AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:24:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Are The Best Ad Formats For Mobile Game Advertising? Mon, 27 Sep 2021 13:13:26 +0000 6 MIN. READ The mobile game industry is more competitive than ever, making effective advertising strategies essential for developers aiming to stand out. Mobile game advertising is a...

The post What Are The Best Ad Formats For Mobile Game Advertising? first appeared on AppSamurai.

The mobile game industry is more competitive than ever, making effective advertising strategies essential for developers aiming to stand out. Mobile game advertising is a multifaceted approach, encompassing a range of techniques and platforms to reach potential players. One popular method is through in-game ads, where developers incorporate advertisements directly within the gameplay experience.

These game ads can take various forms, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. From interstitial and rewarded video ads to native and banner ads, the types of mobile advertising available to game developers are diverse. If you’re wondering how to advertise a mobile game most effectively, consider starting with a deep understanding of your target audience and crafting a strategy that reaches them where they are most engaged. Best in-game advertising practices recommend creating ads that feel as natural and non-disruptive as possible, enhancing the player experience rather than detracting from it.

In a world where mobile gaming ads can make or break a game’s success, staying updated with the latest strategies and trends is crucial.

Let us guess you own a mobile game and want to monetize it, right? Well, lucky for you that we just thought to make a list with different types of ads available for this category of apps. Stick with us, and you will make the right decision by the end of the article.

Varied Types Of Mobile Game Advertising

Having so many options is good and bad at the same time, but a short discussion about the main solutions for adding ads inside your game will help you a lot.

Around Mobile Game Ads

Like a little break, you can display the following ads before the game starts or between different levels. 

Playable Ads

Playable ads are much appreciated because it allows users to have fun while you increase your revenue. We already mentioned before that 2017 is the year of this type of ads. Here are 8 Quick Tips To Create Compelling Playable Ads.

Expandable Ads

Expandable ads are created with the purpose of revealing more information about a specific brand without leaving the game. With rich media elements, you have the opportunity to increase users’ interest.

Static Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are static images really efficient if and only if they don’t interrupt users’ experience. You need to analyze the situation and to find the right place to display them because they occupy the entire screen and users can close them instantly without paying attention to the product.

Video Ads

Video ads are similar to static interstitials with the only difference provided by the informative content which is enhanced by video format. Plenty of studies prove its efficiency due to the various options to place them.

In-Game Ads

This type of ad refers to the content which appears right in the middle of the action.

Banner Ads

There is a general misconception regarding mobile game banner ads generated by the wrong methods some advertisers use to annoy users with ugly and irrelevant content. Mobile game banner ads can be a solution for your game if you follow the rules because it is effortless to design and integrate them inside your game.

Incentive Ads

Rewarded ads are one of the most efficient formats in mobile game advertisements because they offer valuable items for your players. It is harder to implement them since you need to integrate them into your gameplay. Choose the mobile game advertising platform carefully. But it is worth the entire effort if you manage to create the right atmosphere around them. 


If gamification is such an effective strategy for almost all types of apps, why not considering it when it comes to promoting a product by advergaming?

Product Placement

Adding elements from games in the advertising world is a technique that enriches customers’ experience. You can transform your game into space where users can also ingeniously play with different products.

Critical Features The Best Ad Format Should Have

And now, let’s discover where to look when choosing the ad format that fits your game.

High eCPM Rates

When you want to select the type of ad which will help you monetize your game it is essential to think about eCPM rates and to go with the ad which will bring you more money for one thousand impressions served. After all, mobile game advertising revenue should always be higher than mobile game advertising cost. For this reason, you can select the most engaging types like playable ads or video ads.

Not Interrupting Game Experience

Well, we have an entire article with Tips For Effective In-App Ad Monetization With Great UX which will help you to find the right balance between increasing your revenue and allowing players to enjoy the game they love. No matter what ad format you select, you shouldn’t attack users with promotional content. This should be the number one rule of your mobile game advertising strategy. Offering useful information and maybe some bonuses are the right way to act.

Taking Place In Natural Points

Imagine that: You are having a blast with a fantastic game, and right in the middle of the action an interstitial ad ruins everything. The best solution with this type is to wait until users complete a level or when they seem to require a little timeout.

Not Excluding People From Game

Whatever you choose, you need to be careful not to determine users to leave the game. There are big chance that customers interested in the product presented by your ad will search for more information about that specific brand. In case you observe this type of reaction, you can add a message which will warn players that are about to access another page far from the game.

Not Giving Place To Banner Blindness

At the same time, you have to remember that many users can simply ignore your ad if it isn’t relevant enough. To ensure you obtain the desired results, you should find the right place for your ad. And we point now to banner ads for which user can develop banner blindness syndrome.

