AppSamurai | A Closer Look: Why Advertisers Use Fake Mobile Game Ads Mobile Advertising Platform Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:52:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Closer Look: Why Advertisers Use Fake Mobile Game Ads Tue, 27 Feb 2024 09:43:07 +0000 6 MIN. READ Have you ever found yourself clicking on a mobile game ad, expecting an exciting experience, only to realize that the game you downloaded doesn’t match...

The post A Closer Look: Why Advertisers Use Fake Mobile Game Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.


Have you ever found yourself clicking on a mobile game ad, expecting an exciting experience, only to realize that the game you downloaded doesn’t match the advertised content? Welcome to the world of fake mobile game ads, where deception and disappointment are everywhere. Let’s delve into the intricacies of these deceptive advertisements, examining their motivations, the different types, and what you need to know about them. Let’s dive in!

What is a fake mobile game ad?

What exactly constitutes a fake mobile game ad? These advertisements are designed to mislead users with exaggerated claims about the game’s features, graphics, or rewards. They entice players with promises of thrilling adventures or mind-blowing challenges, only to deliver a vastly different experience once the game is downloaded. The actual gameplay often fails to live up to the representations made in the advertisement, leaving users feeling misled and dissatisfied.

Let’s examine a few infamous examples:


Source: i3Stars

Homescapes by Playrix ads are usually the first to come to mind when discussing fake mobile game ads. In these ads, we see the game character in various dangerous situations where players must use pin-pulling mechanics to rescue them. Initially a match-3 game, Homescapes misleads the users on gameplay, the graphics, and the story. The pin-pulling mechanic and the story provoke users to save the character. In addition, most of these are ‘’fail-ads’’ in which the hypothetical user fails to save him, provoking real users even more to take action.

Hero War:

Source: i3Stars

Another title with notorious fake ads is Hero War, an idle RPG game with automated battles. In the example above, we see a female character (which is highly common and sometimes over-sexualized) in distress, and the players are given a puzzle to solve and save her. With a similar intention as in the example of Homescpaes, Hero War includes drag-and-drop or pin-pulling mechanics in their ads, which is not the actual gameplay.

Project Makeover:

Known for its 3D ads, Project Makeover presents a female character in adverse conditions, promising a significant makeover in the game. These ads boast higher-quality graphics, exaggerated gameplay, and mechanics that do not align with the reality of the game. Project Makeover also received a huge backlash as many users felt that the advertisements exploited negative stereotypes about appearance and perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards.

Royal Match:

Source: i3Stars

Even Royal Match, one of the most popular match-3 games with nearly 55 million monthly active users, is immune to the trend. In the ads, real gameplay is merged with exaggerated scenes. Similar to other examples, the game character is placed in dangerous situations that are either not in the game or pop up very rarely between levels.

How Does Fake Ads Affect the Players and the Industry?

When players encounter a compelling advertisement for a mobile game, they often have certain expectations based on what they’ve seen in the ad. They may anticipate exciting gameplay mechanics, stunning graphics, or enticing rewards that were highlighted in the advertisement. However, when they actually download and play the game, they may discover that the reality falls far short of what was promised.

People invest their time, sometimes even money, into mobile games, expecting they’ll be enjoyable and fulfilling. Players can feel disappointed and cheated when fake ads fail to deliver the expected experience. As a result, negative reviews and word-of-mouth can damage the game’s reputation and deter potential players.

Impact on Industry Reputation:

False mobile game ads affect not only individual players but also the reputation of the entire gaming industry. Players lose trust in game developers and advertisers when encountering repeated fake ads. New games are approached with skepticism when they are wary of the promises made in ads.

A lack of trust within the gaming community can have a big impact. Players may be less likely to try out new games or make in-game purchases if they’re worried about disappointment. As a result of negative experiences with fake ads, players and the wider public can become disillusioned with the gaming industry.

Here are some user reviews from the Google Play Store and App Store on the games we mentioned above:

But Why Do Advertisers Keep Publishing Fake Ads?

