AppSamurai | Mobile Advertising Platform Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:00:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Guide to Influencer Marketing and Its Role in App Advertising Mon, 18 Jul 2022 09:00:57 +0000 7 MIN. READ When advertising an app of any kind, one of the most effective marketing tools available is influencer marketing. This channel is becoming increasingly popular among...

The post A Guide to Influencer Marketing and Its Role in App Advertising first appeared on AppSamurai.

When advertising an app of any kind, one of the most effective marketing tools available is influencer marketing. This channel is becoming increasingly popular among app owners and developers, along with many other types of businesses that want to expand their reach. According to one survey of 5,000 professionals, 90% of respondents found influencer marketing to be effective. It’s only going to increase in its effectiveness over time. 

At AppSamurai, we now offer influencer marketing as a solution through our innovative app marketing platform. Using this tool, you can fully manage your influencer marketing campaigns and get the most from them to assist with app advertising. 

To give you a better understanding of influencer marketing and how it can help app advertisers, the following is a complete guide to this channel and its advantages.


What Exactly Is Influencer Marketing for App Advertising?

Influencer marketing involves connecting with social media influencers to advertise or market a particular product, service, or brand. There are influencers of nearly every level, including smaller influencers known as micro-influencers to celebrity influencers with millions of followers. The fact is that every influencer with any kind of following can bring real value to a brand, including a mobile app brand.

Influencers often fall under specific niches that attract particular audiences. For instance, some influencers are known for live-streaming video gaming sessions that appeal to audiences into gaming. Meanwhile, another influencer might review food items that resonate with foodies. There’s a niche for just about every type of business and app to benefit from when it comes to influencer marketing.

You can communicate and build relationships with influencers on many channels, depending on your audience and the type of app you want to promote. Some popular platforms include YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It all depends on who you’re trying to convert to loyal users.

How Does Mobile App Influencer Marketing Work?

When engaging in influencer marketing, the process is relatively simple. While it can require some work to find and connect with the right influencer, the results will be rewarding when you have a strong strategy in place.

Generally, the process of influencer marketing is as follows:

  1. App owners and advertisers look for influencers in their niche.
  2. The brand connects with these influencers and establishes a partnership with them.
  3. The influencer then uses their channel to promote the app.
  4. The influencer’s audience may then click on a corresponding link to download the app.
  5. For eCommerce apps, influencers could offer a unique promo code that links back to them.
  6. The influencer receives a portion of every purchase a user makes.
  7. Based on the unique link or the promo code, app owners can then gauge the success of these campaigns based on the traffic they receive.
  8. If successful, apps benefit from increased downloads and sales, along with loyal users.

Ultimately, influencer marketing has the chance to drive both downloads and user retention, with the chance to see high ROI. 



The Benefits of Influencer Marketing for App Advertisers

Compared to other forms of app advertising, influencer marketing is more effective in a number of ways. Your app can benefit from influencer marketing with the following advantages.

Advertise Through People Your Audience Trusts

While broad advertising campaigns can still yield results, people prefer recommendations from the people they trust. As such, data from Shopify shows that 61% of consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from influencers. People often turn to their favorite influencers for everything from advice to recommendations, and apps are no exception. 

Influencers, as their title would suggest, are often good at gaining people’s confidence and convincing them to use certain products or services. They do so in a way that feels more organic than a typical ad from the brand itself.

Influencer Marketing Tells a More Personal Story

Narratives are among the most powerful marketing tools for all types of brands. People love a good story, and influencers can give it to them as it relates to your app. For example, an influencer may download and use your app. When promoting the app to their audiences, the influencer can detail their personal experience, including all of the benefits of using the app. This will be in their own voice and using their familiar storytelling technique. Because of this, your app is more likely to connect with audiences as they relate to the story that the influencer tells.

Keep in mind that not all influencers are great at storytelling, which means you’ll want to look around for one that’s known for crafting compelling narratives.

Connect With Audiences of All Types

Today, there’s an influencer in just about every niche, which allows app owners to target nearly any audience or audience segment imaginable. Regardless of the type of audience you want to target, there’s an influencer for every business. While your instincts may be to target well-established influencers with large followings to maximize exposure, you can get even better results and save more money by targeting micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers often have smaller but loyal followings. By connecting with multiple micro-influencers in one or more relevant niches, you can make the most of your budget while reaching wider audiences. 

How Influencer Marketing Can Complement an App Ad Strategy

As mentioned, you still need other forms of app advertising to experience long-term success with your app. However, influencer marketing can play a key role in boosting brand awareness, increasing download and install rates, and retaining users. There are a few ways in which influencer marketing can complement your ad strategy, including:


Build Brand Awareness

Other mobile marketing methods can get your brand in front of many audiences, but you can appear in front of even more with influencer marketing. When you reach out to the right influencer in your niche, you’ll have the chance to gain and hold the attention of people who might not find you otherwise. 

Even smaller influencers can expose your brand to hundreds or thousands of potential users. These users are also likely to be more interested in your app than general audiences. This is because influencers in your niche will share the same interests as their audience, encouraging them to try apps that they themselves would use.

If the influencer doesn’t manage to get audiences to download your app based solely on their recommendation and promotion, they’ll at least become aware of you. They’ll also look at you in a more positive light if they encounter your brand and app in the future. For example, a prospective user might not be interested in downloading your app when watching an influencer’s recommendation, but they may recognize you later if they see an ad on social media or another website. Based on this exposure and recognition, they may wind up trying the app when it’s convenient for them.

Increase Traffic Volume

People often don’t pay attention to generic ads or other marketing methods that don’t establish a more personal connection. On the other hand, if they hear and see a personality they like and trust to make a recommendation, audiences are much more inclined to give brand attention. As a result, they’re also more likely to take action based on this recommendation.