Pay Attention To Ad Blocking

People tend to block ads when they become annoying. You must prevent that by any means. Ad-blocking tools usually work with banner ads, so if this becomes a real issue, you need to change your strategy and to adapt your approach to users’ preferences.

Final Thoughts

Let’s clarify a few things here. When you want to select an ad suitable for your game, you have to take a little time and understand each method’s characteristics. Remember that it concerns the results you want to achieve and the resources invested in each technique. And we are not talking only about money. Rewarded ads followed by video ads seem to be the winners of this dilemma, but many factors will influence your decision. Think about all the features listed above and choose the one approved by your target audience. They are your inspiration if you allow them to help you.

The post What Are The Best Ad Formats For Mobile Game Advertising? first appeared on AppSamurai.

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10 Great Ways to Promote Paid Mobile Apps Mon, 20 Sep 2021 00:08:34 +0000 7 MIN. READ According to a Semrush analysis of the existing blog post, the following SEO keywords are worth optimizing for: how to find advertisers for your app...

The post 10 Great Ways to Promote Paid Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

According to a Semrush analysis of the existing blog post, the following SEO keywords are worth optimizing for:

  • how to find advertisers for your app
  • best way to advertise mobile app
  • how to promote paid mobile apps
  • promoting paid mobile apps

10 Great Ways to Promote Paid Mobile Apps

After developing an app, developers often find that the most difficult challenge comes when trying to both attract users and monetize the app. While developers may be willing to simply encourage people to sign up for their app for free, another challenge arises when they attempt to get these users to pay for premium add-ons and other content. While it may seem counterproductive to try and get users pay for an app they haven’t tried, there are ways to drive app sales and increase signups with effective advertising.

 The fact is that many developers have found that users are not only willing to pay for an initial app download, but they’re also willing to spend more on additional in-app purchases. If you would like to find out how to promote paid mobile apps and how to find advertisers for your app, the following are some of the best methods available to you.

Top 10 Methods for Promoting Paid Mobile Apps

If you’re looking for the best way to advertise mobile apps, there are plenty of strategies you can try. In the process, we can help further grow your app with a step-by-step program that starts when you release your app. 

App Samurai is a powerful AI-driven mobile growth platform that can help you get the most from your app marketing efforts. Simply register, add your app, and begin driving more high-quality users.

CTA Button: Start Your User Acquisition Campaign Now 

1. Locate Beta Testers

You may be proud of your app after creating it and working on perfecting it, but it’s also important to make sure it’s ready for release to the general public. You’ll only hurt your app marketing efforts if people try your app, only to find that certain bugs or design issues leave them frustrated and disappointed. To make sure your app is truly good to go, you’ll need to launch a beta version. If you’re not sure how to attract beta testers, we can help you find them.

Once people have been able to test your app’s beta version, you’ll have a better idea of how it actually functions. You can then make any necessary changes before opening it up to more users. 

2. Practice Good App Store Optimization (ASO)

When you first launch your app, you need to provide it with a strong app store page. Your app store description, images, and other elements need to strongly present your app to impress potential users. Otherwise, users won’t be tempted to download your app. When promoting paid mobile apps of any kind, including mobile game apps, you need to engage in good ASO practices.

You can discover what works and determine what doesn’t by conducting A/B tests for creative elements, including descriptions and screenshots. What is it that users want to see and how can you give it to them? You can then optimize your creative based on what works while getting rid of creative that falls short. You can learn more about how to optimize your app store page with the help of our helpful ASO guides

3. Engage in Social Media Marketing

Arguably the best way to advertise mobile apps to billions of potential users, social media marketing is an invaluable tool. Whenever you want to connect with the masses, social media will come into play. Even if you have a niche audience you’re trying to reach, social media channels are key. Without the help of social media marketing, it’s nearly impossible to connect with target audiences on a large scale.

Before you develop your social media marketing strategies, it’s important to understand your users’ unique preferences. Additionally, you should use the channel that your audiences use most frequently, which will ensure you reach the people who are most likely to benefit from your app. Channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many others all come with their own advantages, depending on the type of app you’re marketing and the audience you want to reach. 

4. Incorporate Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is highly effective and efficient if you want to get your app in front of potential users. If you’re not sure how to find advertisers for your app, there are several options available to help publicize your creation. Some potential channels for paid mobile app ads include:

  • Facebook Ads — Many apps use the Facebook Ads platform because of its many targeting options.
  • Promoted Tweets — If your audience is primarily on Twitter, promoted tweets can show up in people’s feeds.
  • App Store Search Ads — The fact is that over 60% of app downloads come from searches on both Apple and Google app stores.
  • CPI Ad Platforms — Using these platforms, you can attract more installs and signups as opposed to just clicks.
  • Google Universal App Campaigns — This tool is largely helpful due to its use of machine learning technology.
  • Cross-Promotion Networks — These networks are ideal if you want to use an app to promote others, particularly for mobile games.

