AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:57:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Clever Ways to Increase Your Mobile App Reviews Wed, 08 Sep 2021 00:01:47 +0000 7 MIN. READ Today’s technological innovations have made it almost entirely unnecessary for people to step outside of their homes. Smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices keep people...

The post 7 Clever Ways to Increase Your Mobile App Reviews first appeared on AppSamurai.

Today’s technological innovations have made it almost entirely unnecessary for people to step outside of their homes. Smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices keep people consistently occupied and entertained. In the process, mobile apps have begun replacing many traditional outdoor games, from badminton and cricket to soccer and other backyard sports. At the same time, many communication apps have made it easier than ever for people to seamlessly connect with each other via social media and other platforms. 

As more and more people use more and more mobile apps, users will want to know which apps are worth their time and which are worth avoiding. In doing so, they can optimize their experience with these apps and determine which apps to trust and regularly use.

Why App Reviews Are Important for Your App

It’s becoming increasingly challenging for every app to be successful when the competition keeps getting stiffer. A truly successful app will begin with a growing number of users, which you can facilitate with plenty of mobile app reviews. People are likely to use your app based on recommendations from friends and family, but recommendations from strangers can be just as effective. If you can get app reviews that encourage people to download and install your app, you’ll have the chance to differentiate yourself through word of mouth marketing

One example of a highly successful app has been WhatsApp, especially when compared to imo. Unlike imo, WhatsApp isn’t banned in any country and comes with plentiful features that make it an appealing app for millions of users across the globe. Because of the quality and reach of this app, the developers were more easily able to increase app reviews and improve app ratings.

7 Effective Ways to Get More App Reviews

If you want to learn more about how to get more app reviews that drive people to use your mobile app, the following are seven key ways to increase app reviews and ratings.

Use Ad Campaigns and ASO to Boost Downloads

Positive app reviews can drastically increase app reviews over time. You can strengthen app reviews and attract more of them through effective ad campaigns and app store optimization (ASO) strategies. Ad campaigns could consist of everything from TV commercials and in-app video ads that play on other apps to digital image ads that appear on various websites as users browse online. Meanwhile, making sure your app is user-friendly and rich in features can help you succeed via ASO

With both well-optimized ads and ASO, you can make sure that your app gets the attention it needs to attract both users and reviewers. As more people try your app and find it to be helpful, they’ll have an incentive to leave a positive review that boosts your reputation. Eventually, positive reviews can complement the rest of your marketing efforts to get more people to try your app.

Simple Review Processes

It should be extremely easy for people to leave reviews, which will encourage more people to complete the review process. Oftentimes, people want to review an application after using it, but the process is both complicated and time-consuming, with multiple windows and options they need to click through before leaving the review. Clearly mention where people can leave reviews and detail how they can both rate and write reviews for the app. If the process is painless and simple, you’ll likely get more app reviews from happy users who are eager to share their experiences.

App Samurai is an AI-powered and highly secure mobile growth platform. Register with App Samurai, add your application, and start driving more high-quality users.

Plug-in Feature for Leaving App Reviews

In an effort to make the review process quick and easy, you can include a review plug-in feature. Both iOS and Android devices feature a simple approach to plug in this feature. This way people can more easily review your app without needing to venture to another third-party review system.

One of the best options for iOS apps is Appirater, which will send a reminder to users to review the application while using it. People can then click on one of the plug-in’s buttons to begin reviewing your app in the App Store. For example, when accessing your app’s main menu, users would see a popup window that asks them to rate and review your app, with buttons such as “Rate [App Title]” and “Remind me later.” When rating the app, they will also have the option of leaving a written review in the App Store. If users particularly enjoy your app, many users will likely be inclined to leave a positive review and rating.