This is why influencer marketing often leads to more traffic for your app store page and the app itself. People will see that their favorite personalities are engaged with your app, which will get them to give it a try or at least investigate it further. This can go much farther than simply bombarding audiences with ads or attempting to reach out on social media on your own.

These advantages make influencer mobile marketing so critical for apps if you want to dramatically increase your app’s overall exposure and volume. 

Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing With AppSamurai

Your mobile marketing strategies can benefit tremendously from an effective influencer marketing strategy. However, you need to be able to locate the right influencer for your brand. Not every influencer is ideal for every brand, and you need to find one that’s going to serve as the best possible representative based on their reputation and relevance. The problem is that the competition among influencers is increasing to the point where there are thousands to choose from across nearly every niche. This is why you need the right tool to help you narrow down your selection and make the right choice.

If you want some help with finding the best influencer to build a relationship with and promote your brand, AppSamurai is here. AppSamurai is a mobile marketing platform that has many features to help you get the results you want from your efforts. One recently added feature that can assist with these campaigns is our influencer marketing capability. Using AppSamurai’s platform, you can now gain access to influencer marketing through our own inventory. We make it easier than ever for app advertisers to sign up, locate the ideal influencer, and reach out to begin reaping the rewards of influencer marketing. 

To get started with influencer marketing through AppSamurai, sign up with us today.

The post A Guide to Influencer Marketing and Its Role in App Advertising first appeared on AppSamurai.

How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads Wed, 27 Oct 2021 00:01:33 +0000 7 MIN. READ After creating an app, you likely want to get started on maximizing exposure and downloads for it. However, with so many social media platforms and...

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

After creating an app, you likely want to get started on maximizing exposure and downloads for it. However, with so many social media platforms and other channels available, it can be difficult to decide on the ideal platform to boost app download and installation rates. One of the best social media apps to use today is Instagram, which is highly visual and an effective way to engage potential app users. Through a strong Instagram ad campaign, you can significantly boost app signups and usage, turning your target audience into happy users.

 As you approach Instagram advertising, you may be unsure how to advertise an app on Instagram. If you want to learn more about how to promote your app on Instagram, the following are some strategies worth implementing. By taking these steps, you’ll attract new audiences and boost app usage.

Create a Variety of Instagram Ads

 If you want to boost app downloads, you need to use different types of Instagram ads to get the most from this platform. You can use a wide variety of ads to connect with Instagram users, including: 

  • Image ads — Instagram image ads use a single image to advertise apps. These are ideal to use if you have a single image you can use to entice audiences.
  • Video ads — These are video ads that can feature videos up to 60 minutes long, but the shorter the better. With visually appealing and engaging videos, you can attract even more attention than traditional image ads would alone.
  • Instagram Stories ads — Stories ads are full-screen video or image ads that will show up between users’ Stories. Because they take up the entire screen, users frequently engage with them, which can help dramatically boost app downloads.
  • Collection ads — Collection ads function as both carousel and shopping ads together, showing multiple products directly. These ads could be helpful if you offer several apps.
  • Carousel ads — Carousel ads use a series of videos or images that people can swipe through, which could include screenshots from your app. They may appear in people’s feeds or Stories, and they can include a link that people can swipe or a call-to-action button to drive more traffic to your app store or website.
  • Explore ads — Explore ads are image or video ads found within Instagram’s Explore tab, which is where users can uncover new accounts and content that appeal to them based on their unique user behavior. These ads appear once a user clicks on a video or photo in Explore.
  • IGTV ads — IGTV ads play midroll once a user opts to watch an IGTV video in their feed. These video ads are up to 15 seconds long and are normally intended for vertical full-screen viewing on smartphones.
  • Reels ads — Reels ads appear between Instagram Reels, and they’re similar to Stories ads. These are video ads that can be as long as 30 seconds, and they typically feature audio tracks such as music to help create a seamless viewing experience between Reels. 

Each of these ads can bring your app to people’s attention in different ways and encourage them to download it. Keep in mind that creating effective ads takes time and effort, but it’ll be worth it in the end as you watch your download rate increase. If you can develop campaigns consisting of multiple types of ads, you’ll be able to extend your reach on the app and further boost app usage.

Use Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

Calls to action, or CTAs, indicate a specific action that people should take. Effective CTAs in Instagram ads can encourage people to download or buy your app. If you to boost app signups, there are many CTAs you can use to drive downloads, including:

  • Use App
  • Download App
  • Install Now
  • Sign Up

Depending on the ad, you can try different CTAs in mobile A/B tests to see which works best. For instance, you can run two different ads at the same time, one with “Use App” as the CTA and another with “Install Now.” Based on which performs better, you can drop the other. Of course, your CTAs could include more complex messages depending on what you want audiences to do.

Be Creative

It’s best to be consistently creative and unique with your Instagram ads if you want to boost app downloads. Instagram gives you plenty of ways to showcase your creativity in innovative ways. If you can make your ads stand out with high-quality images and videos that introduce people to your brand and app, you’ll be able to drive more engagement and downloads. 

When developing your ads, keep your audience’s specific needs and wants in mind. What are the features in your app that would appeal most to them? What are the specific pain points that your app can solve? You can answer these and create different ads that appeal to different segments of your audience on Instagram. From messaging to visuals, you’ll be able to develop creative elements that truly speak to Instagram users.

Locate the Right Audience

Finding the ideal audience for your ads is crucial when promoting your app on Instagram. It doesn’t matter how well-designed your app is or how high-quality your ads are. If your ads don’t reach the right people, you’ll wind up wasting valuable time, money, and energy. Make sure you find the right audience for your ads before you develop your creative and launch your campaigns, as this will mean the difference between success and failure. 

When selecting the right target audience, consider who can benefit most from your app. What kinds of demographics, occupations, and other factors would your users fall under? Of course, you may already have had a clear audience in mind when developing your app, but you then need to locate them on Instagram.