5. Use an Effective Backlinking Strategy

Another great way to boost your app’s popularity among users is a backlinking strategy. These will start with strong ASO, followed by using various landing pages to help further increase organic rankings in search engines. For instance, you could link back to your app store page through helpful mobile app content such as blogs, forums, and guest posts on other websites.

6. Offer Free or Freemium Options for a Limited Time

If you want to get to the top of your app category and get more people to install your mobile app, getting more downloads will be crucial. However, you might not be sure how to promote paid mobile apps that people won’t be able to use for free. The easiest way to do so is to make the app free or free with in-app purchases for a brief period. 

The one caveat with this strategy is that you need to be able to afford it. To better determine whether you should offer any type of free version of your app, calculate your available budget. At the same time, you’ll want to make your intentions known through effective marketing campaigns.

7. Develop a Network for PR

If you build a strong relationship with influencers and reputable professionals in your industry, you’ll go far when promoting paid mobile apps. To make the most of influencer marketing and good PR, start early and be sure to attend relevant events. Throughout these events, you can connect with others and communicate what your app is about, including its specific benefits. If you can effectively promote your app among influencers and others, you’ll get these people onboard with you as you seek to advertise your app. 

Depending on the people in your network, you’ll be able to reach audiences of up to millions of loyal followers who listen to what these influencers have to say. 

8. Build Out Attention-Grabbing Landing Pages

As mentioned, backlinking strategies using both app store pages and landing pages can help with rankings on Google and other platforms. When developing your landing pages, including pages on your website, make sure they include plenty of information about your app. If you can put together webpages, blog posts, and other content that provides valuable insights into your app, people will likely be engaged long before they actually get to your app store page. 

9. Spread Your Message Via Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Having more people talk about and recommend your app can essentially provide free advertising for your app. For instance, influencers can share the unique creations they made using your app, showcasing its capabilities and benefits. However, it’s necessary to target users who are most likely to discuss your app with others. Another strategy you can try is guerilla marketing, which is useful for apps across a wide range of categories.

10. Make Use of Incentivized Referrals

 Oftentimes, it helps to give people more incentive to promote your app. You can entice people to share your app with others with certain rewards, including in-app freebies and others. In addition, you should thank your audience for spreading the word about your app to show your appreciation. These gestures will help further get your app out there and maximize your reach.

Final Thoughts

By incorporating one or more of these strategies when promoting paid mobile apps, you’ll be able to determine the best way to advertise a mobile app based on your specific app and audience. If you’re confident in your app and believe it has a chance to thrive, don’t hesitate to ask people to pay for it as you assure them it’s worth the investment. Feel free to send us a link to your own creation and we’ll be happy to share it with our readers. 

If you would like to find out more about how to promote paid mobile apps using the App Samurai growth platform, contact us today and we’ll get you started. 

The post 10 Great Ways to Promote Paid Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Promote Finance Apps Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:31:54 +0000 9 MIN. READ Beginning with a little background, we will explore what options are available for promoting finance apps and how to go about doing so. There’s an...

The post How to Promote Finance Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

Beginning with a little background, we will explore what options are available for promoting finance apps and how to go about doing so. There’s an app for pretty much everything these days, and it turns out finance apps can help you save money too!

This blog post is aimed at those who want to promote their own financial app or those who work in the marketing industry helping companies promote theirs. We’ll be exploring the various methods that exist today for promotion, as well as some tips on how to get started.

Whether you’re looking for ideas or just trying to understand more about what goes into this process, there should be something here of interest to everyone involved in this field. So sit back and enjoy our read about “How To Promote Finance Apps.

Know What Others Doing

The very first thing to do when promoting your finance app is to conduct the market research properly. Go deep inside the market and analyze what other apps are doing. This is recommended by the experts, and you will find this step in almost every other article on how to promote an app. However, most people overlook this step. 

So, let’s start the process by looking at what our competitors are doing with their apps on both famous app stores.

It is time to analyze the latest trends and understand what it needs to monetize your finance app. In Finance category, we observed almost similar strategies on Apple App Store and Google Play Store. You will find numerous apps from well-known financial companies and banks or other payment systems. All these apps were free to download for users on both app stores. 

However, when we dig down a bit in the premium finance app section, we notice something unique and new. Some well-known and influential finance mobile apps ask users to pay a certain amount before using or downloading them. This was also integrated in-app purchases. 

This is not a usual practice for app owners, but it looks that this unique approach is working quite well for app owners. 

As for top ranking apps, we observed the usual free with in-app purchases, and once in a while, a finance calculator with a hefty price was also visible in the list and on both app stores. Now, you have an idea to set your scheme. However, consider the features that your app provides before using any approach.