Persuade Users to Provide Feedback

Another way to get app reviews is to carefully ask users to leave a review. You persuade users to review by incorporating interesting messages throughout the review process. For instance, you could thank users for reviewing your app and let them know that it means a lot to you. You can also let users know that their input could impact developers’ decisions when updating and improving the app over time. People want to know that their opinion matters, so if you can convince them that it does, they’ll be much more encouraged to give helpful feedback and positive, if constructive, critiques. 

If users see that their suggestions and feedback contribute to an even better user experience when returning to your app, they may even want to update their reviews or leave new ones that reflect those improvements. Subsequently, user feedback and further improvements could improve app ratings and get more app reviews with each upgrade.

Provide User Support

You can also increase app reviews by giving users more incentives to rate and review. Everyone loves gifts, including app users who like to feel rewarded when using an app. There are plenty of ways to go about supporting your users. Many mobile app games may offer in-game currency such as coins or tokens in exchange for watching an ad or following the developers on social media. Similarly, you can reward users with in-app rewards or other incentives in exchange for rating and reviewing. In turn, you’re likely to get app reviews while keeping users hooked on your app for its incentives.


Similar to incentives, gamification is another efficient method of increasing app reviews and improving app ratings. You can use gamification by implementing contests and promotions that entail leaving reviews and ratings. For example, you could offer different discount packages and cards to users who take the time to rate and review your app. People will naturally be drawn to the promotions offered and voluntarily review your app without any need to actively request them to do so. 

Keep in mind that if you’re offering monetary incentives of any kind, such as discounts and gift cards, you don’t need to make the amount very high. People are willing to complete basic actions such as writing reviews even if they’re only receiving a few dollars in exchange.

Request Reviews at the Right Time

When requesting reviews and ratings from users, timing is everything. In some cases, developers make the mistake of asking users to leave a review as soon as they install and launch the app for the very first time. In these instances, users won’t have any experience with the app on which to base their reviews, making the prompt a waste. Other apps may feature a review request prompt that interrupts users when they’re attempting to complete an in-app action, simply frustrating them and turning them away in the process.

Make sure the timing of your review requests is appropriate. You could wait until users have accessed the app a certain number of times before prompting them to review. You can also ensure that the prompt only appears when users are accessing menus and not actively using the app. This will prevent prompts from merely irritating users as they neglect to leave a review.

Avoid Resemblance

Uniqueness is crucial in making sure your app stands out and attracting app reviews. You can easily get more app reviews if your app doesn’t closely resemble competing apps, which might otherwise get people to confuse you with others or see your app as a “rip-off,” even if it’s not intended to be one. Make sure your app’s designs are uniquely yours and that branding and other marketing materials aren’t generic. If you can make your app stand apart, people will notice you more, which can help further improve app ratings and increase app reviews.

Implement the Right Strategies to Get More App Reviews

If you want to know how to get more app reviews, all of these methods can drastically increase app reviews without the need to invest too much effort on your end. By being smart in your approach and providing users with the ideal app experience, you’ll be able to drive more app reviews and encourage more people to install your app. In addition to the above, you can also share user scores for mobile gaming apps on social media, and make sure reviews are just as strong orally as they are written. The more positive publicity you attract, the more successful your app will become.

App Samurai can be the key to growing your application. Simply register, add your app to the platform, and begin attracting more high-quality users. For more information about what App Samurai can do for you, contact us today.

The post 7 Clever Ways to Increase Your Mobile App Reviews first appeared on AppSamurai.

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The Fundamental Metrics to Measure Your Mobile App Performance Sat, 27 Jun 2020 13:44:18 +0000 4 MIN. READ App performance metrics are the key to success. Here is a great guide for mobile app analytics fundamentals. Most app developers face a challenge in...

The post The Fundamental Metrics to Measure Your Mobile App Performance first appeared on AppSamurai.

App performance metrics are the key to success. Here is a great guide for mobile app analytics fundamentals.