To help you target your ads, Instagram offers a number of targeting options. Facebook ads are known for their targeting capabilities, and the fact that Facebook owns Instagram enables you to access those same capabilities via Instagram. 

 When targeting users on Instagram, the targeting options available to you include:

  • Demographics such as gender, location, age, and more
  • Behaviors, including purchase intent or previous purchases, device usage, and other behaviors.
  • Interests, which are based on the kinds of apps and pages that people have expressed interest in on Instagram and Facebook

It’s also possible to create custom audiences based on your current list of phone numbers, email subscribers, app user IDs, or Facebook IDs, which can make ad targeting even simpler. Regardless of your approach, effective targeting for your Instagram ads will make sure they appear in front of the right people at the right time. In the process, you’ll be able to effectively boost app downloads with much greater success. 

Set Other Campaign Goals Beyond App Downloads

While increasing app downloads may be your ultimate goal, remember that other goals can help indirectly lead to more downloads and users. In addition to increasing app downloads, set some other goals for your Instagram ads that could help drive more installations. 

For instance, you can set the following three goals to get people interested in your app until they eventually download it: 

  • Video views — A high number of video views can help measure the effectiveness of your video ads. How many people are watching compared to how many people are engaging with your brand can also indicate how well your videos are performing. If you’re developing a brand awareness campaign, video views can be invaluable in helping gauge the campaign’s success.
  • Website visits — If people are clicking through to your website at a certain rate, this could also show how well your CTAs are doing. In turn, this could show how many people are interested in learning more about your app before downloading it.
  • Page post engagement — Some ads may encourage people to follow your Instagram account, which could lead to increased brand engagement overtime on other platforms. 

Setting these goals for different ad campaigns could help you track users along their buyer’s journeys toward eventually downloading and using your app. Based on how well your campaigns meet these goals, you can then work to optimize your ads accordingly to drive even better results.

In Conclusion

Instagram remains and will continue to remain one of the best platforms for advertisers of all kinds, including app developers. If you want to boost app usage and launch an effective ad campaign, be sure to use a variety of ads, create effective CTAs, be creative, and target the right audience with specific campaign goals in mind. In doing so, your app will have the chance to excel through the platform with strong advertising behind it. When used in combination with other platforms, including Facebook and other social media sites that your audience uses, you can get all the exposure you want for your app to increase downloads.

If you want to learn more about how to promote your app on Instagram and get the best possible results from Instagram ads and other campaigns, App Samurai can help. App Samurai is an AI-powered mobile growth platform that’s both intuitive and secure. Contact us today to begin implementing this platform.

The post How to Boost App Downloads with Instagram Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

How to Increase or Improve Your App Downloads with YouTube Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:02:50 +0000 9 MIN. READ View video-related articles, and it will show you the importance of videos for businesses, landing pages, social channels, and even conferences. But that’s not the...

The post How to Increase or Improve Your App Downloads with YouTube first appeared on AppSamurai.

View video-related articles, and it will show you the importance of videos for businesses, landing pages, social channels, and even conferences.

But that’s not the end of the debate.

If you look closely, all top-rated apps have a common feature, the video ads, and you will find in all apps from various industries, and these work really well.

But here is the thing:

Videos are ruling the online platforms and landscape as they are more engaging than other forms of content. This is because videos feature a combination of vibrant visuals and top-class sound.

Video Ads are awesome, and you can also use them to increase your app downloads and to promote mobile applications. And users are loving them than the other mediums.

Although the process requires some of your time, money, and more effort, all this is worth it in the end. Video ads are also highly popular on YouTube, and rightly so. You can use video ads on YouTube to build a healthy connection between brands and consumers.

Stats About the Video Ads

A recent study by Statista predicts that by the end of 2021, spends on mobile video ads will be four times higher than what it was back in 2015.

Similarly, an infographic circulated by Google shows that mobile video ads have much higher visibility, up to 83%. At YouTube, over half of all the engagements and views are from mobile.

So, all these things can really help you and your mobile app. It is also evident that you can increase your app downloads with YouTube and promote the mobile application via video ads on YouTube.

This read exactly shows you how to do all this stuff in the most effective way.

We will cover the following topics in this read:

Importance of YouTube for Mobile Apps

Since its launch, YouTube has become a popular media channel where you will find millions of users engaged in the videos every day. That’s why it is the best platform to promote your smartphone applications, and you can easily increase your app’s download via YouTube.

All you need to do is add or upload a high-quality video about the app along with its features, or you can use YouTube’s ads service.

However, you need to know how to make an appropriate video that gains user’s attractions and enhances your app downloads.

Below we will discuss some useful and creative techniques that can make a huge difference between an unskillful video creator and a real brand promoter. So, keep these elements in your mind if you want to increase your mobile application’s download via YouTube:

Highlight App’s Prominent Features: Consider the most prominent features of your app and use them in the video in a way that they gain user’s attractions instantly and at a glance. Besides, keep your focus on the issues that your app solves for users.

How does the app work? People like to watch videos about apps to determine how to use it. This significantly enhances the onboarding flow and keeps users engage and even more.

It Shouldn’t be Boring: It’s vital to think from the user’s perspective and maintain your focus on the big picture. If you go into unnecessary details, you simply cannot hit the target.

Try to Keep It Short: Time is money for you as well as for your users. Don’t waste their time and try to keep the ad to the point and short. Similarly, engage your prospects with the video and lure them into discovering other details about the app.

Keep an Eye on Your Competitors: Determine what your direct competitors are doing and perform a thorough analysis to find their plus points and weaknesses. If they are not using a video for their mobile app, it’s a plus for you, and you will have the edge over them.

However, if they are using the video on YouTube for the app, watch it closely and try to analyze it in detail so that you can make a better video than your competitors.

Be Honest with Users and Your Skills: If you are a skilled video creator, you can effortlessly create the one for your app. If you are not, hire a professional and get the desired results.