Easy Way to Promote Finance Apps

Now let’s move on and discuss how you can promote your financial apps and how you can represent your business as a well-established company. 

Here are some simple ways to acquire new users.

Go For Pre-Launch Techniques

As you know finance is a very special and somewhat delicate topic. That’s building a strong and practical strategy for your finance app is necessary before launching it in public. There are several things and aspects to pay attention to right from the start of the journey.

First, you need to study and analyze your competitors, as shown above. Then you need to draft a strategy and take decisions as per your specific audience. We will advise you to take a steady start by launching a beta version to ensure that your finance app is flawless and gives users what they need before releasing it to the public.

Similarly, ensure that you have a strong social presence. You need active accounts on all the social media platforms, an interesting landing page with a list of user email addresses, and you need an active and informational blog where you can share relevant and financial information with your potential users. (we will discuss all these below) 

At the same time, don’t forget to optimize your app store page, as it is vital to intrigue users with an appropriate presentation of your valuable mobile app. 

A perfect example of this is Douugh, which provides easy access to its unique features, especially to users and Sophie, its AI assistant.

Think About Splitting The Costs

Here we will recommend you to break or split the audience into small groups and use personalized methods for each user group. Some of your targeted users are shopaholics, while others are always looking to save money. Or maybe your finance app is targeted towards Millennials. 

With this segmented approach, you can make your users spread the word about your new mobile app. Remember that your app needs to handle one thing at a time but in the best way, even if your users are from different domains. 

As an example, think about how Venmo, owned by PayPal, attracts and engages users and forces them to use the app again. The app is designed to transform their financial transaction into social and fun action.

Set and Monitor Your Budget

Budget is vital for your audience and you. On the one hand, you should care about user’s money and tell them the risks of spending too much. Similarly, you can also congratulate them when their savings increase. This will assure users that someone cares for them and helps them in maintaining the perfect balance between income and investments. 

Conversely, you need to monitor your overall budget because going for the expensive promotional methods for your app can make or break things in no time. So you should monitor and track your progress and actions. 

Measuring your efforts is necessary as it helps to improve your overall ROI and helps you accomplish consistent growth. As an example, we will suggest you take inspiration from the story of Mint, the most appreciated and trusted finance apps in the market.

What About App’s Security?

When it’s about money and personal data, the biggest concern for almost all users is security. Be careful when working on this aspect, as several users with malefic intentions are always looking for weak areas. If your app development has weaknesses, identity them and rectify them. 

Remember, only one mistake during this development process cause be costly. Provide users a safe and secure place for their transactions as it is a must and the most valuable feature of your finance app. You need to have a proper development plan and security protocols right from the start. 

Furthermore, ensure that people are satisfied with your app’s security and try to remove this fear from their minds. This is good for user retention and gives you an edge over your competitors. 

So, do whatever you can to ensure people that your financial app is safe and secure. Show and speak to them about this again and again until you get their trust. For example, PayPal assures a simpler, safer way to pay others and get paid.

Users’ Demands and Need Are Priority

Many financial companies are after profits; that’s why they are adding more and more features to improve their services and bottom line. For users, the best app is the one that answers their problems and cares about their needs in the best possible way.

According to many Google studies, when it comes to finance, many people prefer to turn to mobile applications for various activities such as money transfers and investment checks.

For example, look at Acorns, the leader in the finance category. The app owners realized that the app’s “Potential” feature is beneficial to users and serves them many benefits. In an interview, the team behind the app said that the feature caught the attention of many during its initial launch and testing phase. 

This immense popularity encouraged them to develop another helpful feature, “Round-Up Multiplier,” which combined the first feature and allowed people to recognize that they could easily invest more from their purchases.

Referring back to that Google study, about 64% of respondents stated that ease of use and simple navigation are the key points that help them choose whether an app is worth their attention or not.

Reach Out to The Media

Users demand and are always looking for the relevant content as per their taste. The content needs to be meaningful and should offer real value to them. Telling them how your mobile application can help solve their issues and meet their needs is beneficial for the audience and brings new customers to your business. 

So the next step is to convey this message to as many as possible through valid sources and press coverage. 

However, the common mistake that most app owners and small businesses make is that they are after major publications with immense reach, rather than starting with local and niche media channels that are more likely to be interested in your app.  

Now the question is, how can you select the right media for the job? It is simple just by doing a Google search containing your app’s relevant keywords; you can find niche-based media outlets. You can also use various other websites for this purpose. 

Another way is to look at your competitors and follow their press coverage with third-party tools such as Mention or Google Alerts that allows you to monitor the pulse of industry news and provide you new ideas about your campaign. So, start compiling a list of relevant media outlets and pitch your story.

