Launch Like A Boss: Building A Hype Around Your Mobile Game -

Launch Like A Boss: Building A Hype Around Your Mobile Game

Let’s say that you have an amazing idea and you want to create the most popular game of all times. What are the mandatory moves you need to make to be sure that your game will be received in all its glory? The key is to consider the marketing efforts equally important as the development process. Make sure you adopt our useful guidelines if you want to benefit from the attention of your users when you will release your game on app store.

First Day Of Your Game Is Determinant For Success

You must prepare your game’s launch with the book because this way you can be sure that the entire experience will have a powerful effect. The first day of your game is the moment of truth for your users’ appreciations. From there you only have two ways to go, up or down. You must follow a well – structured strategy to make sure that the trajectory of your game takes the right direction.

How To Build A Hype Step – By – Step?

Let’s create a detailed plan to make sure that all your potential users will be there when you will release your game.

1. Set A Realistic Launch Date

It is just like with real life events. When you schedule a meeting and you can’t be there you will disappoint everybody. This is also available for the launch of your game. Make sure that you will be ready for the big day.

2. Build Your Online Presence

You know the powerful effects generated by your online activity. It is important to pay attention to each channel that will help you to communicate with gamers interested in your app.


A website or at least a landing page allows you to gather all the information you need for presenting your game to the world. But not any page will do the work. Be careful to add all the Key Components Of Amazing Landing Page For Mobile Apps.

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Social Media Pages: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+

Start marketing your game early if you want to reach wanted results. You can’t wake up in a morning and realize that it is exactly your app’s launch day and you don’t even have an account on the most important social media networks. Maintain a close relationship with your users from the beginning to make sure that they are aware of the value of your game.

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Gaming Forums: Reddit, Unity, Cocos2dx

Gaming forums not only provide you the opportunity to connect with your target audience but they also help you with your development issues. All members of communities created on these sites are ready to answer your questions if you win their trust. Remember that Reddit is not a forum where you can brag about your app, because that will cause you a lot of bad responses. In this case you will need our article, The Niceties Of Using Reddit For Mobile App Promotion.

3. Prepare Marketing Materials

While you are developing your game you need to consider every element that will help you to promote it.

Prepare A Story

First of all you need to create a story around your game because this way you will involve users in the middle of the action. They will be more interested in your game if they will find a plot related to its action.


Screenshots are essential for launching any kind of app, but with games, you need to be careful to showcase the most intriguing sections of your creation. Don’t forget that only high – quality images are suitable for attracting players.

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Teasers And Trailers

If it is not clear enough what is the difference between teasers and trailers then you should imagine teasers like an image or a small clip for giving users an initial clue that you are building a great game. Trailers are bigger than teasers and they concentrate in a short video the main idea of the game for making users eager to try it. A great tutorial on how to create a trailer for game developers you can find on Envatotuts+.

Prepare A Demo

A good idea for proving that the game will be sensational is to extract a part of the code for making a smaller version of your game and to allow users to try it. This way you will increase their interest for the real game.

4. Gather Emails

While you engage in relevant forums or platforms it is essential to gather as many email addresses as possible from relevant people to make everything easier for your email marketing campaign. You know how important is to reach users using every possible technique. This is the reason why sending them messages with interesting insights of your app or announcing them about the day when your game will be available on app store is an efficient method when is applied in the proper manner.

5. Beta Testing And Pre – Launch Platforms

One of the pitfalls you need to avoid for a successful app launch is missing the advantages of beta testing. We keep reminding you that you can’t be in users mind and there is no way to be absolutely sure about their preferences when it comes to choosing the most important elements of your game. Moreover, make sure you present your game on pre – launch platforms like Prelaunch. This way you will also discover users’ opinions about the game.

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6. Attend Gaming Events And Conventions

In order to make your game remarkable, it is not enough to stay in front of your computer and to write the code. You need to go out there and to socialize with other persons in the industry. Participate in conventions and all types of meetings organized for game developers to feel the taste of this environment.

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7. Establish Press Connections

It is important to convince reporters specialized in mobile games about the value of your app. The events we were talking about above are a good place to start if you want to connect with them. You already know all the details about the most suitable methods on how to approach a member of the press. Apply them!

8. Start A Countdown!

When you have only a few days or weeks before the launch you should mark every moment with an element related to your game. Maybe presenting a new feature each day or an impressive image that reveals more and more of what they will receive after the release will make them anxious enough to spread the word about it. If your budget allows you, a pre – launch party would definitely impress them.

9. Utilize all channels to announce your launch!

If you managed to improve your social presence during the development process, now is time to make the announcement about your big release. Use all the channels available like email, social media forums, press. At this moment every little effort makes a great difference.

10. Let It Fly!

Finally, the big moment is here. Your work will be rewarded with a huge amount of attention from your users which are really excited to welcome your game with laurels. Just relax and enjoy your results!

Pro Tip: Create User Acquisition Campaign To Double Your Gain!

Now that your amazing game is up and running it is imperative to make sure that it will be a long – term success. It is vital that along with the technique adopted for capturing your audience’s interest you will also convince them to download your app and you will increase your user acquisition rate from the beginning.

Final Thoughts

If you know the mechanism of addiction behind mobile games you realize that it is very important to take care of the pre – launch settings from all points of view because you want to increase the excitement of the players for your game. Of course, it goes without saying that you have to reach their expectations but we started from the premise that you have a stunning app so you just want to take advantage of this fact and to promote it in the best possible way before the launch day.


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