Most app developers face a challenge in measuring app success. Thousands of apps release every day and most are not correctly tracked, unfortunately. Here, their failure becomes indispensable. App developers must be sure whether campaigns targeted the right audience and track their behaviors from the beginning to the end. Let’s look at some mobile app performance metrics to be sure your app will succeed.
First, a performance metric is a parameter that provides information about your users’ actions and experiences with your product. You can decide to continue with your strategy or regulate and improve it. It will directly affect your app’s long-term success.  You can find the main mobile application performance metrics below.


Acquisition refers to the number of users who download and install your app, through organic search, WOM, or paid campaigns. You can track how much money you are spending to acquire these users and what they are doing in your app with this metric. This metric shows you the most efficient way to reach your potential audience because you have useful information about channels that your user traffic comes from with the acquisition metric. You can also test all viable channels often during your paid campaign for your app and measure this metric more effectively.


Retention rate indicates the percentage of users who visit your app after the initial download. It is especially important to see the flaws in your marketing efforts and determine your app’s viability in the market. You can track retention rate by using analytic tools and calculate it by several methods. The most common and easy method is by looking at the number of users returning to your app on an indicated day and dividing it by the number of users who installed your app on Day 0.


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Do you wonder whether your users are interacting with your app? Or how you can say your users are active? Generally, its definition is not standard. It is changeable from marketer to marketer, and it can be defined within the context of the individual app related to its marketing strategy. However, to be truthful, the definition might be a user who has opened the app 5 times or more in the simplest term. Users’ actions, like spending in-app, are also indicators of engagement. You can maintain or improve the satisfaction of your users and increase their willingness to continue to use, thanks to determining how active users use your app.

Session Length & Intervals

Session length and intervals are used to measure user’s behavior in your app. The first one, session length, indicates the time of a session in a single entering. If you want to know how often a user opens your app, you can track the interval metric, which indicates the time between sessions. They are important metrics to recognize how valuable your app is to a user and the users’ interest level in your app.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) means the price you pay to acquire a new customer.  To see where the users came from into your app and how they behave, once they use your app, you can use the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) metric. Thanks to this metric, you can also understand whether your marketing campaign is profitable.


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Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

ARPU is the average revenue per user or the value of an individual to your app business for a particular month. You can calculate how much revenue you generate from each user. If you can keep your ARPU higher than Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), you are making profit. Add the revenue your app generates each month and divide it by your total number of active users to calculate ARPU.

Life Time Value (LTV)

We have come to the essential part of the app performance metrics. Lifetime value (LTV) is your primary revenue metric, which represents the financial value of your app in relation to how much each user is worth in his or her lifetime, or the forecasted value of acquired user. To calculate LTV, use Customer Churn and Average Revenue Per User (ARPU). You can find the ARPU metric above. Churn rate indicates how many users leave over a given period. When you have calculated churn, you can take its inverse (1/Churn) to find the predicted amount of time a customer will spend engaged with your app. Then, you can obtain the LTV with this formula:
LTV = ARPU x (1/Churn)
We shared the fundamental app performance metrics with you. There are several metrics you can track. If you don’t want to leave your app success to chance, track the metrics that are the most important for your app.

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How to Get Benefit From Social Media Influencers for Mobile Apps Fri, 19 Apr 2019 07:51:35 +0000 6 MIN. READ If you have a mobile app, then you already tried some of the methods available to promote your app. For different reasons, those channels failed...

The post How to Get Benefit From Social Media Influencers for Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

If you have a mobile app, then you already tried some of the methods available to promote your app. For different reasons, those channels failed in bringing you the number of users you were hoping for. Don’t worry, there is still hope. We will present you, as usual, another chance for making your work visible to millions of people. We are talking about social media influencers, which is very effective nowadays. The term is self-explanatory. An influencer is somebody that influences other persons to buy or to try a product, in our case, an application. As you suspect, social media influencers are content experts or even developers that convince possible users to try your app through social media networks. In some way, it is another form of Word Of Mouth, but in a more advanced level.

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3 Benefits of Using Social Media Influencers for Mobile Apps

After we agreed with the definition, the next step is to see the effects of getting important people to spread the word about your app.