Great UX

Don’t just look at your mobile application through the lens of what it contains or needs. We all like formal bullet points of the app’s features, but UX is also important.

One recent research published in PaymentsJournal states that people are hungry for simple use and minimal effort when it’s about financial institutions’ digital experience. Almost all users prefer simplicity and an effortless experience.

A perfect example of a well-defined UX is Capital One’s mobile banking app. The app has many fascinating features, but it also sends notifications to its users about their every purchase.

Although automatic notifications are annoying, and if you know how to use them in the right way, they can be helpful in the promotion of your app.

Provide Them Sense of Control

Want your finance app to be the most effective and the best on the market? Again, we will advise you to properly analyze the famous Mint app and check out how it provides a sense of control to its users through amazing features. In Mint’s case, users can pay their utility bills through the app, and the app also helps them to monitor and analyze their spending habits. 

Besides, the app allows users to create different budgets as per their spending, and they can set up alerts that notify them when a budget limit is reached. Most users are drawn to this type of budget management. Mint’s app is the ideal example that demonstrates how to capitalize on users’ needs and help them control their expenses.

In the End

It is not that simple to set your personal budget, and it is also very challenging to develop a good finance app that assists people in taking care of their investments and money. But it is even more challenging to show the app to others as the process includes money, effort, and a lot of patience.

We will advise you to start by drafting a comprehensive plan and search for those people who really need these types of services. When you find such users, promote your finance app to them and let them know how efficient and safe your app is! 

A fantastic finance app and an innovative promotional strategy will enable you to assist people with financial struggles, and that’s your app’s success.


The post How to Promote Finance Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Promote Education Apps Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:04:34 +0000 9 MIN. READ The learning is not the same for all mediums, and it is entirely different when it comes to mobiles and education apps. It allows you...

The post How to Promote Education Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

The learning is not the same for all mediums, and it is entirely different when it comes to mobiles and education apps. It allows you to interact with various factors and encourages you to observe and understand them from multiple angles.

Educational apps are always in demand. The apps are highly rewarding as well as they teach people new skills, and overall they are beneficial for users in many ways.

If you also want to promote or create your educational app, then we will show you the necessary details about the process. Below will discuss various hurdles and challenges that almost all app developers face, and by the end, you will know how to deal with those hurdles and how to promote the education apps. Have a look:

In this guide, we will cover these details:

What Should Be the Business Model?

According to the recent report regarding the education app issued by the famous App Annie, the situation in the US has changed, and now it looks entirely different. In the initial stage, in the Free column, you will not find many free apps in the market.

Moreover, you can place your app on the market without any cost, or you have the option to choose between in-app purchases or in-app ads. Keep in mind that for paid apps, the top places are already acquired.

Furthermore, development studio dominates the market completely for both types of apps, and it’s not that simple to compete with them.

While in top-rated and high-grossing apps, our experts noticed a unique pattern for Android phone users, and they prefer free and in-app purchases. On the other hand, iOs users like to use paid apps.

In view of the above-mentioned, we can say you will not find certain characteristics when determining a business model for your education app. It all comes down to understand your audience and how you can attract them.

Best Way to Promote Your Education Apps?

Today, we will discuss and share the theory behind a prosperous educational app and how you can convert your app into a beneficial thing for users.

So, keep these things in front of you before promoting your education app so that you can get the desired results:

Make a Plan

When creating marketing and advertising for your app, you need to have well-defined goals and objectives in your mind with a proper action plan. If you don’t have these things, don’t proceed, or else you might end up losing your money and time. If you are rolling, ensure that your goals and other deliverables are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bounded.

Adopting a detailed timeline helps you to remain ahead of your goals, and you can easily track your growth. We will also suggest you to draft an editorial calendar featuring important dates, ideas, and creative marketing ideas.

Keep the Influencers Informed

Before releasing the app to the public, you need to make a list of influencers and famous industry bloggers. Try to contact them before launching the app and when your marketing materials are prepared.

With pre-launch marketing and advertising campaign, app developers can easily reach out to potential users. Similarly, you should use Twitter and other similar sites to spread the word about your educational app.

Use Social Media Sites Creatively.

Presently, social media marketing is at its best. Social media platforms are a dominant tool for nurturing relationships with potential customers, and you can also raise your brand’s awareness through popular social media sites.

Furthermore, social networking platforms are also ideal to obtain vocals about your product or app as almost all people nowadays have active social media accounts and notable presence.

For advertising reasons, you should establish a comprehensive way for your app before launching it publically. On social media platforms, you can advertise your app in numerous ways and provide various offers to users, such as a free trial period or an exclusive sneak peek behind the scenes and other similar marketing tactics.

Say Hello to the World!

As mentioned above, all app developers should know and understand their target market before promoting their education app. You cannot achieve your business goals just by sitting on your couch.

