AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Thu, 16 Feb 2023 10:56:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4 Tips For A Successful Location–Based Mobile Marketing Sat, 23 Oct 2021 00:09:23 +0000 8 MIN. READ 4 Tips For A Successful Location Based Mobile Marketing Within a week, this ad campaign’s Cost Per Click reached 7 cents because its Click-Through Rate...

The post 4 Tips For A Successful Location–Based Mobile Marketing first appeared on AppSamurai.

4 Tips For A Successful Location Based Mobile Marketing

Within a week, this ad campaign’s Cost Per Click reached 7 cents because its Click-Through Rate was more than 8%. 


With location-based marketing strategies, marketers mostly show their audience what they’re already familiar with. 


And when this happens, CTR gets higher and the cost incurred for every sale reduces. 


Whenever CTR goes high in advertising, the CPC rate reduces.


In fact, this location-specific campaign generated 2 sales of $25 each in just 294 clicks.

The campaign’s total cost was around $20.58. 


So the net profit was – $50 – $20.58 = $29.42 


See? This is the power of location-based mobile marketing. To explore it’s potential even more, keep reading further. 

1. Leverage Geo-Targeting for An Effective Location Based Mobile Marketing

Geo-targeting is a system that leverages an IP address, Wi-Fi, or GPS of a device to target customers. 

This process uses a location that can be country, state, or city, depending upon the level of geo-targeting.

Let us show you how marketers geo-target on Google.

So we want to find a restaurant in California to have our supper.

We search “Ohio restaurant”, and here’s what we get at the top:


Can you guess why these restaurants are appearing on top? Well, they did location-specific SEO. 

The idea behind this type of marketing is specificity. 

We narrow it down to individual customers with an offer that they’re more likely to consider. 

Other than local SEO, we can also leverage geo-targeting by running ad campaigns on: 

  • Facebook 
  • Pinterest
  • Google Search
  • Instagram 
  • YouTube 
  • Quora 
  • Reddit

How AT&T Used Geo-Targeting to Get Nearly 100% Open Rate 

AT&T used geo-targeting to offer several rewards, offers, and coupons to nearby people using ShopAlerts.

Geo-targeting helped them get: 

  • Nearly 100% open rate
  • 50% of the total people gave consent for texting 
  • 22-25% converted and became AT&T’s loyal customers

How Can Geo-Targeting Benefit Your Location Based Mobile Marketing Strategy?

Through Geo-targeting, you exercise your digital rights and use them to your advantage as it: 

  • Strengthens your brand


  • Improves visibility of your businesses 


  • Makes the relation between you and your customers better


2. Use Geofencing in Your Location Based Mobile Marketing to Generate A Good Conversion

The primary need for geofencing is an app or software.

In Geofencing, the app or software you use generates a pre-programmed action, which in most cases is a message on a device.

When the mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a particular location boundary, the app triggers in one of the following ways: 

  • GPS
  • RFID
  • Wi-Fi
  • Cellular data

#Fact: Did you know Geofencing is compatible with more than 90% of smartphones?

Look At This Example: How Starbucks Used Geofencing to Compel David? 

Once David – a coffee enthusiast – was around a Starbucks outlet and received a push notification.

The message was:

Yes, this is how Geofencing works! 

5 Main Benefits of Geofencing Location-Based Mobile Marketing

  1. Better and specific customer targeting
  2. Convincing becomes easier since you only target nearby people
  3. Access to insightful data metrics like traffic patterns, stay durations, engagement, etc.
  4. Personalize your customer experience to cater better to their needs
  5. Get a competitive advantage because others might underestimate geofencing 

Tips to Use Geofencing Effectively

        1. Make small fences: Always target a small area as people far away won’t even think of visiting the store 

        2. Set up fences according to the audience: Don’t just think of setting up geofencing around your store; target, target those locations where your target audience hangs out more

         3. Make sure your readers take an action: Make your message catchy by giving your readers an offer or a discount

According to a study by Marketing Drive, businesses that leverage geofencing saw more than double CTR in mobile ads.

Once you master the art of Geofencing, the earning potential it brings is limitless. 

3. Geo-Conquesting Keep You Ahead of Your Competitors

For Geo-Conquesting to work, you don’t necessarily need to have a better product than your competitors. 


You basically need to portray yourself better. 


So the primary element required for geo-conquesting is geofencing and mobile location data.


Let us show you how you can use both of these to gain more customers.

 a) Use Geofencing in Geo-Conquesting

Suppose you have a shoe shop. 


Your biggest competitor is just across the street.


Your competitor knows what geofencing is and leverages it to bring in customers. 


But you’re 1 step ahead!


You’re aware of geo-conquesting.


Now you can set up a geofence in the same location as your competitor and start targeting your competitor’s customers.


Give them an extra discount to lure them into your store and sell your product.


As long as you’ve a better or same quality product with a greater discount or offer, this method works. 


 b) Use Mobile Location Data in Geo-Conquesting

With location data of devices, you can know where your target audience is heading.


Targeting these customers, you can introduce your store, give them a welcome discount, and get more visitors. 

How Hyundai Outcompeted its Competitors with Geo-Conquesting

Hyundai had a methodical approach for out-competing its competitors.


The company leveraged Geo-Conquesting and gained an edge over competitor brands like Toyota and Mazda.


Here’s what they did:


Step 1: Hyundai mapped all the stores of Toyota and Mazda including themselves online.


Step 2: They grouped Mazda and Toyota stores with the help of geofencing lines that were near Hyundai stores.