Story Telling is Very Important in Marketing

Influencers own the power of words. And if they say that an app is awesome, then everybody believes that. Everything is related to experience. When somebody shares with you the same thoughts as yours and it is affected in the same manner by a problem then the next step is to try his solution.

It Increases Credibility

If you open your favorite social page and somebody you follow every day, would say that he used an app, what is your next move? Sure, you will download it to see in what way the person you trust was impressed by that app. This is influencer marketing and it is based on the prestige of popular persons in the industry. Look how SkypeTogheter was promoted by Jack Baran.

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It Helps You to Reach Millions of People

Influencers are so effective for a reason. They proved their knowledge in the field over the years, gathering millions of followers, maybe with their experience or with their creativity. But it is a sure thing that, nobody ask questions when it comes to listen to them. If they recommend your app, then it must be a reason for that. In the next moment all their readers will check the app to see more of what they discovered on social media pages.

5 Places to Find Best Social Media Influencers for Your App

How can you start promoting your app with the help of social media influencers? Check the following places and it is impossible not to find a solution for your strategy.


Buzzsumo is a rich and intuitive platform that gathers influencers from every domain. Moreover, it offers a lot of guides, even a one minute helper, which can show you how it works. For a list of influencer for your app, you don’t even need to have an account. For example, let’s say you have a food app. You enter in the search field food apps. It is even easier with the autocomplete feature. And, here it is, a list with people that can help you increasing the user acquisition rate.

Instagram Search

Instagram Search has the advantage that it offers visual answers to your searches. But you need to invest more than your time when you look for the appropriate hashtags. For influencers shown on this platform, you will have to offer some benefits, in order to convince them to spread the word about your app. If you have your budget prepared for this promotion then you should go on and open your Instagram account.

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Twitter Saved Searches

Twitter Saved Searches is very convenient for those of you who follow this platform from early in the morning until the next day to see if something interesting has happened with your connections. Being such a popular network it becomes very handy to look for influencers who can tweet about your app.

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Clarity is a different platform that offers guidance for better performances. Going back to the budget, maybe you should invest in some paid information which will shorten the path to the best influencer than to waste a lot of time and maybe money to connect with them by yourself. A little help is required when you are dealing with busy people searched by other app owners in need like you.

3 Best Practices of Using Social Media Influencers

There are small chances to fail with this method of advertising your app but you still need to keep in mind some important things in order to receive the best results.

Let Your Influencer to Be Creative in His/Her Own Way

There is a motive for influencers’ name. They influence people, not the other way around. You can’t and you shouldn’t guide them in their work. You must let them put their personal touch into the promotional content. Their impact is visible only when they are showing their unique way of seeing things.

Plan Your Marketing Strategy Before Starting

If you think about it, you need to convince popular persons about the value of your app and after that they can convince their followers through their favorite social platforms. It sounds strange, but this is, in fact influencer marketing. For that you need a well-structured plan, because you can’t reach to some important person and to tell him: “I have this app. Will you talk about it?” Choose your screenshots carefully and try to intrigue him with your creation. The purpose of influencers is to believe in the product they promote. Otherwise, the entire campaign is pointless. If you connect with an influencer, offering him something unique, then there is no reason not to promote your app. An example is from HotelTonight which reached Gregory Tinari’s followers.

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Pick The Best Platform for Sharing

It is not the first time when we recommend you to choose the platform that fits your users’ preferences. What is the point for selecting Twitter, when they are always on Instagram? Again, the secret is to be connected with your users. If you discover what they like, it is easier to bring your app in front of them. In other words, they will decide the best channel for your app to be promoted.

Final Thoughts

It is a sure fact that everybody listens what influencers have to say. And if that topic is about your app, then you are on your way to success. The key is to have an amazing app and to make it visible for important persons in your domain. After your app is mentioned on an influencer’s social page, don’t forget to start your app description on the app store with this amazing accomplishment.