Similarly, it’s not wise to hope that consumers will approach you by themselves and appreciate your work. Things are not the same as a few years ago, and they don’t work this way. You have to understand the target audience, and you must approach them personally to get the desired results.

For example, you can go from school to school and campus to campus and talk with the prospects directly and get their feedback. In this way, you can easily understand user’s interests and connect with them without any problem.

Besides, if you are working on a huge database or you have a broad audience, you should attend relevant conferences to promote your education app. Or you can visit different and related events and meet your potential users.

Lastly, reveal the person or your team that has helped you in creating the app. The exact same strategy is followed by the famous ClassDojo’s creators when they answered teachers’ hassles.

Communication Is the Key

Communication matters the most during the process, and you cannot overlook the importance of communication. It helps app developers and owners but also provides value to users.

When it comes to communication, you have numerous options to communicate with your audience, but the most effective is the social media network.

Everyone loves to share their thoughts on social media these days, and you should know how to use it to your benefit.

Skilled app developers know that these sites provide real benefits for the app, and it is vital for the app’s promotion and marketing.

Bear in mind that a personal approach is only effective when you are active on various platforms and know how to communicate with your audience on the networks they like to use.

Furthermore, we will advise you to focus on the platforms where your users spend most of their time.

Moreover, don’t underestimate the importance of forums and blogs. However, ensure that you are active on the relevant forums and blogs.

On these platforms, offer practical advice to your users and try to understand their issues. It is also recommended to create your website along with your app’s store page. These act as virtual classrooms and enable you to develop a great relationship with your target customers.

Focus on the Gamification

When it comes to education app promotion and marketing, some factors motivate the users greatly. Among those factors, one is the competition between the users.

So, you can give them what they demand. Try to promote a healthy competition via your app where users can see their names on the board. At the same time, display their progress and challenges and give them encouraging virtual awards when they meet or accomplish certain levels.

This is the ideal way to engage the users and gives you the opportunity to convince users to continue their expedition via your app.

Moreover, you can also encourage users to share your app with their family and friends. It will allow users to boast with their results, and at the same, this will make your education app more popular in the market.

In simple words, gamification is an ideal way to attract your target market, and it gives you and your app an edge over your competitors. A perfect example of this marketing and promotional strategy is the SoloLearn app.

Market Your App In Local Newspapers and Magazines

This is a digital era, but the paper has not lost its reputation and effectiveness among the users. There are various magazines that are specifically tailored for teachers, kids, and parents.

So you can get ad space for your educational app in such papers and magazines. And helps you to reach teachers and parents directly.

Take Part in Community Boards

There are many cork bulletin boards in your surroundings. Try to find places where you can place your ads. You will mostly see such boards near local recreational areas, community centers, libraries, and near the arts & craft store.

Promote at the Right Time

Not all parents sit down and watch evening cartoons with their children; this activity is rare these days. So if you are targeting the parents, kids’ cartoon time is not the right time for you. Instead, focus your marketing and promotional events when parents are more likely to sit at the front of the TV set.

Keep it Practical

In this section, you need to express to your users that you know them and their needs and that your app meets their demands. This is the sage when you reach out to them as per their expectations.

Remember that it is simple to write some lines in a specific layout and upload it on the official app store. But you cannot make your app different from the competitors in this way.

Furthermore, we will also advise you to incorporate various tools and features that make your app more exciting and attractive. While doing so, don’t compromise on the app’s interface as users don’t like the apps with a complex interface.

Try to keep your learning and educational app as simple as possible and ensure that even first-time users can use it easily. Moreover, you can also add other handy features such as chatbots.

There are many apps that utilize this innovative features, and it keeps the users engaged. Besides, chatbots can also help you to practice or improve your conversation.

Don’t pinch on freebies.

We all love to receive something for free every now and then. If you want to gain more users and potential customers, you can offer special discounts and deals to attract users.

You can add a specific term when offering these things, such as the discount is only available on the first day of the release.

If you are using any of these marketing tactics, promote the deals and your offerings on various online and offline platforms. If done correctly and timely, this strategy can do wonders for your education app and drive numerous app downloads in a short time.

Keep Eyes on Ratings and Reviews.

With App Store Optimization, you can easily create a product page that distinguishes your app from the others and traditional app store environments. To optimize your download ratings, it is vital that your app has an appealing title and a vibrant logo.

After that, you will need a skilled copywriter that writes a catchy description and tagline for your app with the right keywords. At the bottom side of the page, you can insert your complete contact details to enhance credibility.

After the App’s Promotion

Marketing or promoting an educational app is a continuous process that doesn’t end with its release. You need to perform various tasks after launching the app in the market. After the initial hype is finished, it’s vital to reconsider and modify your strategy so that you can reach out to new clients.