Step 3: Whenever customers stepped inside or outside a Mazda or Toyota store, they received an ad from Hyundai.


Step 4: Using mobile location data, Hyundai also targeted people who visited any of the 2 store outlets earlier. 


This campaign was a success and gave Hyundai a 50% better CTR than the average industry CTR (4 percent).


4. Discover the Potential of Proximity for Location Based Mobile Marketing 

Some of you might’ve heard of proximity marketing as hyperlocal marketing.

Proximity marketing uses location technology to communicate with customers via a portable device.

There Are 3 Types of Proximity Marketing You Can Use

1. Beacon Technology

As the name suggests, Beacon technology leverages small beacons.

The wireless transmitters use Bluetooth to send signals to smartphones and other devices in the vicinity.

The journey of Beacons began with Apple.

In June 2013, Apple launched iBeacon as an integral part of iOS 7.

Every beacon is equipped with:

  • CPU
  • Radio
  • Batteries

It works by repeatedly broadcasting out an identifier.


An identifier is a unique ID that any smart device can read.


This identifier is picked up by smart devices (in most cases a cell phone) and it pinpoints a location.


In this case, the beacon is programmed to perform a specific function, as soon as the cell phone picks up the identifier. 


This task in marketing campaigns is to send messages on cell phones.

2. WiFi Proximity Marketing

Everyone loves free WiFi. When you access the WiFi at any store, you become a potential lead for that shop (even if you don’t buy anything).


The moment you sign in to the WiFi, you start getting promotional messages and notifications about the store. 


This is what we call WiFi proximity marketing.



For sending messages, the store owner requires an app that can read the WiFi signal.


With the app, one can determine if a prospect is inside or outside the store.


The store owner can then use this information to send promotional messages accordingly.


WiFi proximity is better than beacon proximity marketing. 


The range that WiFi provides is much greater than a Beacon’s range.


Also, the setup cost for WiFi proximity marketing is less as it doesn’t require some hardware to catch the signal. 


With WiFi proximity marketing, one can track:


  • Number of existing & new visitors
  • Number of returning visitors
  • Total number of views on a campaign
  • CTR
  • Dwell time 
  • Visitor’s age
  • Visitor’s gender


3. RFID/NFC Proximity Marketing

Nowadays, 2 technologies that come in handy with a cell phone are:


  1. Near-Field Communication (NFC)
  2. Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)


These 2 are leveraged by shop owners to gain more customers and make transactions quick and easy.



You can leverage RFID/NFC in proximity marketing by attaching micro transmitters to all the products you sell.


The best way to put these transmitters on a product is in the form of a barcode.


This type of proximity marketing doesn’t require WiFi or a Beacon. 


As soon as a customer scans the barcode (micro transmitter) on the product, all the information about the product is transmitted to their phone.


If a customer likes a product or wants to buy one, they can simply do this from their phones immediately.

How McDonald’s Leveraged Beacon Proximity Marketing to Achieve A 20% Conversion Rate 

McDonald’s is one of the best location-based marketing examples. 


They wanted to promote their new coffee-flavored beverages in Istanbul, Turkey.


It has about 15 outlets in Istanbul and wanted to try out proximity marketing for all of them.


The Shop Genie app, a popular Turkish app was used to achieve great results via Beacon Proximity Marketing.


Using Shop Genie and beacon, McDonald’s targeted people in the store’s surroundings by creating Geofences.


This gave McD a conversion rate of 20%, that’s huge!


The post 4 Tips For A Successful Location–Based Mobile Marketing first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Promote Entertainment Apps Wed, 22 Sep 2021 00:01:05 +0000 9 MIN. READ Most of us like to use Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store because of two reasons. The first one is when we are stuck...

The post How to Promote Entertainment Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

Most of us like to use Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store because of two reasons. The first one is when we are stuck in any problem and need an immediate and reliable solution; the second reason is when we are suffering from boredom and want to occupy our spare time.

In that case, most of us like to browse the entertainment category on our favorite app store. Today we will show all the secrets of entertainment apps. We will also show you some of the most beneficial methods to promote your entertainment apps. And how you can present your creation in front of your target users in the right way. Let’s get started:

Entertainment Apps’ Business Model

Before we discuss the best promotional strategies for your apps, let’s check out what your competitors are doing in the market. Analyzing your competitors is vital regardless of your app type, as you can figure out which is the best method to monetize an entertainment app.

We visited App Annie and witnessed some exciting Entertainment lists in the United States for both Android and iOS users. 

In the free apps on IOS, the first ones on the list were in-app purchases. If you go down a bit, you can easily identify countless apps without paid subscriptions, and we didn’t notice premium items. 

As for the premium apps, the ones that have unique and multiple sets of emojis were the most popular. In top-grossing channel apps, one can easily notice that the channels that let people view their favorite TV shows were on the top. We noticed the same pattern for Android users. 

The only exception that we observed is that people choose sounds and games over TV shows in premium apps. Now, if you look at your entertainment app, you can easily make an informed decision as per your target market’s favorite platform.

Best Ways To Promote Entertainment Apps

Like other categories on the app store, entertainment apps also need your time, vigilance, and a lot of attention when it’s about selecting the best method for promoting them. And we will also provide you some tips to showcase your solution to your users for divertissement.

Prepare and Use Watchlist

Nowadays, smartphones work like a little TV that you can use to broadcast your favorite shows. Due to the abundance of apps provided by TV channels and cable companies, it is not that simple to differentiate your product from the rest. 

Similarly, it is challenging to come up with something new and unique for your audience. That’s why all this comes down to the overall interface and design of your entertainment app. 