Financial Incentives

Mobile game advertisers are often driven by the desire to maximize profits. The more downloads, ad views and purchases a game generates, the higher its revenue potential. Some advertisers prioritize short-term gains over long-term reputation, so they use misleading or exaggerated ads. This means that fake ads actually work when it comes to catching attention, and as long as the CPI (cost per install) is low and ARPU (average revenue per user) is increasing, there will be more fake ads.

Psychological Tactics to Boost User Engagement

Fake mobile game ads often leverage psychological tactics to engage users and encourage action. Advertisers manipulate user behavior by exploiting cognitive biases like FOMO and instant gratification. Advertising tries to create a sense of urgency or scarcity to compel users to download the game or buy in-app items.

For example, ads can use:

  • Countdown timers
  • Enticing facts (e.g. Only 1% can pass this level!)
  • Limited-time offers
  • Exaggerated claims of exclusive rewards

to make you feel obligated to act now. These tactics tap into users’ emotions and impulsive tendencies, leading them to make the decision to download the game.

Competitive Pressures within the Mobile Gaming Market

Thousands of games compete for user attention and market share in the mobile gaming market. Developers and publishers might feel pressured to use fake ads to stand out. The fear of being overshadowed by competitors can drive advertisers to exaggerate the features and benefits of their games.

Source: Reddit

Are Fake Mobile Game Ads Allowed?

Even though it’s technically illegal to mislead consumers about a product, since free mobile games don’t hurt players economically or in other tangible ways, they simply get away with it. Simply put, no financial damage means no penalties or bans regarding fake mobile game ads.

The most infamous case on this issue is when Playrix, the publisher of Homescapes, received a ban on their misleading ads by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in October 2020.

Another important factor to remember here is the profit. Ad networks can profit from fake ads if the advertisers invest a lot of money in them. That’s why taking them down wouldn’t be in their best interest.

Final Thoughts

Despite the negative impact on player trust and industry reputation, the persistence of fake ads continues. Advertisers and app owners are trying to make fake ads work better by modifying them in some ways but still presenting false mechanics, graphics, and stories to the users. The challenge of combatting fake ads remains complex and multifaceted, but as users educate themselves better on this issue, fake mobile game ads might lose their prominence.


The post A Closer Look: Why Advertisers Use Fake Mobile Game Ads first appeared on AppSamurai.

Attribution Models in Mobile User Acquisition Wed, 14 Feb 2024 07:51:44 +0000 6 MIN. READ When it comes to mobile marketing, where every click and tap matters and understanding your users’ journey might be similar to solving a complex puzzle....

The post Attribution Models in Mobile User Acquisition first appeared on AppSamurai.


When it comes to mobile marketing, where every click and tap matters and understanding your users’ journey might be similar to solving a complex puzzle. Attribution models lie at the heart of this puzzle – they are the key to unlocking insights into user behavior, optimizing marketing strategies, and ensuring app success. Let’s explore the nuances of mobile user acquisition attribution models together!

Introduction to Attribution Models

In mobile marketing, attribution models are the guiding light for app developers and marketers. But what exactly are attribution models? Simply put, they are frameworks that help attribute credit to various marketing touchpoints along the user journey, from initial engagement to conversion. The key to understanding attribution models is not just understanding data but also gaining valuable insights that can apply to your app’s success trajectory.

The Significance of Accurate Attribution

Effective mobile marketing relies on accurate attribution. It allows marketers to determine which marketing efforts drive user acquisition, engagement, and conversions. Marketers can optimize their strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and maximize return on investment (ROI) by understanding the impact of each touchpoint.

Key Attribution Models in Mobile Marketing

Let’s explore some of the primary attribution models:

Last-Click Attribution

In marketing, last-click attribution attributes credit to the last touchpoint before a user installs or converts. Marketers can use it to understand which specific action led to the desired outcome at the end of the user journey. For example, if a user clicks on a Facebook ad and then installs the app immediately after, the Facebook ad would receive credit for the installation.