Don’t Forget to Promote the Video: We understand that you have created the video to promote your app on YouTube, but verify that people are watching it. Similarly, if you have a business website or blog, include the link in the video’s description.

Link to Your Mobile App: YouTube offers amazing services to its users. For example, it allows you to add a link to your mobile app page on the app store in the description box so that users can download the app instantly.

Use optimized Videos Only: Just like the requirement of app store optimization, your app video should be fully optimized for both YouTube, Google, and other search engines.

The process is exactly like the ASO. It is vital for you to pick and add the relevant keywords, especially in the video’s title but keep things natural and try to maintain optimal flow; don’t blindly stuff the keywords.

Similarly, ensure that the video’s description contains the right and relevant keywords for higher rankings in the YouTube search and Google search.

YouTube Ad Types for Mobile Apps

It is crucial to understand YouTube Ads and their types so that you can use the appropriate one for your mobile application. First of all, we will suggest you to enable your video monetization. After that, select only one type of YouTube Ads that you think is the right one for your mobile app.

Here are YouTube ads types that you can use for mobile applications:

Display Ads: Mostly, display ads are displayed on the screen’s right side near the player. However, you can also find them below the player if the viewer is watching on the big screen. Remember that this ad type is only available for laptops and desktop PCs and has dimensions of 300 x 250 or 300 x 60.

Overlay Ads: These YouTube ads are semi-transparent, very much similar to images or text. The ads have the dimensions of 468 x 60 or 728 x 90, and these are only available for desktop screens for 20% of your video. Usually, this ad type is displayed on the player’s lower side.

Skippable YouTube Video Ads: These YouTube ads are displayed on the entire video player. Unlike others, they are suitable for PCs, mobile devices, gaming consoles, and TV. These ads are shown during, before, or after the video, and users can close the ad after 5 seconds.

Non-skippable Ads: These YouTube ads have two versions; the long one and the short one. Users cannot close these ads after 5 seconds, and the duration of the ad varies from 15 seconds up to 40 seconds. They can also appear before, during, or after your video on PCs, laptops, and mobile phones.

Bumper Ads: These ads are just like non-skippable YouTube Ads, but these are much shorter. Usually, the duration of the ads is only 6 seconds.

Sponsored cards: As the name states, these ads contain cards that usually appear on the screen’s right side, and you will see them on PCs and mobile devices.

How to Make Effective YouTube Ads (Some Best Practices)

Google follows a simple concept known as TrueView. It is an ad format where you have to pay only when a user views your video for up to 30 seconds or more or clicks the Install/download button. TrueView ads can be an in-stream ad, and usually, these are videos that you will see on YouTube app or video discovery. The ads have small images with three lines of script on the YouTube app.

If you want to design this type of ad for your mobile application, follow these simple steps.

First, you need to pick a campaign type Video – For Mobile Application Installs. Next, you should track app conversions whether you are using an Android app or an iOs app.

Then, pick your Target CPA bidding strategy. Create an ad for each type and keep testing them for one month to determine which the best for your app is.

Because the users can skip these ads just after 5 seconds, it’s vital to keep them engaged from the beginning. Your ad should be creative and appealing so that users view it till the end, and it should encourage users to download your application.

If your target audience is from other countries, ensure that your ads are translated into the appropriate language so that users can read and understand them. To translate the ads, you can use YouTube’s language tool.

Content Strategy Matters for YouTube Ads

This is the most difficult task for many users. The first step is to decide what type of video content is right for your ad and how you will create it. So, here are some content ideas for you:

Content Ideas for YouTube Ads

If you are thinking about what kind of videos you should make, here are some questions that will help you in the process:

  • What kind of videos are people using in your niche?
  • What types of videos are the most popular for apps?
  • Why is your app above the others, and what makes it different?
  • Can you show individuals using your mobile application in the ad?
  • Can you record interviews of the people that are already using your app?
  • Tutorial videos are effective on YouTube. So, you should think about using them if possible.

The chances are that you might already have creative ideas in your mind right now. Right them down on any place, so you don’t forget.

Things to Consider

Before you create a YouTube ad for your app to enhance its download, take a step back and keep these things in your mind when doing so:

  • How much time do you have to create videos?
  • What is the level of your video production skills?
  • How can you offer value to your users? Which features make your app stand above the rest?
  • Will your videos be popular on YouTube?

Of course, you don’t precisely know which content strategy will suit you but keep trying and be consistent. And soon, you will get your desired outcome.

Try to realize your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your target audience. Both these things will shortlist the type of content you need to create for your ads.

Promote Your App

Most publishers and developers neglect this feature, but this is the most important factor to work upon. Plus, promotion is the only reason that you are creating video ads.

So, we will advise you to pay attention to these factors while promoting your mobile app:

  • Design a beautiful intro or splash screen with the app’s icon or your business logo.
  • If needed, add watermarks to your video.
  • Discuss your app and its features whenever you find it suitable.
  • Design an outro screen that encourages users to download your app.
  • Add short links in the video.
  • Don’t push users too hard to download the app. Similarly, never go beyond the limits when promoting your app, as it will have a negative impact on the overall customer experience. But ensure that viewers watch your video completely and know that your app is available to download.

In the End

Not all mobile apps are the same, and every app is different. Luckily, you can efficiently promote all mobile apps on YouTube, and you have various ways to do so.

Furthermore, you can design a video regarding your mobile application and upload it on YouTube for users or set a budget for YouTube ads. It depends on your overall budget and promotional strategy. But, without any doubt, you can increase your app’s download with YouTube because it will be in front of millions of people.


The post How to Increase or Improve Your App Downloads with YouTube first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Tips to Increase User Acquisition with Twitter Ads Thu, 09 Sep 2021 00:01:24 +0000 7 MIN. READ With so many mobile apps on the market, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Yet, without a large enough user base,...