Furthermore, an ideal mobile application interface inspires users to use your entertainment app and provides your users a great viewing experience. 

In that case, we liked the IMDB marketing strategy that offers its customers all the information they demand and enables them to organize the most popular shows and movies as per their preferences.

Moreover, customers can write their opinions about a movie and rate the videos. They can view the latest news and exciting insights right from personalities’ lives in the same app.

It’s Show Time

It is vital to begin your app’s promotion by finding the right time to reach out to your target market. Whenever users have spare time, such as when they are on the g, having coffee, or waiting in a line, they like to browse such apps to get rid of boredom. 

In that second, they usually navigate to the app store and hunt for an exciting entertainment app. 

All you have to do is make sure that your app appears on the top of the page in the search results. A perfect solution to market entertainment applications is App Store Search Ads. This unique and useful tool is designed to guide and help users when they don’t know how and what to choose.

Besides, it allows app developers to present their apps in front of users if relevant to the users. If you don’t know how you will do it, no need to worry as you can easily find many tutorials for Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Moreover, it goes without saying that your entertainment app’s page should be user-friendly so that you can maximize the returns. In this case, Netflix is a perfect example and provides you all the inspiration when you are optimizing your entertainment app page.

Is the App Funny?

You need to know that users who look for entertainment applications want to enjoy and laugh a lot. You need to provide them the funny and lively atmosphere that they are looking for. To provide them with what they want, you need to study their behavior and consumer reports, and only then can you offer them an unforgettable personalized experience through your app. 

Furthermore, you should consider the user’s demographics when you develop and promote your entertainment app. From user’s language to age and gender, every characteristic should be taken into account, and it directly impacts the app’s success and final outcome. 

Due to this reason, the YouTube team paid attention to kids’ needs and provided the right environment for the children so that they can have an enjoyable time. 

And for all entertainment apps developers and owners, it is a perfect example. The way the YouTube Kids app is made around educational content is fantastic and motivates parents to participate with their kids in learning and exploration.

Show and Share Your Emotions

As mentioned above, emojis are essential, especially for smartphone users. People love to express their feelings and want a personalized experience with your app. 

In this regard, we will advise you to write loads of content but using fewer words in a whole different style as it appeals to the users and they demand this type of apps. Social networks or messaging apps give users appropriate environments using compelling images rather than using normal words and text. 

Try to analyze the charts displayed by App Annie, and you will notice that each emoji app addresses to a particular group of users. CatMoji and Dog Emojis are perfect for animal lovers or ARIMOJI for Ariana Grande’s admirers; these apps are ideal for many user profiles. 

Our advice is to analyze the competitor’s app thoroughly, study your target audience and match your new entertainment app’s features with user’s requirements.

Upgrade to Paid

Encourage your app users to upgrade their normal subscription to the premium one. Many media and entertainment apps start off appealing to their new customers by offering them a free version of their mobile app. 

While the app’s free version should offer plenty of value for users, the paid version of your mobile app must provide more value and unique features to diehard users that they will desire.

In simple words, mobile apps must pinpoint their users and promote the paid version. Try to highlight the unique features and benefits, and upgrades that the paid version provides.

Furthermore, you can offer deals and lucrative discounts to push users towards a premium version of your app.

The Right Time

You need to adopt personalized marketing campaigns in specific times and activity trends. Media and entertainment apps are mostly used during the morning and at night. You should know what time your target audience is using your mobile app and then try to engage with them appropriately.

Entertainment apps should also promote and provide their Morning Pump Up playlist to users who want to jumpstart their day. At the same time, you can also send a push message to your users, encouraging them to view and download the morning news.

What your Users Want & How they Want it

Propose exciting content to your users as per their past behavior data. Entertainment mobile applications can significantly boost engagement by changing users’ minds and show them new content that appeals to them.

You should have access to the user’s stats, and data so don’t hesitate to use it to your benefit. You can also use your app for this purpose. Apps should always be aware of their end users to understand their demands, interests, and tastes. 

In other words, you need to understand what your target audience loves and then provide them with more relevant and meaningful content as per their preference and taste.

For example, you might have noticed that music apps know the user’s favorite music genre, and on its basis, they suggest users new artists or songs.

YouTube is another excellent example of an entertainment app that suggests to users relevant and engaging content as per their exact needs. YouTube knows that if you watch videos about Star Wars, it will show you details about the series artist and more details about them.

Furthermore, speaking of YouTube, keep in mind that it also efficiently utilizes your watch history. You can do the same on your entertainment app. You need to use a push message promoting a video that appeals to users and content that you think they will likely enjoy.

New Features Galore!

Let people know about your new entertainment app and its unique features. When you know that your mobile application contains unique and exclusive features that can make users go crazy, don’t think twice and show them all those features in an adequate way.

Try to determine in which section users spend most of their time inside your entertainment app. Similarly, you need to review which elements of your application are more admired by the users. 

Once you understand what aspects of your entertainment app your target users enjoy the most, you can easily and timely update them about new releases that will excite them and drive you more engagement.

For example, think about Snapchat’s swappable stickers and selfie filters. These are fan favorites, and Snapchat sends a push message when it releases a new filter or sticker to capture user attention.

The Push Messages For that Extra Zing!

When promoting your new entertainment application, keep users about what their family members and friends are doing with the app.

For all apps, regardless of their type or goals, engagement remains a vital metric that no developer or owner can overlook. Entertainment apps have a massive and unique advantage as there is always a buzz around and plenty of things that users want and prefer.

Entertainment apps can drive massive engagement with users just by highlighting what their family and friends are doing or up to. 