However, last-click attribution is insufficient to capture the entire user experience, and users’ decision-making processes are influenced by various touchpoints and interactions.

First-Click Attribution

On the other hand, the first-click attribution method pinpoints an initial touchpoint that piques a user’s interest and initiates the conversion process. The first interaction with an app or advertisement gives marketers insights into user interest and discovery. For example, if a user first discovers an app through a Google search and later installs it after viewing a promotional video, the Google search would receive credit for initiating the user’s interest.

Yet, determining the true first touchpoint can be challenging as users transition between devices and channels. Users may interact with various marketing efforts across different platforms before ultimately converting, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact moment that triggered their interest

Multi-Touch Attribution

A multi-touch attribution model offers a more comprehensive view of a user’s journey by evaluating all touchpoints contributing to conversion. Multi-touch attribution utilizes the entire sequence of interactions rather than just the first or last interaction to provide a holistic understanding of user behavior.

Customizing multi-touch models for mobile apps is essential to capture diverse interactions. A thorough analysis of the sequence and impact of each touchpoint can give marketers valuable insight into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts across channels and devices. For example, a user might first discover an app through a social media ad, engage with the app’s website, and finally convert after receiving a push notification.

Tracking Across Devices and Platforms

Users increasingly transition between smartphones, tablets, desktops, and different platforms, making it difficult to track their journeys. This presents a significant challenge for marketers to track and attribute user interactions accurately.

Cross-device attribution methods are essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of user behavior. However, identifying users across different devices while respecting their privacy is no small task. A sophisticated cross-device tracking mechanism should be implemented to reconcile fragmented user journeys and provide a unified view.

Challenges of Attribution in Mobile User Acquisition

Privacy Concerns and Data Limitations

Talking about privacy, the heightened concerns and upcoming regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, marketers must navigate data limitations while adhering to compliance requirements and ethical data practices. User privacy is paramount, and marketers must tread carefully to ensure that data collection and attribution practices are transparent, secure, and respectful of user preferences.

Moreover, as data privacy regulations continue to evolve, marketers must stay abreast of the latest developments and adapt their attribution strategies accordingly. This includes obtaining explicit user consent for data collection and processing, implementing robust data security measures, and providing users with clear options to control their privacy preferences.

In-App Advertising and Promotions

Attribution becomes even more intricate with in-app advertising and promotions, where users engage with content within the app ecosystem itself. It is necessary to utilize specialized attribution models and tracking mechanisms to determine the effectiveness of in-app advertising campaigns.

Another layer of complexity is added to attribution efforts when determining which in-app touchpoints, such as banner ads, interstitials, and native promotions, are being tracked. Marketers should use advanced analytics tools and attribution platforms to attribute conversions and measure ROI from in-app advertising campaigns accurately.

Data-Driven Attribution and New Technologies

Modern attribution modeling relies heavily on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition to processing enormous quantities of data, these technologies can identify intricate patterns and correlations. A machine learning algorithm analyzes user interactions and touchpoints by analyzing the most influential factors driving conversions.

Over time, machine learning models adapt and refine their understanding of user journeys and attribution pathways through sophisticated algorithms. Using this technology, marketers gain a deeper understanding of mobile user acquisition, allowing them to make confident data-driven decisions.

How can marketers leverage attribution insights to run successful campaigns and optimize user acquisition strategies?

Aligning Attribution Insights with Marketing Campaigns

It is essential to align attribution insights with ongoing and upcoming marketing campaigns. Using attribution data, marketers can identify which channels, touchpoints, and campaigns are driving the best return on investment (ROI).

With attribution insights, marketers can allocate budget and resources strategically, focusing on channels and campaigns that have the greatest impact. For example, if attribution data reveals that a particular social media platform consistently drives high-quality leads and conversions, marketers can prioritize investment in that channel and tailor messaging and creative assets to resonate with the target audience.