The post How to Get Benefit From Social Media Influencers for Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Mobile App Success Story: 2 Tue, 09 Oct 2018 07:01:05 +0000 6 MIN. READ 2 (Android, iOS) is a fun game which is .io based, that requires players to chomp away at the arena as well as the...

The post Mobile App Success Story: 2 first appeared on AppSamurai.

]]> 2 (Android, iOS) is a fun game which is .io based, that requires players to chomp away at the arena as well as the safe zone of other players within the game. The multi-player chomp game is a fast-paced game which lets players chomp pieces off the field and turn those pieces to their perspective colors. You can achieve this by leaving your zone and looping around; however, all you need do is to try not to get cut off, because once that happens, you lose!
The fun game, an offshoot of was developed by VOODOO, like a puzzle and general interest game.

Brilliant Idea

Voodoo, has been known to credit the success of the company so far as the game. The co-founders of the company have always said the game spiraled the company’s success. Little wonder they came up with a part 2. 2 tasks players with a mission to broaden their territory. Players achieve this by eliminating their opponents and circling new territories with a cube. The new game has these unique features:

  • Better control: Direction within the game is controlled by dragging and touching your device’s screen as a player. Furthermore, the swipe control provided by the first series,, has been upgraded and exchanged by VOODOO, to a joystick style control which players say is more fun as it affords them more control and freedom over the path they can go.
  • Better graphics: The developers worked on the graphics also. The game now looks way better and even more 3D than its predecessor. This is one factor that endears a lot of players to the game, as everyone loves outstanding graphics!
  • Crashing no longer kills: The new version is designed such that crashing into the edge of the stage will no longer terminate the gameplay unless the player collides head-on. A lot of die-hard fans are of the opinion that this addition would make it a lot easier for them to chase their dream of capturing 100% of the board without losing their lives!

How 2 Did It

The game is basically a polished survival game developed by Voodoo, with the aim of spreading your zone across as many parts of the board as possible without losing your life. It may not be so easy, but we have a few trick and tips that would definitely help you:

  • The first thing is to play your cards right. You are limited to a few moves to use them properly. You do not have to load up a CGG, neither do you need to use a deck of cards.  Just take your time and develop a small zone instead of going all in for a massive expansion immediately you begin.
  • Beware of your environment. Although all maps are the same big white canvas which possesses round edges, knowing it like the back of your hand would really help you. You should know how to fit in on this canvas. The best part for a player to spawn on the canvas as close to the edges because spawning in the middle means you would have players attacking you from each angle. The edges will give you an advantage, as a player.
  • Everyone is an enemy: Through vigilance, you can easily decipher everyone’s move, because now you would know everyone is a potential enemy. You should find everyone dangerous, no matter how small and make sure you are aware they would either try to kill you or conquer your zone.
  • Be smart, Duck, Dip Dodge, and Dive: You have to develop smart fingers. This way you can always avoid death. It kills or be killed, so you have to make the best of every opportunity you have. Do not allow people make contact with your trail first before you kill them. At any given opportunity, get rid of the enemy trailing you.
  • Be Patient: Do not charge blindly, stay in your zone instead. What you can do, however, is to try and lure other people out. Do not go about expanding when you should be going for the kill. Also, when you attack people, you expose your own trail, so always go for kills around your home. More importantly, try not to kill someone in their own home as it may be a bit difficult; instead, wait for them to expose their trail and then you strike.
  • Mastering the game might take a little time: Exercise a little bit of control so you can get used to the gameplay first. Wait till you can understand your limitations then you can become a little more aggressive.  Play the game passively at first, kill people who come out too far from their homes and then aim for the big fish, when you have developed some confidence. This is because stealing someone’s territory makes them try to attack you. This part could be a bit tricky, so it is best you adapt to the game a little before pulling these strings.
  • Be on the defense: Carve out a territory for yourself and defend it. This way you can survive easily. Find a way to lure people into this territory so you can kill them. Do not blindly expand in one direction, instead, expand equally in all directions so you would not have to patrol your entire zone to ward off competition. Also, stay near the edge so you will have less direction to be concerned about.