As an entertainment app owner or promoter, you must acquire the benefit of the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) to enhance the engagement. Remind your users that they can miss out on important things if they don’t log in.

For example, Facebook’s mobile app does this job in an efficient manner. The app reminds users when their family or friends comment on any post, upload new pictures. 

Similarly, users can invite each other to join a game, and there are several actions that they can perform and boost engagement.

In the End

Entertainment apps’ promotion is simple if you plan things well before time. This is because entertainment never goes out of fashion, and everyone wants it. Users are always looking for their favorite stars, movies, TV shows, and they want to know about them.

At the same time, many of us like to play funny games and love to share our thoughts in a unique way.

When promoting an entertainment app, it’s vital for you to take care of your users and need to focus on their preferences and the right segment. Just by giving them what they demand, you can convert them into your loyal customers.

The post How to Promote Entertainment Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Promote Music Apps Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:06:32 +0000 9 MIN. READ Ever wonder how some apps get so much publicity while others struggle to gain any attention? Well, we’re going to give you the inside scoop...

The post How to Promote Music Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

Ever wonder how some apps get so much publicity while others struggle to gain any attention? Well, we’re going to give you the inside scoop on how app developers use marketing techniques to promote their music apps.

The music industry is changing. Streaming services such as Spotify and Pandora have taken over the industry, with more than 75% of all music sales coming from digital downloads or streams. This has caused a change in how artists promote their music to fans.

Gone are the days when you could just release a CD and hope for the best; now, it’s all about social media marketing and apps!

We’ll talk about what’s important when crafting a promotional campaign and provide examples of successful campaigns that have been used in the past.

We will also include tips for creating your own promotional campaign and discuss why these small efforts can make all the difference. You’ll find out how it is possible to be more effective with less effort by following these simple steps.

Analyze Other Music Apps

If you want to reach top positions, you need to examine what others are doing in the industry. Analyzing other mobile apps in your niche is always recommended, and it helps. 

So, let’s spy a little on others in the market. You will find the best Music apps on both popular app stores. In the first list, we noticed some well-known and popular apps. 

Most of them are available for free with in-app purchases, and that’s something unexpected. In the Paid section, we noticed the paid versions of those free music apps. As for the top-grossing apps, most were in the free apps with in-app purchases. 

Things were almost the same in the Google Play Store, but we still noticed some minor changes. While analyzing, we observed that users like free music apps without in-app purchases. 

So we can say that it all depends on the platform/ store and the services your music app offers to users. The point was to highlight the necessary information about app stores and users’ behavior.

Simple Ways to Promote Music Apps

There are several methods and techniques that you can use to promote a music app, but we will only list result-oriented and practical methods in this guide. The most vital thing for you is to use all of your resources and try all the channels available to spread the nice word about your music app. 

Having said this, let’s check out the easiest ways for music app promotion and how to use them.

Listen to Your Users

Before thinking about a marketing plan and promoting your music app, you need to think about the best ways to develop the app. While analyzing various music apps, we noticed that FL Studio Mobile, a music app, has the most users due to its unique business model. This music app costs almost $14 on Apple App Store, and users can get the app for $16 on Google Play Store. 

The unique things users will have to purchase buy certain items inside the music app. Then, we observed the user’s reviews, and those were positive. So the point is that if you can create an intuitive and simple-to-use app, users won’t mind paying for extra features.

Furthermore, if the app’s features match users’ needs and preferences, you can generate loads of money and build a sustainable plan for its promotion. But if you ignore these things, then your app has no future.

Keep in mind that if your app is too complicated, it will not gain users’ attraction, and you will have to simplify to engage your customers.

Work With Artists

Assuming that you completed the previous step as described now, we will advise you to find the relevant influencers and approach them for your music app’s promotion. Remember that influencer marketing is crucial in this modern era, and it can be a game-changer for entertainment and music apps. 

Try to convince influencers to work with you and tell them about the value your app offers to the users, and If they agree, you will witness amazing results in no time. Ask influencers to use your app and share their experience with the people and their followers. 

The point here is to assure them that your app improves their relationship and allows them to connect with their fans in a more suitable manner. Remember that you are asking for their precious time and help, but they also need your music app to reach their audience. 

As an example, look and observe the Tidal app. The app was marketed by several artists. And the results were great as who doesn’t want to install the app endorsed by popular names like Alicia Keys, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Madonna, and others?

Music Brings People Together

Now many of you will state that Tidal is a huge name and owned by well-known people, and ordinary people can’t compete with them. That’s true, and we agree with you. However, don’t forget that music has the power to build and develop emotions. 

Stop complaining and try to take advantage of this effective promotional strategy and innovative technology available. Furthermore, we will recommend using the social media sites to your advantage, and we have talked about their benefits in almost all of our posts. 

You can use various social media platforms to connect with famous singers and musicians, and what’s the harm in trying to build nurturing relationships with them?

For example, observe Shazam and its association with Snapchat to reach a wider audience. After integrating Shazam through a trending social media platform, the Snapchat app has reached new heights only in a few years. 

Snapchaters can use Shazam songs, and there are various features in the app that connect users with other people and other famous music apps such as Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify, or Pandora. What else can users need?

Use Social Media

Again social media comes into the list as it is a must for every marketing strategy and all types of businesses. Do you know that half of the world’s population has active social media accounts? As you can see, the numbers are surprising, and you need to do something about it.

Social media platform opens up new doors for app owners and marketer. Just a viral tweet, image, or video can give you unimaginable reach, and you can reach out to new and wider audiences.