The post Tips to Increase User Acquisition with Twitter Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

With so many mobile apps on the market, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Yet, without a large enough user base, your app won’t make you any money. It might not even bring you a return on your investment. Therefore, effective advertising for your app is an important part of the app deployment process. In this post, we’ll break down how to increase user acquisition when you’re advertising on Twitter. 

1. Target across multiple devices

Twitter users access the site through several types of devices: desktop computers, mobile phones, and tablets. If you aren’t correctly targeting your ads to the device a user is on, then you are missing out on an opportunity to craft a more compelling ad. Thankfully, Twitter allows advertisers to create different ads for different devices. While a strong focus on mobile advertising makes sense when you are trying to improve your mobile app user acquisition, that shouldn’t necessarily be the only device type that you advertise on. 

Despite the fact that the 80% of Twitter users who access the site via mobile make up the core audience of a mobile app ad campaign, nearly everyone who accesses the site through a desktop computer also has a mobile device. You don’t want to leave 20% of Twitter’s huge user base of nearly 200 million people out of your reach just because they aren’t currently on the device that you’re trying to target. 

Of course, putting your ads across all devices and spending equally on ad campaigns across all devices is not the same thing. Like with any aspect of mobile app advertising, you want to constantly be looking at which ads are bringing you the best return on your investment and adjust your spending so that those are the ones receiving a larger share of your ad spending. 

2. Use Mobile App Installs campaigns to exploit instant gratification

When advertising mobile apps on Twitter, it’s a good idea to take advantage of technology developed by the company explicitly for that purpose. Back in 2013, Twitter announced a new set of cards aimed at mobile app developers. Cards are what Twitter calls the various ad types they offer that include increased functionality of traditional text ads. For mobile developers, there are a few interesting possibilities. 

  • Mobile App Installs – By adding this card to your ad, any user who doesn’t currently have your app on their device will be able to simply tap on a download button and immediately be taken to the appropriate app store to download the app.
  • Deep-linking – For targeting users that already do have your app, you can use a deep-linking card from Twitter. When the button is tapped on these cards, your app will open and you can send the user to any resource within it. This is good for increasing engagement, and as a result, organic user acquisition.

Both of these methods take advantage of the fact that people love instant gratification. If they see an ad for an app they’re interested in, reducing the friction required for them to start using the app as much as possible will increase the likelihood that they’ll do so. 

3. Diversify your ad types

In addition to several different types of cards, Twitter offers multiple ad types as well. You may be tempted to stick mostly with the Mobile App Install card mentioned in the previous section, but that would be a mistake. While taking advantage of the desire for instant gratification is certainly a powerful motivator, not everyone who sees an ad for an app is going to want to take the time to download it at that time. By diversifying your ad campaign across a variety of different ad types, you’ll be helping to build brand awareness and keep your product fresh in people’s minds. This could lead them to go out and purchase the ad on their own, or could increase the chance that they’ll download it the next time your Mobile App Installs card does show up. Some of the common Twitter ad types that app developers may be interested in are discussed below.

  • Promoted Video – An exciting trailer for your app can go a long way in building a desire for users to download it. Promoted videos allow you to send out your trailer to your selected target audience and reach people you wouldn’t otherwise.
  • Promoted Tweet – Ordinarily, people on Twitter don’t see your tweets unless they are following you or you are retweeted by someone they do follow. Promoted tweets allow you to put your tweet in front of your target audience even when they aren’t following you.
  • Brand Reminders – This is a fantastic strategy for an initial product launch. Twitter’s brand reminder feature allows you to announce an upcoming release of your new app and let users like the tweet in order to be reminded when it launches. This can be a good way to get momentum for your app right out of the gate


4. Experiment with images

As an app developer, you already understand the importance of having attractive icons on your app’s store page. Just like on the various app stores, users of Twitter are inundated with pictures as they scroll through their feeds. So much so, that there’s a tendency to just block out many of the pictures they see. Not every image you select for your advertisement is going to perform as well as others. It’s important that you do some A/B testing with various types of images to see which ones work best for your particular target customer.

You can perform this testing at several different layers of granularity. For example, does your audience respond better to stylized images, or more realistic ones? Do they prefer screenshots of the app or an artistic rendering of the content of the app? This can depend a lot on the type of app you are selling, so it’s worth testing to figure out what works best. After you answer these big questions, you can go deeper and test different colors and fonts for your images. It’s a good idea to be continually testing images so you are constantly improving the user acquisition achieved from your ad campaigns. 

5. Optimize your audience targeting

Nearly everyone who uses it has had the experience of scrolling through Twitter and seeing an ad that doesn’t seem to fit them at all. Twitter even has an option to view why a particular ad was targeted at you. Often, ads that have a very specific target audience are shown to a very wide audience. In these cases, the advertiser is not getting their money’s worth on the campaign. You don’t want this to be you. When you are creating your ad campaigns, think about the types of people who will be using your app and try to target specifically to those demographics. If you have analytics installed in your app that will let you do customer segmentation, that can go a long way to determining exactly who your target audience is. As you learn more about the types of people who use your app, tweak your ad targeting to reach those people more precisely.

This is also something else you can use A/B testing for. If you aren’t sure whether a particular demographic may be interested in your app, target them with an ad and see how well it performs. Ditch the poor performing demographics and focus on the ones that convert better. Again, a process of continual refinement will yield the best user acquisition for your mobile app. 


Twitter has a lot of users, and a lot of them are on a mobile device. This makes it a great platform for mobile apps advertising. But you can’t just throw money at an ad campaign and expect to rake in users. Mobile ad campaigns take a fair amount of nurturing in order to perform as optimally as they can. This work comes in two stages: the initial work of setting up the basic ad campaigns and creative content, and then the ongoing work of refining that content to perform as best as it possibly can. 

The last part shouldn’t be ignored. Proper A/B testing of different options for every one of the tips we’ve presented here will help to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Many developers may feel as though the work put into doing this isn’t worth the time. However, if you aren’t taking steps to optimize your ad campaign, then you will certainly be wasting large amounts of money over the course of that campaign. 