Here, the ideal way is to go for paid advertising as it enlarges the scope of your promotion.

In the End

That’s it, and now you need to practice the thing. It’s time to apply everything we have mentioned in this read. We are sure you can easily create an awesome experience for your target market and all those minds looking for a new educational application.

Give users the chance to adopt new information in a unique and engaging way.

Following all the suggestions listed above, you can easily promote your education app in the best way and took the world by storm. Best of luck!

The post How to Promote Education Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How To Promote Business Apps Fri, 01 Dec 2017 08:31:59 +0000 6 MIN. READ Well, running a business is hard. But building a business app is even harder especially when you are not aware of the most important factors...

The post How To Promote Business Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

Well, running a business is hard. But building a business app is even harder especially when you are not aware of the most important factors that will influence your path to success. This doesn’t mean that you have to quit. In order to help you with your plans, we highlighted the key points you need to follow when you want to create and to promote your app.

Business Model

There are two types of business apps, the ones built for increasing awareness for a certain brand and the ones that provide professional tools for the growth of other companies. In that case, things are very clear. If your app belongs to the first group it is recommended to go for free or freemium business model. In case you built a special service that helps businesses to obtain the best results you can also consider the paid system. These patterns can be observed in the lists published by App Annie for Business Apps in the United States for iOS and Android devices.

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How To Promote Business Apps?

Let’s think like an experienced business owner and to underline the most important steps that will bring your app to the top of its category.

Create, manage and measure ad campaigns for your business app.

Schedule The First Meeting

In a business like in every other situation, the first appearance is the most important. So, you need to plan really careful the moment when your app meets its users for the first time. Pre-launch preparations are vital and you have to pay attention to every small detail in order to make your app’s launch a memorable event. First of all, and the most important you must make sure that your app has no errors. Some crash reporting tools come very handily right now! After that, prepare your assets for the app store page. To make sure that you make the best decisions take a look at our guide for A/B testing. Next, you probably want to test the waters before releasing your app to the wide audience. If everything goes well you have to choose a certain date for the big launch and to stick with it. Don’t disappoint your users! HotSchedules can help you schedule your tasks and to inspire you for finding the right strategy.

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Connect With Customers

Taking into account what we discussed so far it is imperative to bond with potential customers. Luckily, there are so many ways to do that and the best thing is that you don’t have to choose. Use them all! Social media channels, Reddit, Quora, Product Hunt. All these were specially designed to make the communications between people a lot easier. And because you are the person behind your business you need to show your human side and demonstrate customers that you understand their concerns and that you are able to solve them with your app. You can also send them relevant emails announcing some special offers. Try to discover their preferences and act according to your findings. Personalize every message you send them and make them feel that you are their friend. Nothing is more important for your brand than the relationship built with your clients. Creating a special connection with them will bring you long-term results. Remember how Slack creators made users’ feedback a priority for the success of their app.

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Use Smart Tools

Everything we talked before is useless if your app copies other apps available on the market. Keep in mind that your app needs to be unique in order to impress its users. Innovative solutions are the only way to grow your business and to see your app in front of your competitors’. Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are only a few options from the plethora of technologies available nowadays. You can also consider a chatbot if users need your support. Moreover, the Internet of Things is a hot trend right now and if your budget allows you, can be the best strategy to provide a clever product for your customers. We want to encourage you to think outside the box. The possibilities are endless. You just need to be creative and to make the right decisions according to your users’ needs. They want to be amazed and why not reaching their expectations when there are so many opportunities for you to make your business app a go-to solution for your customers. Take a look at the chart below and you will understand the right direction for your app because you aren’t building an app, for now, you build it for the future.

Let’s Talk About Success Now

When you build a business mobile app it is vital to convince customers to use it. You don’t want to see your app sitting on a dusty shelf in the app store, do you? For this reason, you have to choose the right digital advertising model when you promote your app. If you let a few clicks to mislead you and to make you believe that you are running a successful campaign when in fact you throw your money out the window there are zero chances to maximize the return on your investment. Instead, make sure that you obtain the wanted results and consider a Cost Per Install (CPI) campaign. This way you pay only if viewers installed the app after they clicked on your ad. Of course, you have to avoid deceiving promises and to keep your app away from fraudulent activities. Therefore, you need to choose trustful companies, like App Samurai which takes care of your business focusing on valuable customers.

Final Thoughts

We already proved that every business needs a mobile app. Now we just made a list for you with the most important elements, in case you are not sure how to promote a business app. If you adapt your app to your users’ requirements and you take advantage of the latest trends in your domain, you can rest assured that you will reach your goal. And don’t forget that we are always by your side!