Plus, social media platforms are simple to use, and most of them are free. However, premium versions are recommended for marketers. The point is, use them for your music app’s promotion and see the magic.

When using social media, don’t underestimate the power of hashtags. These little tags can drastically enhance your post’s visibility and allow you to spread your app to your target audience. However, use the relevant hashtags only.

Apart from is, social media sites are also an excellent place to mingle with your users. Use the comment section, answer their queries and reply to their messages. All these simple activities can do wonders for your app.

Moreover, some popular social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook allow you to build a deeper bond between you and your target audience by providing you all the valuable insights about users and their behavior. So, use these insights to your advantage, and they will also help in your overall marketing strategy.

Show It to Others

While the promotional method and analyzing your competitors is effective and necessary, but in the end, all this depends on your presentation. If you don’t have faith in your own app, no one will. You need to show others that your new music app is a phenomenon. Promote your music app wherever possible and in the best way on several platforms. 

Furthermore, don’t hesitate to go to concerts, events and all types of musical performances. Only then you can replicate the same environment for your users. 

At the same time, you need to blow the trumpet for your new invention. Everything you say about your app reflects the amazing sensation that it provides.

Similarly, pay attention to the buyer persona. If you are targeting youth and Millennials, understand their environment and try to discover what type of music appeals and other similar things. You need to give your users something extraordinary to attract them. 

For example, study the mechanism behind the Karaoke music app that allows users to become real singers.

Use an Email List

Email marketing is efficient for all types of apps. To do this, you need to collect an email list of active users. Moreover, you can also manually build your own with Gmail’s Group feature or use any third-party tool such as MailChimp.

With an email list, you can draft an engaging promotional email for users and send various updates to your existing users. Remember that you will have to use personalized emails to let your audience know that you are there for them and appreciate their efforts.

Let users know about your app’s latest features, news, popular tour dates, and other similar things to attract them and make them download your mobile app.

Get Your App Covered by Blogs

Don’t underestimate the power and influence of music blogs. These blogs have countless followers that trust them. If you can convince them to write and use your app, they can expose your creation to a broader range of people.

There are many popular blogs that you can use to reach out to your users. One such example is the Popjustice. It is the most popular music blog and covers all types of music genres with millions of followers.

However, it’s not the only blog; you can easily find several blogs relevant to the niche. Here we will advise you to start locally. The most significant advantage of using local blogs for your app’s promotion is familiarity. Locals are likely to work with you than the others.

To reach out to the blogs, write an engaging, comprehensive, and personalized email. You need to outline who you are, what your app is, and what you do. Give them all the information about your music app and what makes it different from the others.

Besides, you can also add links to your music app page, or if you have a business website, add its link in the email so that they can know about your music app.

Once they accept your offer and your music app is covered, share their website’s link in your posts.

Think About Alternative App Stores

Don’t rely only on the Apple App Store and Google Play. There are many other app stores on the market that you can use for your music app’s promotion. 

According to a recent study, if a mobile app is submitted to other less popular stores, it enhances the app’s download up to 200% as compared to the other app stores.

Below are some less famous but decent app stores that you need to consider for your app’s promotion. Above all these are the rising mobile app markets.

  • GetJar
  • SlideMe
  • Opera Mobile Store
  • AppsLib
  • Amazon Appstore

In the End

With the help of these marketing tips, you can design a more effective promotional campaign with less effort. You may also find that your customers become happier and more loyal because they feel like you care about their needs personally. 

That’s what it takes to make a music app’s promotional campaign successful. After all, people are much more likely to buy something when they know the company is invested in their happiness and cares about them. So, apply these methods and promote music apps in an ideal way.

The post How to Promote Music Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Promote Bitcoin Apps Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:06:02 +0000 9 MIN. READ Everybody is talking about cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. The amazing technology has influenced the way people used to perceive the digital world. Because this is an...

The post How to Promote Bitcoin Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

Everybody is talking about cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. The amazing technology has influenced the way people used to perceive the digital world. Because this is an entirely new thing on the market, and presently people are overwhelmed with this innovation.

Furthermore, this whole digital currency thing is appealing to app developers, and there is a sudden rise in Bitcoin mobile apps. Plus, the apps built around these services are crucial and helpful for users in many ways.

How to promote bitcoin apps? With this guide, we will show you how. There are many ways to market your app, but the most important thing is that you choose what works best for you. It can be hard to know where or how to start when it comes to marketing a Bitcoin app–especially if you’re not a developer. But no need to worry as this blog post will teach you everything about promoting bitcoin apps!

Bitcoin App’s Business Model

Bitcoin itself is not a category; neither will you find this section on the popular app stores. Instead, it is a part of finance apps, and hence you will see such apps in the finance category. 

Furthermore, while analyzing various Bitcoin apps on Google Play Store and Apple App Store, we noticed some notable differences between the current listings and the previous results that we observed a few weeks ago.

Nevertheless, the current results show that people in the United States are using these apps much more than anything, and we all know the reasons.

Besides, bitcoin apps are among the user’s favorite financial tools, especially in the free app section on both app stores. 

However, paid app sections on Apple App Store and Google Play Store also include many Bitcoin and related apps. This is the perfect proof that these mobile apps have gained immense popularity in recent years.

This also means that you can acquire benefits from this dynamic market by launching your Bitcoin app with unique features and meaningful content. 

Apart from it, you need to use effective methods to promote your Bitcoin app as the competition is high, and if you are not sure about we will reveal all the secrets below in this guide.