If you’ve read this article, then you know very well how desirable quality ad space is. The same desire you have to give money to Twitter can be utilized to monetize your own app. Using App Samurai’s platform, you can sell ad space in your app and earn money for each user you acquire through your Twitter ad campaigns. For more information about the App Samurai platform, please feel free to contact us at any time.

The post Tips to Increase User Acquisition with Twitter Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

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How to Use Influencer Marketing for Mobile Apps Tue, 07 Sep 2021 00:33:36 +0000 9 MIN. READ As a mobile app owner, you want to let the world know about your new app in the best way possible. So, chances are you...

The post How to Use Influencer Marketing for Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

As a mobile app owner, you want to let the world know about your new app in the best way possible. So, chances are you might be looking for new and effective marketing strategies that walk you through the most popular channels and promote your app in front of others. Have you ever heard of influencer marketing?

If you don’t know about influencer marketing or its advantages for mobile apps, we will discuss it below.

There are several mobile apps on app stores for users to download. Hence you need to provide the prospects a valid reason to use your app instead of others.

Influencer marketing is an ideal way to give users a valid reason to download your app, but you need to have a good strategy to promote your mobile app via influencer marketing so that it organically matches their expectations.

This post will show you how this effective strategy works and how you can use it for your mobile app. Let’s start!

What is Influencer Marketing for Mobile Apps?

Influencer marketing can be defined as the efforts to offer potential users a recommendation to use your products or mobile app by a reliable person, industry expert, or celebrity.

Influencer marketing is also called word of mouth, but its effectiveness is much more than that, and it lets the companies or brands reach out to more people.

An influencer can be any trustworthy person who is popular, and people follow their words. Similarly, an influencer can be a social media personality or blog owner, or even a celebrity with a high number of followers on any social platform.

Nowadays, the most popular and commonly used social media platforms for influencer marketing are Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.

For example, you will find many professional gamers on YouTube with thousands of relevant and like-minded followers across the world.

If you want to market or promote a new gaming app via influencer marketing, you can collaborate with these YouTubers to spread the word about your new gaming mobile application.

Why is Influencer Marketing Effective?

Advertising is common these days, but at the same time, people are always trying to find accurate and true information. Instead of anonymous advertising, people tend to believe industry influencers more as they found them a “real person.”

Furthermore, influencers can easily gain confidence and attract the interest of your target users naturally. Therefore, when they advertise or talk about your mobile app, it gives you an opportunity to convince people in the most organic way.

According to surveys and reports, around 60% of your potential customers will likely purchase a product or download your mobile app when recommended by a popular influencer or famous person.

Similarly, many studies and researches have proven that users tend to download the mobile application when they are recommended about a particular application by other people. Technically speaking, this is all because of influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is also the most effective way of advertising because it tells a story, and most of us respect those stories, especially those that users can relate to.

However, keep in mind that all influencers are not the ideal to promote your product; instead, you need to find the ones who are excellent storytellers. The influencer must present your app in such a way that your target audience can relate themselves to your new app.

How to Succeed in Influencer Marketing?

If you want to design a successful influencer marketing campaign, it is important to pick the influencer carefully and wisely.

Regardless of your app, keep in mind that you will be working with a person who will represent you in front of thousands of people. To some extent, we can say that the influencers act as your online marketing consultants.

Similarly, many influencers treat their social media following and platforms as a business. Hence you need to approach them in exactly the same way.

Having said, below are some necessary things to consider if you want to succeed in influencer marketing for your mobile apps. These things will allow you to harness the real power of influencer marketing.

Setting targets: Strategy is vital for every advertising, and you need an efficient strategy for a successful marketing campaign. Before approaching a celebrity or a famous personality on Instagram, you need to define your goals and state your requirements. Similarly, you should know what you want to achieve from this cooperation?

Pick the right platform: Knowing and understanding your target audience is vital, but we advise you to contact them irrespective of where they are located. Remember that not all platforms are the same; each has its own properties and features.

Unfortunately, you won’t find any reliable tool to determine the best platform that suits your app. Here we will advise you to do research work and read relevant materials as per your app to select the right platform for your influencer marketing campaign. Think about which platform your target audience uses the most and where they spend their time?

Telling a story: You need to utilize storytelling as a focal point of your marketing campaign. These days people are not that focused on a particular activity and have short attention spans.

So, try to grab their attention in a short span of time. Similarly, users like to hear things that are related to their lives. So if possible, look for these cords and use them in the story form through the influencer.

Influencers like freedom: When you are searching for an influencer for your campaign, you need to be selective. But, at the same time, you must provide them enough space for their creative freedom so that they can represent your product or app in the most organic way.

Their social media profiles have certain elements that can bring success to you by influencing your target audience. Let them creatively show these unique properties.

4 Things to Do Before Launching an Influencer Marketing Campaign

Below are some crucial points to bear in mind before launching an Influencer Marketing campaign:

Don’t forget to set up analytics for your campaign:

Before launching an influencer campaign, you need to set up analytics to track the progress. Analytics is vital whether you have a paid sponsorship with the influencer or plan to run a performance marketing campaign on any social media platform. This will allow you or your marketing team to optimize the campaign timely.

For example, you can easily identify which blogger or influencer failed to meet the set goals through this tracking. In other words, the customer journey should be transparent to you and your marketing team.

Test your app or product first.

Well-known influencers or popular bloggers are too picky. They don’t like to market a product that has flaws or provided less value to the users. So, test your app or product before launching the campaign. Otherwise, you will be putting your reputation at risk, and also the influencers.

Build creative assets

Influencers will use the assets that you will offer them. Therefore, ensure that pictures and videos are of high resolution. Besides, try to make those assets memorable and engaging.

Of course, influencers and bloggers know their followers much better than you, and they perfectly know how to reach and engage the users. So, ensure that the message, USP, and features are clearly stated in the advertising concept.

