get the most out of their campaigns. By understanding how acquired users are engaging with your brand and campaigns across different devices, which channels are generating the most conversions and revenue, and how creative elements are impacting user engagement, marketers can make informed decisions about where to allocate their budget and how to optimize their campaigns for maximum ROAS.

AppSamurai is a multi-award winning mobile marketing platform that helps apps acquire engaged users. For more information on how to optimize your user acquisition and engagement strategies with one of the industry-leading platforms, visit the AppSamurai website. Sign up now to begin your user app growth journey today.

The post MMP Reports: What You Can Learn from Them? first appeared on AppSamurai.

SKAdNetwork 4.0: What’s New for App Campaigns & Advertisers? Wed, 15 Jun 2022 08:39:26 +0000 7 MIN. READ SKAdNetwork, also known as StoreKit Ad Network or SKAN, is integral for measuring ad activity. It’s also crucial for maintaining users’ privacy. With the new...

The post SKAdNetwork 4.0: What’s New for App Campaigns & Advertisers? first appeared on AppSamurai.

SKAdNetwork, also known as StoreKit Ad Network or SKAN, is integral for measuring ad activity. It’s also crucial for maintaining users’ privacy. With the new updates coming via SKAdNetwork 4.0, advertisers may wonder what exactly this framework is and how the new updates will impact them. The following guide to SKAdNetwork will detail exactly what it is, how it works, and what it means for advertisers and app campaigns.

What Is SKAdNetwork?

The SKAdNetwork framework helps with direct mobile app install attribution. It allows for the measurement of various types of ad activity, including impressions and clicks, along with app installs. Apple introduced this framework in 2018. While it provides advertisers with plenty of information about ads’ performance, it does so while concealing user- and device-specific information.

Since 2018, SKAdNetwork has undergone certain updates, with the most recent coming along through SKAdNetwork 4.0.

How It Works

The SKAdNetwork involves four main components, including:

  • Ad networks that connect publishers with advertisers
  • A publishing app that displays the ad
  • The target app behind the ad
  • A mobile measurement partner (MMP) that both attributes and optimizes the data collected

With the help of SKAdNetwork, advertisers and marketers can effectively keep track of data and optimize their ads based on their performance. They can use SKAdNetwork to measure two main types of engagement, including ad views and StoreKit renders. 

The SKAdNetwork Process

SKAdNetwork operates through a specific flow, which works as follows:

  1. The publishing app displays an ad. Immediately afterward, the app starts a timer for three seconds, with SKAdNetwork receiving a notification that the process has started.
  2. Once the ad has appeared for three seconds or longer, the app indicates to the framework that the timer has stopped, labeling it an ad view in the process. The publisher will then render the target app StoreKit if the viewer chooses to engage with the ad.
  3. At this point, the framework takes the StoreKit render into account. There’s a chance that the engaged viewer may also opt to download the target app.
  4. When users download, install, and open the target app within 30 days after clicking on the ad, SKAdNetwork then attributes the install to the ad network. The device will then transfer an install postback to the network along with a copy for the advertiser to view.

SKAdNetwork is helpful for app advertisers by indicating how effective their ads are, as they can gauge success based on views, clicks, and installs. As the framework continues to develop, there are some specific advancements that you’ll see with SKAdNetwork 4.0 that will make it one of the most reliable app attribution tools. It’s an essential part of any app growth ecosystem.


The Potential Uses of SKAdNetwork for Advertisers

Advertisers have the ability to receive a variety of data using SKAdNetwork, including:

  • The publishing app’s publisher ID
  • Click-through attribution for mobile app ads
  • First-time installs
  • The campaign ID that provides data around creativity, campaigns, and placement
  • Conversion values ranging from 0 to 63 that the advertiser needs to set, with these values providing estimates of users’ quality instead of revenue data
  • Accurate attribution that’s mostly devoid of fraud
  • Cryptographic verification of parameters and attribution

To use this data to improve advertising campaigns, you must meet a few key requirements. Specifically, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Media partners need to support the SKAdNetwork API
  • Analytics and reporting tools must be compatible with the data collected through the framework
  • Advertisers will need to collect and confirm all install data from media partners to weed out instances of misuse or fraud

To meet these requirements, many advertisers may need help with third-party resources such as powerful analytics tools and MMPs.