Promote Bitcoin Apps

You might be wondering why you should promote your bitcoin app as users are looking for these apps more than other apps. To some extent, it is true but remember that users are looking for flawless results when they install an app regardless of its category.

Therefore, you need to invest all your resources into promoting your new Bitcoin app. It is also vital that your new mobile app meets the other apps and industry standards regarding user experience and features.

Having said that, let’s move on and talk about the best methods to promote your Bitcoin app. All these hacks are tested and perfect if you want to entice valuable users.


This is obvious, especially when you are playing in high risk and surprising world of cryptocurrency. Due to this sole reason, security is by far the most essential thing that you need to pay attention to when developing or launching your Bitcoin app.

Not many app owners understand that people are pretty reserved when it comes to changing their routine habits or when things are not in their control. The innovation of this service scares almost all users right from the start.

And things become much more sensitive with Bitcoin because the currency is highly volatile, and all transactions are kept publicly. So, before you proceed to apply any promotional methods, you need to pay attention to the app’s security.

Furthermore, you need to guarantee your users that your app meets all the security requirements and it is fully encrypted. In other words, gain their trust.

Perhaps this is the main reason why Coinbase is the most popular and valued bitcoin apps. It assures users bank-level security and protects users’ data and transactions. Plus, it allows users to deactivate phone access if their device is not in their possession.

Simple Navigation and Handling

We want to recap that user experience directly impacts user’s journey and visits to your app. Plus, it is the main difference between an average app and a professional mobile app. Besides, keep in mind that you are in the volatile world of cryptocurrency, where things can drastically change.

So, keep your users free of unnecessary problems and keep the app user-friendly. If you are able to assure people that your Bitcoin app is reliable and contains the best features like other similar apps and it has a simple-to-use interface, they will definitely use and download the app.

As mentioned above, ensure that your Bitcoin app meets industry standards, and all types of users can use it without any fuss. In this way, everyone will try this new app that has become the talk of the town.

The relevant and correct information is the demand of all users, and you should provide them when they need it. Keep in mind in the crypto world; most people rely on information and updates as it helps them to avoid various challenges.

Keep things simple and assists your customers in understanding the entire process. A perfect example is a Blockchain, a Bitcoin Wallet that offers a simple and friendly interface to its users.

Notifications and Alerts

With cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, people don’t know what is ahead. Similarly, they are not 100% sure of their next move. The market can go high or crash only in a few hours without any prior notification. It is a very annoying and stressful situation for Bitcoin users, especially for beginners.

For this reason, it is vital to keep them alert and provide them all the information needed to make the right move. Every minor detail is vital so try to offer them a clear view of their transactions.

As an example, we will advise you to analyze the list of features provided by Crypto Pro: Bitcoin Ticker. Then you will understand why the app is among the best even though it is paid for all users. You can also do the same and charge a certain amount from users.

However, first, you need to ensure that your Bitcoin app provides something useful to users. For example, rich notifications and gain/loss calculations are the favorites of many crypto traders.

Join Bitcoin Communities

The Bitcoin communities are handy for various purposes, and you can use them to promote your Bitcoin app. These communities are attractions for cryptocurrency/Bitcoin enthusiasts, traders, experts, and investors. It is the ideal place for your Bitcoin app marketing.

You can easily find such communities online but make sure that you have read the terms and rules. Then join the community and become its member. You can easily gain user’s trust by participating in the discussions. After this stage, you can present your app to them.

Paid Promotions

The ideal method that you can use for the Bitcoin app’s promotion is to use alternative paid marketing services. Paid marketing and advertising services are usually performed by Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other similar online platforms. This method works by displaying various ads about your app.

This method is also perfect for beginners. An online advertising company can arrange things for you and help you in creating a paid marketing campaign for your mobile app.

Display Campaigns

Display advertising is another paid advertising method that you can use for the promotion of your app in various media. In this method, a pop-up advertisement is displayed on the user’s phone. The chances of getting noticed for your app are much higher for your cryptocurrency app in display advertising campaigns compared to the other promotion modes. Consider this option and market your Bitcoin mobile application via pop-ups.

E-mail Campaigns

Another direct marketing method that is effective and effortless to use is e-mail marketing. E-mail marketing campaigns are the favorites of marketers. Depending on your campaign’s characteristics, you can straightforwardly convey your app’s purpose to your target users.

You can talk about your app in detail through e-mail. To plan an efficient and result-oriented e-mail marketing campaign, you need to gather an e-mail list of your audience, especially users who are interested in Bitcoin or digital currencies.

Design your email marketing campaign in a way that it grabs their attention instantly. You can get amazing results just by sending personalized emails to the right target audience.

Fiat Currencies

Of course, a bitcoin wallet works like a regular wallet, and users shouldn’t use their account to deposit their values. For this reason, we will recommend you to study and analyze Revolut, an app that helps users to exchange money between Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and fiat currency. 

Revolut is mainly a banking app, but it is helpful for crypto users as it is the only mobile application on the market that users can use to swap the local coins into bitcoins. Plus, the app charges or transaction fee is nominal.

The point is, try to develop an app that has the potential to become a user’s necessity like Revolut. It is something unique and addresses the most critical aspect that almost all crypto users need and demand.

Establish Your Presence in the Market

The audience will never approach you; instead, you will have to reach out to them to display your creation. That’s why it is vital to understand user behavior and where they spend most of their time. Try to determine which network your most audience is and engage with them. You need to show and establish your presence on the market. You can use various platforms for this purpose like Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Reddit, and more.

Keep your all social media profile update and establish your presence among your users. While doing so, ensure that your app, marketing, and social media presence are in line and demonstrate your mission and vision clearly to others.