Use sponsored links as bonuses.

Firstly, this is applicable to the influencers who are fully involved in your app’s marketing campaign. You can consider giving them a premium subscription to your app for free so that they can understand and learn more about your product.

This also allows them to tell their followers about their experience with the product. On the other hand, this whole process will appeal to your audience and force them to download and install the app via the sponsored link.


How to Identify Influencers?

We advise you to use Google Alerts for this purpose as it is the best tool on the market. You can effortlessly set up alerts on topics relevant to your app or product. It also allows you to figure out who’s talking about the product and where.

To find authorities and influencers relevant to your industry, you can also use the AuthoritySpy tool. To determine popular people on social media sites in your industry, you recommend using Klout. Klout even ranks the influencers as per their social influence.

Lastly, you will also find other online tools that can help you to identify popular influencers.

Why Would the Influencer or Celebrity Help Me?

You might be wondering why a reputable person or celebrity works with you or endorse your app/product. The answer is simple, and you will be paying them for their time and efforts.

In some cases, they will also receive a commission from the sale of the products that they advertise. They will often work with you to share valuable and cool stuff with their existing audience and followers.

How Can You Secure an Influencer Endorsement?

If your advertising campaign is well funded, you can acquire the services of a professional celebrity broker company to secure the deal for you. But for self-funded app startups, there are some creative ways. In this case, things will not be that formal, neither will there be a proper endorsement of your app.

You can ask them for a quick mention of your mobile app in their blog or social media, which will give your app incredible exposure.

What are Macro Influencers?

Macro influencers are those with 100,00 followers to 1 million followers. Macro influencers are excellent because they have a large following, and usually, you will find them in a certain niche. Hence they are more effective than the others.

Furthermore, most of the macro-influencers are not celebrities at the start of their career and had to build their following gradually. So they have much stronger bonds with their followers, and people trust them more.

What are Mega Influencers?

These influencers are famous celebrities and celebrity-types rather than young YouTube stars. Usually, mega influencers have over a million followers on any social media site, and their relationship with their audience is somewhat distant.

Mega influencers are more suitable when you want to enhance the visibility of your app, and you don’t have a limited budget. Since mega influencers have a massive number of followers, so their charges are on the higher side. Some famous stars charge up to $1 million for a single sponsored Instagram post.

Due to the high cost of mega influencers, hiring new startups is not the best option; however, they bring more users to your website or app.

When choosing the right influencer for your mobile app marketing campaign, you need to ensure that you have provided them everything they need during the process.

For example, they must know your brand’s vision? Are you providing them with sufficient creative freedom so that they can market your mobile app in their particular style?

Lastly, mega influencers have their own running platform and are more conscious of their personal brand.

Final Thoughts

Almost all of us have an active presence on social media nowadays. Similarly, you will find almost all brands and companies trying to reach out to people on these platforms. As an extremely effective marketing strategy, influencer marketing is usually based on social media platforms to reach out to others and potential prospects.

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, but influencer marketing is an evergreen marketing strategy. Even if you have a short or limited budget, you can create and benefit from influencer marketing to promote your mobile app systematically.

Lastly, keep the points mentioned in this reading, and no one is stopping you from creating successful Influencer Marketing For Mobile Apps.

The post How to Use Influencer Marketing for Mobile Apps first appeared on AppSamurai.

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Thinking About Advertising On TikTok? Here’s Your Full Guide! Wed, 03 Jun 2020 15:34:13 +0000 7 MIN. READ TikTok is the rising star of recent years, becoming one of the most downloaded apps in the world. It’s hard to believe it’s first launched...

The post Thinking About Advertising On TikTok? Here’s Your Full Guide! first appeared on AppSamurai.

TikTok is the rising star of recent years, becoming one of the most downloaded apps in the world. It’s hard to believe it’s first launched in China in September 2016 and has been available in the markets outside of China for only four years. 

It’s no wonder marketers are seeing a huge opportunity to grow their businesses. The app has millions of users in hundreds of countries. 

In this article, you’ll learn 

Let’s dive in. 

Is TikTok Advertising Right For Your Business?

TikTok has 800 million active users! And TikTok is available in 155 countries and 75 different countries. If that’s not enough, we can list some more: 

The four-year-old platform has more than doubled the number of active users Twitter has, which is 330 million active users. 

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Nine out of ten TikTok users access the app multiple times a day. Check out that strong relationship! They not only access the app daily, they are also highly active. GlobalWebIndex’s data shows that 68 percent of TikTok users watch someone else’s videos on the app, and 55% upload their videos into the platform. 

And the numbers continue to grow! The number of US adult TikTok users is expected to grow 5.5 times in less than 18 months. 

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Who Uses TikTok?

TikTok audience base demonstrates a ton of potential for marketers. We’re talking about an excellent opportunity to select and target your most suitable market from 155 different countries, the opportunity to target 800 million active users from 155 different countries. 

So before we continue with how to advertise on TikTok, let’s examine that 800 million users in detail. 


If younger people are a part of your target demographic, TikTok ads could have amazing results for your business. Roughly half of the global TikTok audience is under the age of 34. 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16 to 24.

But not all TikTok users are from X and Y generation, about half of the TikTok user base is over 34, meaning roughly 400 million people!


55% of TikTok users are male, and the remaining 44% are female. 


The app is available in 155 countries, the top 10 countries with the highest TikTok user count are as follows:

  1. India – 119.3mn TikTok users
  2. USA – 39.6mn TikTok users
  3. Turkey – 28.4mn TikTok users
  4. Russia – 24.3mn TikTok users 
  5. Mexico – 19.7mn TikTok users
  6. Brazil – 18.4mn TikTok users 
  7. Pakistan – 11.8mn TikTok users 
  8. Saudi Arabia – 9.7mn TikTok users
  9. France – 9.1mn TikTok users
  10. 10.Germany – 8.8mn TikTok users

How Can Brands Use TikTok?

