Every woman would love to look like a supermodel, but how to achieve that when they have so many other priorities which stop them to accomplish this dream. Is it possible that a mobile app to be the first step taken in that direction? There are thousands of fitness apps and many of them are specially tailored on users’ needs. Let’s talk today about Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness and to discover its marketing secrets while it helps those who don’t like what they see in the mirror.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sweat-kayla-itsines-fitness/id1049234587?mt=8
Brilliant Idea
Kayla Itsines is an Australian personal trainer who started her carrier in 2008 helping women to reach the above mentioned goal. She realized that the most useful tool for this process is mobile device. For this reason she united her forces with other two trainers for launching Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness. The result is a complete service where you can find Bikini Body Guide (BBG) the famous program created by Kayla Itsines with two options for home and gym, SELF Post – Pregnancy with Kelsey Wells focused on new mums who want to get in shape and Yoga lessons with Sjana Elise Earp for a healthier body and mind. We can’t tell you how efficient are those workouts but we can appreciate the strategies used for acquiring valuable users.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sweat-kayla-itsines-fitness/id1049234587?mt=8
How Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness Did It
Because we like the main concept that it doesn’t matter how you look, all it counts is how you feel we will try to understand the techniques used by Kayla and her partners for convincing women to follow their programs.
To Pay Or Not To Pay For The App?
The app is built on a test – before – buying concept. Users can download it for free and they can take advantage of the solutions offered for a week without any costs. After that, they need to subscribe and to pay a monthly fee. $19.99, the amount paid every 4 weeks seems to be a problem for many people but during the trial period, customers are able to understand if it is worth the money or if it is better to find other solutions. If the effects are visible after 7 days many users consider that it is a real investment to continue with the program. Therefore, the real challenge is to engage them from the start.
Image Source: https://www.sweat.com/
All About Women
Kayla started by observing her target audience and all her efforts are concentrated on this category of users. Every element on the official website and on the app store page is specially designed for obtaining a feminine effect. Those bold colors, friendly language and even the tips and tricks presented on the official blog are created for women. You can imagine Kayla with a few friends chatting about their concerns and sharing different solutions according to each situation. The advantage is that the content educates and encourages them to improve their lifestyle.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sweat-kayla-itsines-fitness/id1049234587?mt=8
Before And After
What motivates people the most when it comes to losing weight? They need to see results. When you promise something you must show that you can accomplish that goal. Do you want to know what attracted users the most at Kayla’s products? The before and after photos. In the moment she shared her clients’ achievements, everybody understood that it is possible to reach their purpose if they change their eating habits and if they exercise at least half hour every day. Moreover, she managed to create a complex system along with Elise and Kelsey so users don’t feel that they need to download other apps for a complete experience. When you think about it, the simplicity is really the key here. When people discover that they don’t have to spend hours in the gym and they can fit those workouts into their schedule they are more convinced to try the app. The real takeaway is to demonstrate that you can help them while you show that they aren’t the exception which proves the rule.
Image Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/life-kayla-itsines-most-influential-fitness-star-on-earth-million-instagram-following-blogger-a7964136.html
There is a funny story where Kayla recalls that her little cousin recommended her to use Instagram and that’s how everything started. It appears that back then she didn’t have any idea what she was doing. Now she is the most appreciated fitness trainers as Forbes announced and her lessons are followed by millions of women. Even #BBG, a special hashtag was created for this reason. Her YouTube channel is also the go-to folder whenever somebody decides to try some exercises for improving her aspect. Kayla noticed the power of social media networks and took advantage of recognizing that she wouldn’t be able to grow her business without posting tutorials and pictures on those platforms. Furthermore, she says that she focused her energy on organic techniques for acquiring users.
Image Source: https://www.forbes.com/top-influencers/fitness/#4b47eb45f690
Bonus Tip: Community Is The Secret
In an article written a few weeks ago, where we shared some valuable ideas on how to promote Health and Fitness apps, we were talking about the extraordinary effects of creating a community around the app. One of our readers also highlighted this idea in her comment pointing to the results gathered by Kayla. It is important to start small and to continue from there. Kayla knows that women are different so she advices them to find their own path for a healthy living. Kayla began when she was 18 with her clients in Adelaide, her home town without any entrepreneurial experience, but with many plans to help other women feeling comfortable with the way they look. Tobi Pearce, her partner helped her from the beginning and now they manage the biggest fitness community in the world.
Image Source: https://www.kaylaitsines.com/pages/bbgcommunity
Final Thoughts
In certain situations, there is a small bridge between a brand and its customers, and this is the case of Sweat: Kayla Itsines Fitness. This app offers valuable lessons and we don’t mean to prepare your gym bag, although it is great to take care of your body. Even for those who are not interested in exercises but they want to discover how to build a successful business from the ground up, they can find their inspiration in the strategies followed by Kayla. Look at the design and the way each element matches the others and adapt these techniques to your app. After that, show us your work and allow us to share the story of your app with the entire world!