Features of SKAdNetwork 4.0 and How They’ll Affect Advertisers

You can expect to see some dramatic changes with the new and improved SKAdNetwork 4.0 from Apple. These improvements will help make the framework more ideal for app marketers, but with some limitations to keep in mind. The following are some of the specific changes that will affect SKAdNetwork and, subsequently, advertisers.

As Many as Three Postbacks

Previously, SKAdNetwork only allowed advertisers to receive a single postback, but the new update will allow for up to three. Each subsequent postback will have a longer window of time, going from 0-2 days for the first postback to 3-7 for the second and 8-35 for the third. The main benefit here is that advertisers can optimize more effectively on conversions, with the ability to do so for as long as 35 days. At the same time, they can measure earlier events, including installs.

With the single-postback model, install and post-install conversions needed to appear in one postback. The result was delayed notification of installs, which advertisers didn’t receive until the recording of the final conversion within the time window. 

In general, this feature will allow advertisers to optimize ad campaigns faster with insights into performance that become accessible earlier. You’ll no longer need to wait for the last conversion before learning about each conversion.

More Campaign IDs

Campaign ID will support a maximum of four digits, whereas previous versions of SKAdNetwork only support up to two. The benefit this brings is the ability to support up to 10,000 values for app campaigns, creative, and other elements. Additionally, Apple renamed “campaign ID” to “source ID” because of the new functionality. 

Keep in mind that the four numbers must go through three tiers of privacy thresholds known as “crowd anonymity.” With the help of source ID, you can now get plenty of data on source identifiers with campaigns that see high volume. For instance, you can get data on location, campaign, and ad placement. 

According to Apple, the source identifier field is hierarchical. The first, second, and last two numbers will be independent. However, the last two digits are the only two that will inevitably return. Because of this structure, advertisers will have many potential IDs to use in campaigns, provided they adhere to the new strict privacy standards that Apple has in place.

As a result of this implemented change, advertisers and publishers alike will benefit from more granular data that brings more value. Advertisers can gain more in-depth insights into their ads’ performance with added transparency.

Web-to-App Support

While older versions of SKAdNetwork used app-to-app advertising, 4.0 will enable advertisers to attribute their web ads. These ads lead users to App Store pages where they can download the target app.

This is significant because of the lack of web-to-app support seen with SKAdNetwork 2.0 and earlier, with many advertisers seeking a solution to this particular issue. According to Apple, SKAdNetwork will specifically support “clicks,” although “views” are still unaddressed. The framework will register “clicks” from embedded cross-site iframes along with first-party sites.

New Testability Updates

With SKAdNetwork 4.0, Apple will also add some new features that will help with testing. These include validation of ad impression implementation and the ability to test SKAdNetwork postback. 

The Ability to Receive Conversion Value IDs With Reduced Privacy Threshold Restrictions

There won’t be an increase in the number of Conversion Value IDs that you can use with SKAdNetwork 4.0, with the maximum staying at six bits with 64 available values. The use of this ID is more granular, but strict privacy threshold limitations will still be in place. 

The big difference will be that advertisers can set and receive up to three Conversion Value IDs that are “coarse-grained” from low to medium and high. This is considerably less restrictive. As a result, advertisers can get valuable conversion data based on low, medium, and high values. 

How Advertisers Can Adapt

The updates seen with SKAdNetwork 4.0 show how privacy-centric the digital world has become, and this trend is only going to continue. At the same time, advertisers and others will benefit from the ability to attribute, measure, and optimize campaigns more effectively. 

To make the most of this inevitable change, there are some steps that advertisers can take, including:

  • Using helpful tools to consistently update and map conversion value schema, which will get full use out of the 64 values without the need to spend so much time on development.
  • Protect data from fraud using tools that work with iOS 14. 
  • Harness the power of predictive analytics to get around time window restrictions and accurately make predictions for the far future of app campaign performance.

By taking these and other steps, you can fully integrate SKAdNetwork 4.0 to supercharge your advertising efforts. The future of advertising, especially mobile advertising, is looking bright for everyone involved, from users to advertisers and developers. Users benefit from more privacy, while advertisers see more actionable insights that help fuel successful campaigns. By staying up-to-date with the industry and incorporating the latest changes, you can get the results you want from your efforts with more efficiency. 

Want to learn more about mobile marketing and what you can expect in the future? Check out AppSamurai’s blog today, where you can read more about trending topics in the mobile marketing industry.

The post SKAdNetwork 4.0: What’s New for App Campaigns & Advertisers? first appeared on AppSamurai.