Telegram App

Probably you have a Telegram account. In case you don’t know about the Telegram App. Allow us to elaborate a bit about this handy app. Not many people know that Telegram was initially created for marketing purposes. Plus, many are still using it as a marketing tool.

Telegram messages are fully encrypted and have a unique self-destructing feature, so users rely on them. Moreover, this cloud-based software allows you to set up your own dedicated channel. Many crypto enthusiastic use Telegram for various purposes. You will find many cryptocurrency channels and communities on Telegram.

Hence you can join those communities and channels to promote your Bitcoin. By becoming a member, you can also take part in various forums and discussions. 

Telegram is among the top places where you will find crypto experts and investors. Thus you can also become a member of any popular crypto channel on Telegram and build a loyal community.

To Conclude

There is more to say about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as it is a huge world. When it comes to the Bitcoin app, try to engage people with your app. It is vital to build a beneficial tool that provides them relevant info efficiently and timely. Engaging with your audience is also vital as it allows you to convince them about the features and utility of your mobile app.

To promote your bitcoin app, you need to be creative. The key is to find a way that will make people notice it and want the information about it. You can do this by following the promotion methods mentioned above and enjoy!


The post How to Promote Bitcoin Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Everything You Should Know About Advergaming Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:54:29 +0000 5 MIN. READ Which part of the game is more attractive? The gameplay or the ads inside the game? Ok, don’t answer that! It is obvious that users...

The post Everything You Should Know About Advergaming first appeared on AppSamurai.

Which part of the game is more attractive? The gameplay or the ads inside the game? Ok, don’t answer that! It is obvious that users prefer to enjoy the game without seeing any ads. But what if those ads are part of the game? Sounds interesting? It really is! This solution is called advergaming and we are about to reveal some tips and tricks which can be very useful if you want to attract users’ interest in your product.

What Exactly Advergaming Is

Despite the fact that it is an innovative technique, advergaming isn’t something new for marketers. Firstly, you should understand what is advergaming. We can say that advergaming is an ingenious method for minimizing ad fatigue. In fact, it is an ad in the form of a game. Companies are able to promote their products through the elements integrated into a game. It increases brand awareness and makes users talking about the game and consequently about the products advertised.

M&M Advergaming example

Pros And Cons Of Advergaming

Let’s discuss a little about advergaming advantages and disadvantages.

Cons ❌

  • High cost: Even though the price for creating a mobile game is definitely lower than it was before, you should know that advergaming and mobile advertising will bring a relatively expensive campaign. On the other hand, instead of paying a high price for intrusive ads which drive people away, you should reconsider your strategy and invest your money into a more user-friendly technique.
  • Demands creativity: Users won’t be interested in your game if it is boring and the gameplay is similar to the other 100 games they’ve played before. So, with your mobile advergaming, you need to leverage new technologies in order to convince them that your game deserves their attention.
  • Requires promotion: Yes, it seems awkward that you have to promote your ad because you created it for promoting your product. But you need to be aware of a certain fact. If you built a game it doesn’t necessarily mean that millions of users will start playing it in the next second. After all, a game is a game even if its purpose is to connect players with your brand. It still needs marketing!

Pros ✅

  • Increase brand awareness: This is the main advantage. Advergaming allows users to interact with your product. Now, don’t imagine that they will go to the store to buy it immediately after that. But they will know about your brand when they need it. Moreover, if the game is engaging enough and you implement social elements they will definitely talk with their friends about it.
  • Suitable for any business: Another positive aspect is that advergames work for every industry. It really doesn’t matter if you promote food or tires or beauty products! It all depends on the game created. If users enjoy playing it and you focus on increasing conversion rate then you have big chances to reach the wanted success.
  • Long-term results: While with a regular ad, as soon as the campaign is over customers move on and forget about your product, with advergames things are different. They will remain on users’ devices for a long time. That small icon has the power to remind them that your game is extremely interesting and your brand’s worth their attention. In fact, users know that your game is actually an ad but they don’t care because they are having fun with the characters you created based on your products.

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Successful Examples Of Mobile Advergaming Campaigns

For a better understanding of how advergames work, we gathered here a few examples. You will see that applied in the right manner, mobile advergaming is very efficient.

Chipotle Scarecrow

Chipotle teamed up with Moonbot Studios to create this ad for a campaign launched a few years ago. And the game was a success. The main takeaways from this story are that you should remove the barriers and to make your advergame free for allowing users to download it. No matter how famous is your brand, customers won’t agree to pay for an ad. Further, you should focus on offering high-quality elements inside your game. Additionally, to implementing interesting features, you have to keep in mind that your game should be flawless with impressive design in order to attract more customers.

advergaming examples

Lego Apps

A similar approach we can observe in Lego games on the main app stores. They are free and entertaining. Plus, with the new AR technology, Lego games become more and more engaging. Children can combine digital scenes with their real Lego bricks. What can be more fun than that? Oh, that’s right! Kids can record everything and to brag about their creativity. As you can imagine, for Lego, this strategy generates amazing results. Children play with virtual bricks and they can easily recognize Lego sets in the physical store. We all know that most of the parents can’t refuse their kids’ demands!

lego advergaming examples

Doritos VR Battle

Talking about technology, who thought that VR games can convince players to buy various products? If you browse through the games listed on Google Play you can easily find Doritos VR Battle, an action game which promotes in a unique way certain flavours of Doritos. Again, the purpose is to reach a wider market and to make users remember your brand. Even though the game is for Cardboard VR viewer, many elements can be adapted for other advergames. For example, if users want to share their achievements on Facebook they have the option to connect with their Facebook account. They can use the barcodes from the back of their Doritos packages to unlock certain weapons. Otherwise, they can skip all these steps and just enjoy the gameplay.

doritos advergaming examples

Use App Samurai platform to increase your app installs via creating effective mobile advertising campaigns without dealing with any ad network. Click here to start for free.

