Do you ever have a feeling that you are a protagonist in a SF movie? If “Yes”, it is probably due to the Artificial Intelligence. As devices become smaller and smarter, the technology which sustains them is oriented more and more on enhancing our way of interacting with apps and people. Because we just talked about Mobile Programmatic Advertising, it seems logical to advance the discussion towards the influence of AI on mobile apps and mobile marketing. There are studies which emphasize that the future of mobile apps will be dominated by Artificial Intelligence.
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As Forrester predicts, 2017 will be the year of the insights revolution as a result of AI and big data technology. DemandBase reveals that Artificial Intelligence will revolutionize the marketing industry by 2020.
A report made by Tractica forecasts that Virtual Digital Assistance will reach more than 3.3 billion devices by 2020. In the chart below you can check unit shipments for every industry which proves the growth of AI integration.
Further, Principal analyst Peter Cooney expresses the impact of Artificial Intelligence for customers. “Virtual digital assistants represent the fusion of speech recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and artificial intelligence (AI) and hold the potential to have a transformative impact on consumer and enterprise user interfaces. The market is at a stage where the underlying technology is capable of delivering a very robust solution, but there are advancements still to be made across the board to improve digital assistants and drive further market growth and customer acceptance.”
AI Integrated Apps Will Increase
All began in 2010 when Apple bought Siri, its virtual assistant from SRI International and re – launched it in 2011 with a new interface as part of iOS 5. It evolved over the years but now it has serious competitors in Google Assistant, Amazon Echo’s Alexa and Cortana from Microsoft. A very detailed comparison between all these options when it comes to Artificial Intelligence – powered apps is provided by Business Insider. If you get to the final of the article, the conclusion will surprise you. Or, maybe it won’t. But the main aspect is the number of the task which can be completed with the use of AI.
It is so impressive what an app can do just by using Artificial Intelligence algorithms. For instance, Kraft Foods iPhone Assistant can guess the number of people in your family or it can provide useful recipes for you to make with leftovers from previous meals. It creates instant shopping lists and it offers you solutions for special events or holidays. It even helps you buy the ingredients recognizing if you have a loyalty card in a supermarket. Who knows, maybe one day it will make dinner in your own kitchen and you will stay there only for tasting the food.
Mobile eCommerce Will Improve, So Does Advertising Options For eCommerce Apps
It is all about anticipation. With the new tools, like chatbots which help buyers completing their financial transactions without effort, AI seems to have a bright future for eCommerce apps. Moreover, integrating AI into retail apps will lead to a point where stores will know what you want before you. This will be a huge step for marketing tools in this domain because surprising customers with engaging ads will meet the right responses. The integration of AI will unify both dimensions, mobile apps with mobile marketing, into a homogeneous environment for users to have a better experience overall.
Localization Will Be More And More Important
Since AI integrated apps will be focused on voice control, it makes sense that app owners will concentrate their efforts to localize their products. Think about the role of phones, just a few years ago and observe where we are today. Artificial Intelligence will offer marketers all the data from users and will analyze it for them. It will become a must to provide for all your users the same natural experience and to make conversations with them in their native language.
Ad Targeting Options Will Improve
What app owners and mobile marketers really want is to convert ads into interesting and interactive pieces in order to attract customers. Artificial Intelligence will do the job. Since ads will be tailored to users’ needs, they will be created especially for connecting customers with the solutions for their problems. This way AI will increase efficiency in applying marketing strategies, by defining patterns for better targeting. It will use past data for current and future users. AI will help marketers to understand users’ preferences and the right timing for every approach. It is not enough to understand customers’ needs, it is very important to discover when you need to accomplish them. We mentioned before that one challenge of using programmatic advertising is the need for more accurate data. Well, Artificial Intelligence is about to fix that.
App User Experiences Will Improve
The purpose of AI is to understand your actions and to offer suggestions for refining your living. This will happen in a simpler form, allowing users to concentrate their attention on what is really important not on understanding complex layouts. All interactions will be based on images or voices, leaving plain text behind for less modern apps which will end up in the dark because of the boring interfaces. Intuitive pages will enhance our way of accomplishing tasks.
Mobile Advertising Will Be More Personalized
On some level, we all need to be understood by humans and by machines. With the evolution of chatbots, we can imagine that we speak to a human helper, not a virtual assistant. As Sarah Austin, Artificial Intelligence expert says “Personalization requires emotional intelligence.” We expect that apps to predict our intentions and to act like they read our mind. This can’t happen if the information is generalized. With every level of personalization, mobile marketers will create the impression that the app really knows the user. Although the combination of Mobile with Personalization and Artificial Intelligence appeared like a trend last year, this will definitely evolve in the future since it is a winning combination.
Final Thoughts
There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence will dominate the mobile app world in the near future. As a result, mobile marketing will be influenced by AI, too. The key is to find the right balance between evolution and control. We need tools to give us all the data we want and to tell us what to do with that information. Innovations brought by AI will affect mobile apps and mobile marketing at the same time. If we drive them in the right direction the effects will by rewarding for app owners, marketers and of course, for users.