Let’s start with this question: “Who are the Jenner sisters?”. There are very few programmers in this world that can answer it without searching for it on Google first. There is a simple reason for that. Instead of keeping up with the Kardashians, developers prefer to stay in front of their computers to debug, deploy, build and run many programs when they want to amaze their target audience. But there is one thing that coders and reality stars have in common: mobile apps. If you can’t see the connection, don’t worry because you will, by the end of this article.
How Celebrities Are Influencing Mobile App Ecosystem
We will talk about a topic covered in one of our blog posts, Social Media Influencers. If social media stars convince people to try specific products, in our case mobile apps the same thing happens with famous actors or singers. Their fans search on official websites and account whenever they want to find a solution for various problems.
Partnership between social media stars and software developers
We talked before about the benefits of building a relationship with a social media influencer. If you select the favorite platform of your users and you persuade an important influencer in your niche that your app improves his followers’ lives than you should make one step back to let him do his work. You will be happy with the way he integrates your app inside one of his stories.
Image Source: https://medium.com/@andrei.klubnikin88/influencer-marketing-brand-new-way-to-market-a-mobile-app-59a514287839#.1o609s25a
Celebrity influence skyrockets mobile apps
Whether you know the most adored celebrities of the moment or you choose to ignore what happens in their lives, there is one thing you should keep in mind: Everyone that appears in the spotlight has bigger chances to promote a mobile app. Read carefully Worldwide App Annie Index For Games 2016 to understand the influence of TV stars for the number of downloads for an app.
Image Source: https://www.appannie.com/en/insights/app-annie-index-games-february-2016-celebrity-influence-on-games/
Rise Of Celebrity – Branded Apps
Celebrities are happy when their fans follow them everywhere, virtually speaking. After you watch your favorite star’s show or movie you will want to spend your time playing with the game he just released or sharing insights from his app with your friends. We are going to prove that being famous is a great advantage if you want to spread the word about your app.
8 High-Performance Celebrity Apps In The Market
Let’s see some popular apps launched or promoted by popular persons.
1. Kendall & Kylie
When we asked about Jenner sisters we referred to Kendall and Kylie who launched their own app, Kendall and Kylie which competes with their sister’s, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood with the difference that in the first one you are advised to build your own story, not to act like your favorite star.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kendall-and-kylie/id1032381310?mt=8
2. Heads Up!
If Ellen DeGeneres plays her game “Heads Up!” with all the guests on her show then all her fans will want to play it without thinking about the money spent on this app. It is a really funny game where you should guess a card from various categories guided by your friends in 60 seconds. After that, you can share your results with all the people you know. It is more interesting after you see some Hollywood stars playing with the app.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/heads-up!/id623592465?mt=8
3. Kim Kardashian Hollywood & Kimoji
When somebody wants to be Kim Kardashian for at least a day, a good solution is to play Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. The game is free when you download it but if you don’t put a limit to your spending you will end up with a lot of virtual accessories and no money for your real groceries. Another attractive app for her fans is Kimoji. Yes, you guessed that right; it is a combination between Kim and Emoji, but sadly you have to pay if you want to add a small picture of Kardashian to your virtual discussion.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kimoji/id1068019093?mt=8
4. Britney Spears: American Dream
Britney Spears has her own game, American Dream that pictures the exciting atmosphere of a Pop Star. You can handle the discussions with managers and you will be able to create your songs and to organize music events. The app is free and it offers many other features like competing with other singers and designing your own album.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/britney-spears-american-dream/id1031706898?mt=8
5. Tidal
If you are looking to find exclusive music produced by Jay Z, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Daft Punk, Jack White, Madonna, Arcade Fire, Alicia Keys, Usher, Chris Martin, Calvin Harris, deadmau5, Jason Aldean, and J. Cole then you can download Tidal, a music streaming app. It is more expensive than Spotify and other apps in its category but if you love its co – owners listed above what’s 20$ per month?
Image Source: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aspiro.tidal&hl=en
6. Chelsea Handler: Gotta Go!
Imagine an app provided by Chelsea Handler. The first thing that comes to your mind would be that it should be funny. And you are right but it is also very useful. Whenever you are in the middle of a boring meeting and you desperately need to get out of there then you can use Gotta Go! You are able to set specific alarms and you will receive messages or calls for proving that you have better things to do in that exact moment.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chelsea-handler-gotta-go!/id1012517766?mt=8
7. Hanx Writer
In case you want to send a special “letter” and you are tired of the impersonal style of your writing you can use Hanx Writer, Tom Hanks’ app to make it seem like you are using a typewriting machine. It is free on Apple App Store and maybe you will remember the moments when you first watched “You’ve Got Mail”. All customers are thrilled about the new features added in the last version. A special touch is that Tom Hanks signs the app store description.
Image Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hanx-writer/id868326899?mt=8
8. Nonstop Chuck Noris
When you want to play an action game with amazing graphics using a selfie stick as your weapon you don’t have other options than Nonstop Chuck Noris. Even if the name of the game would be different you would recognize its star immediately because the fighter looks exactly like Chuck.
Image Source: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flaregames.nskchuck
We gave you just a few examples of this huge universe of celebrity – branded mobile apps. We are living in a world where every public figure endorses a mobile app for increasing their fan base. This is the trend. In case you are not a Hollywood superstar make sure that you build a smart marketing campaign to reach a wide area of users for your app.