Business Model

Available on Android and iOS stores, the 2 game has witnessed massive downloads and followership. On the Android play store, the app has 657.6k downloads, with 266.7k daily active users and 315.2k monthly active users. All these figures have been on the rise ever since the game was created. On the other hand, the iOS store has witnessed a total of 5.7million downloads, with a steady growth of about 100% and a total of 854.4k and 1.3million daily and monthly active users respectively.

Revenue Generation: 2 generates most of its revenue from in-app purchases visible within the game. These purchases have been able to generate the game $457.9 and $43.8k in revenue on both Android and iOS stores respectively. 2 also has a number of paid ads within the game and have been able to generate $188.3 from these ads on the Android version.

Final Thoughts

If you were a fan of at any point, then you would absolutely love 2. The game basically leverages the success and concept of its predecessor, the game. The only difference is, 2 tries to add a little bit of finesse as it brings few circles into a square game. The game still has a lot of ads within it which players will be required to watch but that is understandable as they generate revenue through ads. As stated on their official page, the game is one heck of a ‘smooth drawing experience!’

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Mobile App Success Story: Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium Fri, 28 Sep 2018 12:10:57 +0000 6 MIN. READ Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium is a game considered extremely fun, for all players no matter the age bracket. It is a very engaging real-time...

The post Mobile App Success Story: Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium first appeared on AppSamurai.

Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium is a game considered extremely fun, for all players no matter the age bracket. It is a very engaging real-time game that allows players to get into the business of fishing in real time. Dubbed Virtual Aquarium, the game is an adventurous game with the sole aim of getting players to let loose.
The game allows players to search for all the fish, lost in the ocean using the one-stop shop platform. Once these fish are found, players get a chance to feed, breed and sell each of them, with success being the target. Your ability to properly cater for the fish until they are big enough for you to sell them at valuable rates contributes to your success within the gameplay.  You can also grow to become your own boss owning your personal fish store in the simulation game.

Brilliant Idea

Basically, Fish Tycoon 2 players are tasked with breeding fish they could sell for money. Adequate sales lead to an upgrade and some more ‘currency’ for each player’s decoration of tanks and store renovation.
Surprisingly, the game grows and changes along with each family of pet fish each player collects, breeds and cares for within the game. Players are provided with a few eggs, to begin with, and the gameplay spreads to include breeds like sharks, catfish, groupers, and koi. The variety is endless as players have an unlimited supply of fish in the sea.
With Fish Tycoon 2, players can:

  • Gain access to as many as over 400 very unique fish species in the sea. As a result, players get to witness a lot of options and opportunities to breed and care for as many different varieties as they can. This is one reason a lot of players are endeared to the game because as they say, variety is the spice of life.

  • Access to very useful upgrades and creative power-ups: With increased gameplay and some in-app purchases, players could gain access to more exciting features and items within the game. They would also be given power-ups to boost their performance in the gameplay. The game’s upgrades and boosts are definitely such that makes a game very engaging.

  • With time, Players could also gain access to some personalization features which they could utilize to renovate their stores; to main, it seems a bit more relatable. In the same vein, players could also expand their fish empire as the game progresses through several built-in surprises designed to wow players.
  • Players are provided with magical Zen plants to breed, nurture and care for their fish. This is an addition to the Marine life feature, which helps boost the life of each feature, keeping it stronger for longer.
  • Players are also allowed to hire colorful mascots to draw in crowds, preferably big ones.
  • A number of gorgeous themes are also provided within the game, to be utilized in the decorations of players’ tanks to make it more presentable and personalized.

  • You also get the opportunity to increase your revenue when you research and find out all you can about foods required to sustain rare species and the environment as a whole.


