If you are playing the game of advertising your apps or content over the web, you might already be familiar with the ongoing trend of native advertisement. This form of advertisement has been subject to much attention by a number of advertising agencies and app developers alike. It is perhaps because of its effectiveness and acceptance by the common public.
What is a Native Mobile Ad?
However, before we move on to the details, it is essential to know what native advertisement actually involves. First of all, native advertisement has a variety of definitions. Nevertheless, to put it simply, native advertisement is the form of advertising wherein the advertised content takes the form of the platform on which it is being published. These are different to conventional ads that appear as separate banners or pop-ups. They are seamlessly integrated within the platform on which they appear.
The image shows an example of a native ad. As you can see, the section in red is where the ad will appear and it blends in seamlessly with the form and content of ‘The New York Times’ newspaper.
Advantages of Native Advertisement
You must be wondering as to what are the real benefits of native ads over the conventional ones. Well, first and foremost, native ads have a much higher response rate from viewers. This is perhaps due to their ability to blend in with the surrounding content and appear as an editorial rather than as an explicit ad. This prompts the viewer to actually click it. Native ads are a form of content marketing and can therefore be very effective in making the viewer click it through a very compelling message.
Moreover, native ads can be shared and this means if the viewer knows someone who might be interested, the ad can spread quite easily among people. This is therefore a digital form of word of mouth.
Native Ads for Mobile Apps and the Web
It is common for people to think of native mobile ads similar to those that run on the web. Although not significant, the difference is still worthy of being understood. Native mobile ads can take the form of in-app advertisements and this requires a different form of search optimization than when you are using google or other social media platforms. App stores have different algorithms and therefore App store optimization is a factor when dealing with native ads. Furthermore, native search ads that appear on search engines on the web have a different form and content than those on a mobile device.
Response of Users to Native Ads on Mobile
Native advertisement has been on the rise and it is likely that it will rise significantly due to its effectiveness as stated by a report published by business intelligence. However, the acceptance by the general public of such ads is something that needs to be considered. Is it safe enough to consider that the target audience of these ads is actually approving of it?
The answer to the question is perhaps mixed. According to a report published by the MMA, native ads are certainly more desirable by agencies than the conventional obtrusive ads. Moreover, mobile native ads were attracted three times more attention from users than the usual banner advertisements. Also, interacting with the native ads consumed 40 percent more time of the users than with the traditional ads.
However, this is not the whole picture. There have been other researches which show the disapproval of those who encountered native ads that were sponsored.
Source: Civic Science 2015
According to the above chart, 61% of the respondents have doubts about the credibility of the sponsored ads while 22% of them do not even know what sponsored ads are.
Another interesting result showed that consumers are much comfortable with banner ads as illustrated by the graph below.
This shows that people do not usually trust sponsored ads.
Commonly Used Platforms for Native Ads
Having discussed the general behavior of users to native ads on mobile, it is time to consider as to what are the most popular platforms being utilized for native advertisement.
Buzzfeed is a well-known platform where sponsored native ads are not an uncommon sight. News websites such as the New York Times, Forbes etc. are heavily utilize for native advertisements as well.
So which platform is the best for Native Ads?
Given that there are so many platforms available, it is really up to the advertiser as to which platform it plans to use. It really depends on the type of ad you want to sponsor. You cannot have an ad that is about education in the midst of content that is related to technology.