Final Thoughts

Although advergaming isn’t actually a new marketing method, for one reason or the other, many companies miss this opportunity to make potential customers interested in their products. As we presented above there are many advantages provided by this technique and if your budget allows you to invest in advergaming, you can rest assure that your campaign will give you long-term results! If you want to discover the world of mobile advertising to create brand awareness and reach your user acquisition goals, just examine the Advertise page of us!

The post Everything You Should Know About Advergaming first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Best Apps For Children With Down Syndrome Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:01:23 +0000 5 MIN. READ Today is World Down Syndrome Day and it is very important to focus our attention on helping children to lead a normal and happy life....

The post Best Apps For Children With Down Syndrome first appeared on AppSamurai.

Today is World Down Syndrome Day and it is very important to focus our attention on helping children to lead a normal and happy life. And for this reason, we need to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the evolution of technology. Mobile apps have the power to teach little ones to be as independent as possible. From this point of view it isn’t easy to create that kind of apps and it is certainly really difficult to find one that meets your requirements but there are some mandatory elements we all need to consider when we talk about an app designed for kids with Down syndrome:

  • Apps must be developed in collaboration with specialists who know all the aspects of this genetic disorder.
  • This type of apps must be approved by Down syndrome organizations.
  • With the simple design, they need to attract and engage children.
  • They mustn’t contain distracting or annoying elements.
  • These apps need to consider all age ranges.
  • Mobile tools need to adapt to kids’ needs.
  • Personalization is everything when it comes to these special apps.


Best Apps For Children With Down Syndrome

A few weeks ago, we talked about Otsimo, an app specially created for kids with learning disorders. We invite you to read the entire story for a better understanding of this tool. Additionally, we will create a list of useful apps for parents and teachers who want to help children with Down syndrome. For this analysis we took into account the main platforms, the features provided and the price available for acquiring a certain app. Feel free to choose the one suitable for your kids’ needs.



Android and iOS


  • LetMeTalk is a free AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) talker app;
  • It allows users to create sentences based on images;
  • It has over 9000 pictures from ARASAAC;
  • Users also can add new images;
  • It doesn’t require internet connection;
  • The app offers voice support for images and sentences;
  • It is translated into 17 languages;



Free with in-app purchases

Manus Line


Android and iOS


  • Manus Line is an app that offers educational and therapeutic exercises for kids with cognitive disorders.
  • It was designed in partnership with Cognitive Disabilities Therapists.
  • It can be customized, having options for “silent” and “black and white” mode.
  • It is based on repeatable levels.
  • The game provides many visual hints for helping users.
  • The app is focused on developing many capabilities like eye-hand coordination, Fine Motor Skills, Attention and Spatial Orientation.




Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome Mobile Companion




  • Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome Mobile Companion is an app based on “Gross Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome” book written by Patricia Winders.
  • The app takes into account the differences between children with Down syndrome and typical kids.
  • It offers ideas for activities adapted for special kids.
  • Users have the chance to save all the achievements as reminders for those efforts.
  • Encourages parents to forget about baby trackers and to focus on positive results.



Free with in-app purchases

Tuli Emotions




  • Tuli Emotions is an app created for ASDRA (Down Syndrome Association of Argentina).
  • The app encourages kids to reveal their emotions based on real-life situations.
  • The images used in this app were drawn and colored handmade by an interdisciplinary volunteer team.
  • Kids have to choose a photo which represents an emotion and to move it over the screen.
  • The game continues until children select the right emotion for that specific image.




Running Social Story


Android and iOS


  • Running Social Story is a mobile app created for parents who want to teach children when is safe to run and when it isn’t.
  • The app is based on a social story.
  • It includes visual hints for helping kids find the right answers.
  • There are also explanations for the reasons why children are allowed to run or not in certain places.




CommBoards Lite




  • CommBoards is an AAC Speech Assistance app.
  • It helps kids communicate with people around them in an easier way.
  • The app is used by Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP).
  • It is based on communication cards with symbols.
  • The app provides support for 5 languages.
  • It works without an internet connection, so it can be used anywhere.
  • All images are separated into certain categories like Eat, Drink, Feel, Play, Say Hello – To mom, dad, grandparents.
  • Parents can add new categories with pictures.
  • Customers are able to use the microphone for recording sounds and to associate them with images.
  • It offers also a paid version.




Special Words


Android and iOS


  • Special Words is an app specially designed for kids with learning issues;
  • Based on visuals, the app helps children to recognize pictures and sounds and to read;
  • It is suitable for teachers, parents and health professionals;
  • Special Words offers results for kids of all ages;
  • It is translated into 26 languages;
  • With over 96 pictures the app increases sight word vocabulary;
  • It allows users to add their own words, images, and audio;
  • Parents are able to change settings according to their children’s needs.




Final Thoughts

This is our list of useful apps for children with Down syndrome. After all, there is a positive consequence of the fact that app markets are so overcrowded. You can find everything you want, including apps designed for kids with special needs. And hopefully, more and more specialists will find new ways to encourage and help children. Meanwhile, this list remains open. In case you discover an app suitable for this category, please let us know and we will be glad to add it here.

The post Best Apps For Children With Down Syndrome first appeared on AppSamurai.

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