The post How To Promote Business Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Mobile App Development: Choosing Between Web, Native And Hybrid Fri, 17 Nov 2017 09:03:12 +0000 5 MIN. READ As you all know, technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Let’s take app development, for example. You can build amazing...

The post Mobile App Development: Choosing Between Web, Native And Hybrid first appeared on AppSamurai.

As you all know, technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Let’s take app development, for example. You can build amazing apps if and only if you choose the right tool. But how to do that when there are so many options? If this is also your dilemma then let’s solve it together. First of all, there are some key points you should consider when you want to make the best decision.

Differences Between iOS And Android

Apple and Google offer different landscapes for your app. From programming languages to design principles you need to select the one that offers you the most powerful solution according to your target audience.

Your Budget And Time

Let’s talk about money! It is crucial to decide the amount you are ready to invest in your future app and in the same time you have to know how long it takes to get it done.

Desired UX Quality

When you want to build a successful app you should be aware of the power of the chosen tool. It is essential to impress customers with an extraordinary user experience. Considering their high demands there are very rare occasions when this aspect isn’t that important.

Features Required By Your App

Last but not least, what type of features you have to integrate into your app? You need to see if the platform selected is able to offer you the wanted services.

What To Choose?

Let’s go step – by – step with native, web and hybrid apps for a better understanding of each solution.

Native Apps

Let’s start with the basics and to talk about native mobile apps.
Native apps are the ones that can be downloaded from Apple App Store and Google Play Store. When you want to create native apps you must know one of the programming languages required for each platform: Java or Kotlin for Android apps and Objective – C or Swift for iOS apps.


It is time to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of native apps.

Very Fast And Responsive: The native nature of these apps gives them powerful characteristics such as fast loading and responsive aspect.

UX/UI Match With The Platform: When they build native apps, developers follow certain rules required by the guidelines set by each platform.

Ability To Use Push Notifications: If you want to create a marketing strategy based on push notifications you should go with native solutions.

Highly Interactive: Native apps interact with devices’ tools like a camera or microphone.

App Store Visibility: It is easier to bring your app in front of your customers knowing that they search on app stores whenever they need to solve a problem or to spend some free time.

Long Development Time: One of the disadvantages is that you will need more time to create a native app.

No Need For Internet Connection: Certain native apps can also be used offline.

Need For Different Codebases: If you want to upload the same app to both Apple App Store and Google Play Store you will need to write different code for each platform.

Can Be Expensive: Writing code for each app store can seriously affect your budget.

Cross – Platform Native Apps
As a solution for these inconveniences you can choose cross-platform native apps which offer the following benefits:

  • Shorter development time
  • More cost – effective
  • Can run on both iOS and Android
  • Challenging UX adjustments

Web Apps

Let’s move on to the apps that run in mobile browsers like Chrome or Safari.
Web apps are websites that look like mobile apps. When you want to build web apps you should know HTML5, JavaScript or both.


There are also pros and cons when it comes to building a web app.

Easy Development: It is more complicated to build native apps than web apps.

Wallet-Friendliness: It doesn’t cost too much to obtain a web app, especially when you are using a template.

Usable On All Platforms: No more platform restrictions.

Respond Later Than Others: You will observe some small delays comparing to native apps.

Less Interaction Ability: You won’t be able to use phone’s camera or other services.

No Icon On The Screen: Your app won’t have an icon to remember users about its facilities.

Ad – Blocking Can Be Damaging: One of the biggest disadvantages is that your app will be affected by ad – blocking effects.

Hybrid Apps

If you still aren’t decided, maybe hybrid apps are what you need.
Hybrid apps are a combination of native and web apps. If you want to upload your app to the app store and to take advantage of web tools, then you can find a platform that can help you build a hybrid app.


Unfortunately, not everything is black and white and in the case of hybrid apps you also need to consider the purpose of your app.

Work On Both iOS And Android: The best thing is that you don’t need to decide on the platform because your app will be functional on both iOS and Android devices.

One Codebase Needed: You can write your code once and you will see your app in both app stores.

Fastest To Develop:  The first corollary of the previous statement is that the development time is shorter.

Cost – Effective To Build: The second corollary is that it costs less than building a native app.

Interactive Components: Just like native apps, hybrid apps will interact with the features provided by the phone.

Low Performance: Sadly hybrid apps are not as fast as native apps.

Poor UX: If you want to amaze your audience with a great design, then a hybrid app isn’t what you were looking for.

Final Thoughts

Well, that’s pretty much it. Hopefully, we clarified these things for you and now you are able to choose between native, web and hybrid apps. Again, it is all about budget, development time and the features provided by each option. There are big chances to find the one that suits your needs if you remove the others that have too many disadvantages. So, what is your decision?

The post Mobile App Development: Choosing Between Web, Native And Hybrid first appeared on AppSamurai.

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