  1. They can create their TikTok channel and upload relevant and entertaining videos. Examples: 
  2. They can work with influencers and take advantage of their reach. Examples:
  3. They can start investing in the TikTok advertisement. 

You don’t have to choose one of them; combining two strategies or applying all of them is also an option. In this blog post, we will mainly discuss #3: How to advertise on TikTok.

How To Advertise on TikTok?

Creatives are everything! When running a TikTok campaign, it should be kept in mind that creatives play a massive role in delivering success. Creatives that adhere to the following guidelines yield better results.


Creatives should be dynamic rather than static. Action lures the viewer in. Check out HollisterCo’s sponsored content for inspiration:

You can design catchy ads using TikTok’s video creation kit. This tool provides image and video templateş you can use to customize your images. The video creation kit also has 300+ free background music tracks you can use. If you do not have enough budget to invest in video creating, you can use TikTok’s resources. 

In addition to Video Creation Kit, you can also take advantage of other built-in ad tools of TikTok. Automated Creative Optimization tool lets you automatically combine your creative assets. You can upload images or videos, write some ad text, and select your call-to-action (CTA) buttons and the automated ads to be continually explored, evaluated, and optimized. 

Duration & other best-practices

TikTok offers image and video specifications for you to create best-looking ads. For ad content that looks best on TikTok and its partner apps ensure that your videos meet the following specifications:

  • A recommended aspect ratio is 9:16 or 1:1 or 16:9. 
  • Resolution should be greater than 720px x 1280px, 640px by 640px, or 1280px by 720px. 
  • Video can be between 5 to 60 seconds in length, although TikTok recommends ads that run under 10 seconds. 5-10 seconds is optimal.
  • The optimal brand name is 2 to 20 characters (English) in length or an app name that is 4 to 40 characters in length. 
  • The description of your advertised product/service should be between 12 to 100 characters (English) in length.


Music is essential and should be catchy. Hip-Hop, R&B, Rap, and Trap are the go-to genres. One of the reasons chipotle’s guac challenge video got viral was because of its clever use of energetic music:


There is a continuous flow on the TikTok interface. Ad viewers tend to react better to sponsored content when it is similar to user content.

Human Interaction

Almost all TikTok content has real people in them. Content with human interaction adds to nativeness and prevents viewers from immediately realizing that they are watching an ad. UGC is one of the magic ingredients of a great marketing strategy. Nowadays, people do not just want to view the content but also want to be a part of its development. The benefits of user-generated content are:

  • Increased sales volumes,
  • Building trust in the consumer,
  • Strengthening the relationship between the brand and the customer,
  • Organic follower increase,
  • Increased number of the audience reached,
  • Increased authority and credibility,
  • Increased SEO value.

Call to Action

Voice or text, it should be there. It should be simple and should be delivered in the first few seconds. Viewers can learn more about your app on the landing page. 

Choosing the best CTA that converts users is not an easy task. Check out How To Write The Best Call to Action for Mobile App Marketing to learn the best practices for writing an ideal call-to-action.  

First Impact

The first impact is critical. Viewers decide whether they’re going to continue to watch or not in the first 1-2 seconds. Content should be alluring enough to get the viewer hooked. This TikTok ad shows that you don’t need to have explosions or fireworks to get people’s attention:


TikTok is known for its ‘Challenges.’ TikTok users enjoy taking part in challenges and creating videos according to that trend. Becoming viral can boost every aspect of your business in only one night, and TikTok challenges are a great way to do so. Creating ads that are focusing on a trendy challenge or creating one for your brand can be a great strategy.

These challenges usually have a specific name and hashtag; that’s why sometimes they are called “hashtag challenges.” Follow hashtag challenges to develop highly engaging and result-oriented ads.

Tiktok Content Rules

TikTok is quite strict when it comes to content rules. The most critical TikTok rules are as follows.

  • TikTok doesn’t allow dangerous individuals or organizations represented in their app.
  • They prohibit illegal activities and regulated goods. 
  • They do not allow violent or graphic content. 
  • TikTok doesn’t tolerate hate speech, harassment, or bullying.
  • They do not allow nudity. 
  • TikTok values integrity and authenticity.

You can learn more about TikTok’s community guidelines here

TikTok Ad Options

  • In-Feed Video: Ads appear in the news feed of TikTok on the “For You” page.
  • Brand Takeover: Ads pop up when users open the TikTok app and take over the screen fully for a few seconds before turning into an In-Feed Video ad.
  • Hashtag Challenge: Ads are shown on the “Discovery” page and encourage users to participate in challenges that are trendy among the app’s users. These can include a shoppable component for retailers.
  • Branded AR Content: Ads appear as branded lenses, stickers, and other 2D/3D/AR content for app users to utilize in their videos.
  • Custom Influencer Package: Ads are shown as a part of sponsored content created by a TikTok influencer.

Boost ROI of your Tiktok Ad Campaigns with App Samurai

The advertisers are always looking for new opportunities to expand their user base and new inventories to reach out to more engaged audiences. In this manner, TikTok plays a critical role in being a potential source for them. App Samurai is next to you to support while you are trying to fulfill your KPIs. 

By using TikTok via App Samurai you will be able to get;

  • Full-stack Creative support from App Samurai design team, 
  • 24/7 customer support for CPI optimization, 
  • CPI-based model instead of CPC or CPM.
  • access to the dynamic and engaging TikTok audiences in Turkey, USA, UK, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, Russia, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea and Japan without any restriction,

To build-up on the excitement generated from the announcements above, we are delighted to offer a 10% bonus for each $1000 deposit coming from the first 100 TikTok Advertisers on App Samurai platform. All you need to do is to get in touch with us to become one of the early birds to benefit from this proposal.

The post Thinking About Advertising On TikTok? Here’s Your Full Guide! first appeared on AppSamurai.