Customizing Marketing Efforts Based on Attribution Data

In addition to surface-level metrics, attribution data is essential for revealing patterns and trends in user behavior. With the help of attribution data, marketers can gain valuable insights into their target audience’s preferences, interests, and behaviors, allowing them to tailor marketing efforts to their specific needs.

For instance, if data indicates that users who engage with video content are more likely to convert, marketers can invest in video advertising and create appealing video campaigns that capture audience attention and drive action. Additionally, if certain demographics or segments respond more favorably to specific messaging or offers, marketers can customize their communications to maximize engagement and conversions.

Continuous Optimization of User Acquisition Strategies

The key to staying ahead of the competition and maximizing results in mobile marketing is continuous optimization. Marketers can use attribution data to identify improvement areas and opportunities in their user acquisition strategies.

Whether it’s refining targeting parameters, adjusting bid strategies, or testing new creative elements, continuous optimization enables marketers to iterate and evolve their strategies in real time, driving incremental improvements in campaign performance and ROI.


Mobile marketers need attribution models to understand the intricate pathways of user acquisition. From last-click attribution to multi-touch models, each approach helps marketers understand user behavior and optimize their strategies accordingly. Despite cross-device tracking challenges, privacy concerns, and intricacies of in-app advertising, data-driven attribution, and machine learning enable marketers to adapt and thrive in the mobile ecosystem. To sustain success in mobile marketing, marketers must align attribution insights with marketing campaigns, customize efforts based on data, and refine their strategies continually. In the end, mobile marketing attribution models are not just about deciphering data. They’re about leveraging insights to deliver meaningful experiences and tangible results.

The post Attribution Models in Mobile User Acquisition first appeared on AppSamurai.

Alternative App Stores and Why They’re Worth Exploring Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:53:55 +0000 4 MIN. READ The Google Play and Apple App Store stand out as towering giants in the mobile world, commanding developers’ and consumers’ attention. However, alternative app stores...

The post Alternative App Stores and Why They’re Worth Exploring first appeared on AppSamurai.


The Google Play and Apple App Store stand out as towering giants in the mobile world, commanding developers’ and consumers’ attention. However, alternative app stores have a lot of potential despite their dominance. These lesser-known platforms offer app developers unique opportunities to reach diverse audiences and expand their reach. Let’s explore alternative app stores and learn why they are worth! exploring.

What are alternative app stores?

Alternative app stores, also known as OEM platforms, emerge from major device manufacturers such as Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Huawei, and V-Appstore. These platforms provide a distinct avenue for developers to distribute their apps beyond the confines of Google Play and the App Store. Let’s explore some notable examples:

  • Samsung Galaxy Store: Samsung’s The Galaxy Store offers apps, games exclusive themes, and other customizations for mobile devices manufactured by Samsung Electronics. The app store boasts a substantial worldwide market share, offering developers access to users with significant spending power.
  • Xiaomi GetApp: Rapidly expanding in emerging markets across Europe and South America, GetApps is Xiaomi’s official app distribution platform. It now operates in 59 regions and will gradually cover more than 100 regions in the future.
  • Oppo App Market: With a growing presence in Southeast Asia, Oppo’s app market focuses on user engagement and monetization through in-app advertising.
  • Huawei AppGallery: Huawei’s app store offers developers access to a global audience, leveraging carrier validation and firmware integration for enhanced user acquisition.
  • V-Appstore: V-Appstore is the official app store of the smartphone manufacturer Vivo. Since 2009, Vivo has expanded its global market, serving over 400 million users with its mobile products and services in over 60 countries and regions.

Alternate App Stores and User Acquisition

Alternative app stores play a significant role in mobile user acquisition by providing developers and marketers with additional avenues to reach potential users beyond traditional app distribution platforms like Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Alternative App Stores

Alternative App Stores

Alternative Stores Have Niche Audiences and Less Competition

It’s true that Google Play boasts unparalleled visibility and potential success for apps that manage to stand out. However, there’s also competition within its ecosystem. Getting noticed in a sea of 80,000 to 120,000 new apps every month is challenging, and standing out requires a lot of effort and resources. 

