Well, running a business is hard. But building a business app is even harder especially when you are not aware of the most important factors that will influence your path to success. This doesn’t mean that you have to quit. In order to help you with your plans, we highlighted the key points you need to follow when you want to create and to promote your app.
Business Model
There are two types of business apps, the ones built for increasing awareness for a certain brand and the ones that provide professional tools for the growth of other companies. In that case, things are very clear. If your app belongs to the first group it is recommended to go for free or freemium business model. In case you built a special service that helps businesses to obtain the best results you can also consider the paid system. These patterns can be observed in the lists published by App Annie for Business Apps in the United States for iOS and Android devices.
Image Source: https://www.appannie.com/en/apps/ios/top/united-states/business/iphone/
Image Source: https://www.appannie.com/en/apps/google-play/top/united-states/application/business/
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How To Promote Business Apps?
Let’s think like an experienced business owner and to underline the most important steps that will bring your app to the top of its category.
Create, manage and measure ad campaigns for your business app.
Schedule The First Meeting
In a business like in every other situation, the first appearance is the most important. So, you need to plan really careful the moment when your app meets its users for the first time. Pre-launch preparations are vital and you have to pay attention to every small detail in order to make your app’s launch a memorable event. First of all, and the most important you must make sure that your app has no errors. Some crash reporting tools come very handily right now! After that, prepare your assets for the app store page. To make sure that you make the best decisions take a look at our guide for A/B testing. Next, you probably want to test the waters before releasing your app to the wide audience. If everything goes well you have to choose a certain date for the big launch and to stick with it. Don’t disappoint your users! HotSchedules can help you schedule your tasks and to inspire you for finding the right strategy.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hotschedules/id294934058?mt=8
Connect With Customers
Taking into account what we discussed so far it is imperative to bond with potential customers. Luckily, there are so many ways to do that and the best thing is that you don’t have to choose. Use them all! Social media channels, Reddit, Quora, Product Hunt. All these were specially designed to make the communications between people a lot easier. And because you are the person behind your business you need to show your human side and demonstrate customers that you understand their concerns and that you are able to solve them with your app. You can also send them relevant emails announcing some special offers. Try to discover their preferences and act according to your findings. Personalize every message you send them and make them feel that you are their friend. Nothing is more important for your brand than the relationship built with your clients. Creating a special connection with them will bring you long-term results. Remember how Slack creators made users’ feedback a priority for the success of their app.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/slack/id618783545?mt=8
Use Smart Tools
Everything we talked before is useless if your app copies other apps available on the market. Keep in mind that your app needs to be unique in order to impress its users. Innovative solutions are the only way to grow your business and to see your app in front of your competitors’. Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are only a few options from the plethora of technologies available nowadays. You can also consider a chatbot if users need your support. Moreover, the Internet of Things is a hot trend right now and if your budget allows you, can be the best strategy to provide a clever product for your customers. We want to encourage you to think outside the box. The possibilities are endless. You just need to be creative and to make the right decisions according to your users’ needs. They want to be amazed and why not reaching their expectations when there are so many opportunities for you to make your business app a go-to solution for your customers. Take a look at the chart below and you will understand the right direction for your app because you aren’t building an app, for now, you build it for the future.
Let’s Talk About Success Now
When you build a business mobile app it is vital to convince customers to use it. You don’t want to see your app sitting on a dusty shelf in the app store, do you? For this reason, you have to choose the right digital advertising model when you promote your app. If you let a few clicks to mislead you and to make you believe that you are running a successful campaign when in fact you throw your money out the window there are zero chances to maximize the return on your investment. Instead, make sure that you obtain the wanted results and consider a Cost Per Install (CPI) campaign. This way you pay only if viewers installed the app after they clicked on your ad. Of course, you have to avoid deceiving promises and to keep your app away from fraudulent activities. Therefore, you need to choose trustful companies, like App Samurai which takes care of your business focusing on valuable customers.
Final Thoughts
We already proved that every business needs a mobile app. Now we just made a list for you with the most important elements, in case you are not sure how to promote a business app. If you adapt your app to your users’ requirements and you take advantage of the latest trends in your domain, you can rest assured that you will reach your goal. And don’t forget that we are always by your side!