How Fish Tycoon 2 Did It

The Fish Tycoon 2 game, which is unarguably a better version of the first series, leverages on the success of the Fish Tycoon game. The game features a whole lot of upgrades and modifications, correcting almost all the ills of the first part. Some of these new additions are:

  • The inclusion of a subtle, tranquil music to the gameplay
  • The addition of daily goals to help players draft their objective for the day
  • The treasure chest and the high that comes with anticipating its opening
  • The suspense that comes from having no idea what the new fish would look like
  • And the entertaining, yet engaging search for the magic fish

All these and the fact that players are now allowed to update the fish store are factors sure to keep both old and new players very occupied and entertained at the same time.

Business Model

Fish  2 game is a simulation game that belongs to the category ‘Games’ under the subcategory ‘Simulation’. The game, created by Last Day of Work LLC, is an offshoot of Fish Tycoon one, pioneered by Lion Studios.
Within this month alone, the game has been downloaded a total of 124.82 times on the iOS store with a total of 195.76k daily active users worldwide. On the Google Play Store, the game has been able to gather massive followership, with a total of 141.50k downloads in the last 30 days and a whooping 585.96k daily active users, worldwide.

  • In-App Purchases: The game leverages on this widespread usage to generate revenue, as players especially those in the United States are provided with the following in-app purchases options.

A handful of coins within the game goes for $1.99, Shell of coins and Chest of coins go for $9.99 and $4.99 each, Handful of gems can be obtained for about $1.99, Chest of Coins, Barrel of coins, Shell of Gems and Chest of gems all go for $4.99, $19.99, $4.99 and $9.99 respectively while  Barrel of gems can be obtained within the game for about $29.99. All these gems and coins add to the fun derived by players of Fish Tycoon 2.
The features obtained can be used to decorate tanks, upgrade the state of their breeds and totally make the gameplay more engaging. The game is also quite used in places like Indonesia, Russia, and India.

  • Regular Updates: The game also features regular upgrades. Here, players are intimated on the happenings within the developer’s world, the plans being put in place to ensure the game performs better, how they intend to resolve any issue pointed out to them by users and their overall plans for the game, moving forward. Since the game’s release on the 25th of August, 2017, the game has been updated lots of times, with the last update being on the 15th of June, 2017. These updates, which happen really frequently, give users a sense of anticipation, as they can not wait to find that what would be added to the mix.

Final Thoughts

Fish Tycoon 2 is a free simulation game which is not only considered fun and entertaining but is also said to be one of the best fish tank simulation games ever made. The game’s narrative is quite simple, with really beautiful graphics and good solemn music. It is one game that is certain to keep users engaged, whether they are traveling or just in need of something really fun and entertaining to do!

The post Mobile App Success Story: Fish Tycoon 2: Virtual Aquarium first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Mobile App Success Story: Merge Plane Wed, 05 Sep 2018 11:58:57 +0000 6 MIN. READ Have you ever thought about being a pilot? Ever wanted to be in charge of your own airplane, a parking apron, and a full airline?...

The post Mobile App Success Story: Merge Plane first appeared on AppSamurai.

Have you ever thought about being a pilot? Ever wanted to be in charge of your own airplane, a parking apron, and a full airline? The Merge Plan is just what you need.
The app lets users purchase, merge and take charge of their own airplanes, flying them and having fun while earning money. The simulation game is one which puts users in charge of their airspace, letting them have fun while they gain a sense of belonging.

Brilliant Idea

Developed by Gaga games and put up for sale by Shannan Klwx Technology Co., Ltd, Merge Plane is a free simulated app, which is compatible with Android and iOS devices. The game is already rated a whopping 4+ on both stores, with English as its major language.

With a size of about 325.2mb, the game requires iOS version 9.0 or higher, with smooth functionality on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. With a constant upgrade at various intervals, the game which was published on the 30th of March, 2018, has a current version of 1.18.
These constant upgrades come with the following incentives;

  • Previously, users complained about blurry avatar displays in the app’s leaderboard as well as a delay in data display on the leaderboard. The newer versions do not have these problems.
  • There are also a number of updated on features required to make the app more interactive and user-friendly.


