When we created a detailed guide on how to attract Millennials we put there all the information you need when you want to promote your app for this generation. Meanwhile, we realized that you want one more thing, namely a list with the channels available for reaching them. Therefore, we are writing this article with the purpose to enhance the data provided previously. But before we do that, it will be very useful to remember some of the main characteristics of Millennials.
Millennials’ Desires And Needs
It is known the fact that Millennials select the apps that will be installed on their device according to their performances. Besides high – speed features it would be great if your app would offer location – based services. Keep in mind though that push notifications don’t represent their favorite communication channel and they expect full support when they deal with certain issues. The bright part is that they are more willing to pay for an app than any other types of customers.
Image Source: https://www.apptentive.com/blog/2015/05/18/marketing-to-millennials/
How Millennials Use Social Media
One of the most important aspects of this digital ecosystem for Millennials is represented by social media. But there are various reasons why Millennials use these channels like receiving useful information or finding the latest news. These environments are good places for sharing their thoughts and to connect with their friends, as well.
Image Source: https://www.americanpressinstitute.org/publications/reports/survey-research/millennials-social-media/
Social Media Platforms Loved By Millennials
And now it is time for the list you all wanted. You can use all these tools for attracting Millennials or you can concentrate your strategy on just a few. It is your choice.
Facebook Live
When you search for an engaging method to connect with Millennials, Facebook Live could be considered the proper solution for you. The reason why this channel is still in Millennials’ preferences is that they can do more now than they used to do. Facebook represents a great source of news and interesting content. From unknown persons to famous people everyone likes to post snippets of their lives on this platform. Not to mention the power provided by video format, especially social video which generates 1200% more shares than any other type of creatives, according to a study published last year.
Image Source: http://sports.audienceview.com/articles/attracting-millennials-by-meeting-them-in-their-space
Instagram Stories
Even though Instagram Stories is an idea copied from Snapchat it seems that is doing a lot better than the original version. But leaving aside this permanent war between those two giants it is a sure fact that this feature which allows users to reveal ephemeral pieces of their lives accomplishes all Millennials’ requirements and in the same time it provides a great opportunity for marketers to address them in a medium where users feel comfortable to spread the word about their preferences.
Image Source: http://blog.instagram.com/post/148348940287/160802-stories
Snapchat is the only platform specially created for young people. It is considered one of the best tools for approaching Millennials because it follows their social behavior offering them the elements they are looking for. Additionally Snapchat owners built a powerful advertising service offering interesting solutions for brands who want to present their products in innovative ways. One thing is to show Millennials bright banners and another thing is to provide the right context with location – based ads.
Image Source: https://forbusiness.snapchat.com/
Pinterest is a captivating way for convincing Millennials to pay attention to your app. They are interested in different types of content, from politics to lifestyle categories and of course food and drink without forgetting business. There are a lot of chances to impress Millennials using Pinterest and if you present your campaign in form of appealing visuals then there is no reason not to obtain great results on one of Millennials’ favorite channel.
Image Source: http://www.business2community.com/pinterest/millennials-majority-pinners-love-pinterest-01214692#Qw3oohipxYPF76Ys.97
We are moving on to the next promising solution which is represented by YouTube influencers. Because Millennials tend to listen other’s recommendation before making a purchase this marketing method provides the right ambient if it is done following the best practices presented in our tutorial. Nevertheless, with a little patience and creativity you can tell the story of your product in the form required by this generation of users. Take into account that the most part of YouTubers are also Millennials, so they speak their own language.
Image Source: https://twitter.com/teamlewis_es/status/845221153517948928
Because Twitter is considered a quick method for sharing their stories it’s an eloquent channel for impressing Millennials. They access this network for finding the latest posts of their friends and for searching more information about certain events. On Twitter all the data is very dynamic allowing Millennials to spend their time and receiving valuable data instead. Apparently, Twitter characteristics match Millennials interests in a fast and productive way.
Image Source: http://www.brandanew.co/7-remarkable-twitter-statistics-you-must-know/
Anonymous Platforms
Richard Guy, the lead developer of Yik Yak, created a new messaging app called Hive specially designed for connecting students. This is a great opportunity for engaging young people from your area. According to a report published by Business Insider 98% of Yik Yak users were Millennials so in case you approached a customer on this platform there were just a few chances not to encounter a Millennial. Sadly, Yik Yak was recently closed but an alternative to this app is Jodel. That being said you can take advantage of the anonymous aspect of those tools because they provide more freedom for the target audience to express their opinions. The advantages are that you can consider the posts according to the number of the upvotes. Another attribute that recommends Jodel is the geolocation feature which offers a higher level of personalization.
Image Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/13/yik-slack/
Reddit is the go – to place for everyone who searches for fast answers in a unique way. Certain communities are created by Millennials so this is a secure platform for reaching potential customers. Because Redditors hate self – promoters you will need a lot of time to connect with them before presenting your product, as we explained in our article focused on this topic. But during this process you will realize that many discussions are so interesting that it isn’t hard to be active and to comment to their posts.
Image Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/
The authenticity provided by Periscope fits Millennials’ desires to create a special connection with a brand. Since 2015 when it was created, this young platform managed to impress Millennials with live events and live video chats. Being an easy to handle app, Periscope is the solution for company owners which were searching for new ways to present their products. Who knew that live streaming is the service which helps marketers to win Millennials’ trust? So, if this path seems the right one for your business then you should consider Periscope for your strategy.
Image Source: https://www.slideshare.net/OlenaGapon/periscope-54198156
We just revealed the best places where you can meet Millennials. Now, what are you waiting for? Open (or create) those social accounts and try to connect with potential customers for the sake of your app. Don’t forget about their needs, interests and about the reasons why they use social media. If you offer them solutions for their problems you can say that your app is a success among this tech-savvy generation.