How Merge Plane Did It

The game made it a point of duty to always update their app, to integrate whatever users may have requested for while improving the app’s functionality and outlook. The game’s recent updates come with new tournament modes and outlook to keep users entertained and engaged. There is also an opportunity for players to compete with each other, to gain access to a number of in-app rewards.

  • Theme, Layout, and Design: Merge Plane features a fantastic layout and scene design. Little wonder people can not seem to get enough of the app. The app’s design makes the whole game play process feel very surreal and engaging as users get a good feel of what it is like to fly an airplane, even if they do not own one!
  • Varieties: The game features as many as 30 different kinds of airplanes and counting. These airplanes all come with their various specifications and designs. Users even get spoiled for choice as to which spec to go for. The good thing is, there is always something for everyone as the developers have made certain they come up with designs that would cut across people from all works of life. There are also a number of rare planes waiting to be collected and released by players.
  • Idle System: This is one reason players find the game very captivating. The fact that planes can be flown automatically; growing your plane team on idle mode. More so, users can also generate money, even when they are offline, with the opportunity to make their team the biggest one, worldwide, without much stress.


Business Model

With thousands of downloads and installs on both Google and iOS stores, the Merge Plane is one app with a clear-cut business model. There are a number of ads within the game, but the app is most recognized for its vast options for upgrades through in-app purchases. 

Gold Membership

This is the most prominent in-app purchase within the game. For about $7.49, users can be upgraded to gold members with a few incentives as a result of the upgrade. For starters, users are offered a weekly subscription with a three day trial period, freely attached.  After this period, this payment of $7.99 will be implemented. When users make this purchase; the following features will be unlocked;

  • An increase in the speed of your planes, up to the tune of 120%
  • A profit of about 120% on all your planes
  • Addition of two extra spaces on the runway
  • Offline earnings would increase by 130%
  • And a discount of 20% in the cost of the plane shop.

Subscription Notice


  • Immediately the buyer makes payment for the purchase, the payment will be confirmed and charged to iTunes account for confirmation.
  • As an automated process, subscription renews on the app if the user fails to turn off auto-renewal a day before the expiration of the current period
  • A day before the expiration of the current session, users will get charged for a new session, as well as an identification of the renewal cost.
  • Users can also manage their subscriptions through the use of the account settings visible after purchase. Auto-renewal can also be handled through this same process. In fact, it can be fully turned off through this account settings icon.
  • All unused data from the free trial period will be forfeited if offered when the user buys another subscription related to the publication if it is available but with a number of features.

Other in-app purchases within the app include;

  • Fisful of Gems: Users can purchase a number of gems within the app with about $1.49
  • Pile of Gems: The app also features a pile of Gems for users, which goes for about $7.99.
  • Box of Gems: Within the game, a box of Gems can also be purchased for $14.99
  • Trunk of gems: To spice up the game, users can purchase a trunk of gems to give them access to a number of features within the game. This can be gotten for $30.99
  • Cabinet of gems: Gems can be used to pay for features in the game and a cabinet full of them will get you a lot of fun. A cabinet full of gems can be gotten for $79.99
  • Gems for limited offer: For about $3.99, users can have access to gems that can be utilized for a number of options. However, the features holders of this gem can access will be limited, until they acquire more gems.



Everyone loves to feel like a winner and Merge Plane brings that to the table. Its outstanding features are reasons the game practically stands out. There are a dearth of idle games out there and Merge Plane’s developers capitalized on that. The platform’s layout and theme are also airtight as users have continuously testified to how engaging they find the app. Now people can dominate their own airspace while having fun in the process.
Just like the game says, “start your airline empire today!”

The post Mobile App Success Story: Merge Plane first appeared on AppSamurai.

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