An app’s success on Google Play often depends on ranking within the top 25 to 50 positions, which normally requires significant marketing resources. A saturated market makes organic growth difficult, while OEMs give you the opportunity to reach niche and engaged audiences through native placements where there’s less competition. 

How to Utilize OEMs Further?

  • Dynamic Pre-Installs

    • The dynamic pre-install feature gives you unprecedented access to all devices sold by OEM partners and carriers. Your app is displayed when users open their new phones, grabbing their attention immediately. This gives you the opportunity to reach users ahead of your competitors and ensure continuous exposure for your app. In addition to thousands of new device owners, you can access more users with every system update. 
  • On-Device Recommendation Model

    • On Android phones, the recommendation engine includes app vaults, native browsers, and recommended sections. The recommended placements have high opt-in rates, which enable apps to increase LTV and retention rates.

Below are some statistics about alternative app store you might want to know: 

Android market share: 

  • USA: 42.29%
  • UK: 49.13%
  • India: 95.10%
  • South America: 88.37%
  • Europe: 72.87%

Why should you try OEMs over conventional methods?

  • Using firmware means 100% fraud-free:
    The installation process happens during device setup, so fraudulent activity or unauthorized installations are not risky. Secure app distribution safeguards against potential threats to user data and ensures a trustworthy experience.
  • Users who install apps while setting up their new devices retain them:
    When new devices are set up, apps that are seamlessly integrated into their experience from the beginning tend to have higher retention rates. Using OEMs, developers can establish a lasting connection with users, encouraging long-term engagement and loyalty.
  • Carrier-validated installations ensure accuracy:
    By validating app installations, carriers ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the installs and their source campaigns. 

Read how mobile game giant TapNation achieved 147% ROAS with AppSamurai OEMs.

Alternative app stores offer developers unprecedented opportunities to reach their audiences. Diversifying distribution channels and incorporating innovative promotion strategies can help developers overcome the limitations of traditional app stores and achieve greater growth and success.

Interested in learning more? Contact us to discuss alternative app stores and discover new ways to grow your app. Your audience awaits, and the opportunities are limitless!

The post Alternative App Stores and Why They’re Worth Exploring first appeared on AppSamurai.

Valentine’s Day App Marketing: 10 Tips That Actually Work Tue, 06 Feb 2024 10:53:55 +0000 5 MIN. READ Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance—it’s a golden opportunity for apps to shine. With February 14th just a few days away, it’s time to amplify...

The post Valentine’s Day App Marketing: 10 Tips That Actually Work first appeared on AppSamurai.


Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance—it’s a golden opportunity for apps to shine. With February 14th just a few days away, it’s time to amplify your app marketing efforts to improve visibility and engagement.

To help you make the most of Valentine’s Day marketing in 2024, we’ve compiled 10 actionable tips to boost your app’s presence- and bonus ones for mobile games! The following strategies are designed to capture your audience, whether you’re in eCommerce, social media, or lifestyle apps. Let’s explore how to make your app stand out this Valentine’s Day!

First, let’s look at some data:

Now that we are reminded of the importance of Valentine’s for mobile apps, let’s move on to some actionable tips:

  • Explore Alternative Audiences:

Valentine’s Day isn’t exclusively for couples. Depending on your app’s features, you may want to target singles, friends, and even pet owners. Customize your marketing materials for different segments by conducting A/B tests. For instance, if you have a food delivery app, offer special deals for singles hosting solo nights or virtual gatherings with friends or family. Customize your messages to appeal to each audience segment, maximizing engagement and expanding your app’s reach.

  • Craft Irresistible Deals:

Promotions, discounts, and giveaways are powerful tools for engagement and user acquisition. Make sure your offers align with long-term marketing goals and are promoted across multiple channels. To entice users to download and explore the app further, offer users exclusive discounts or freebies within it.

  • Go for Ad Placements on Dating Apps:

Use dating apps to reach active users who are looking for connections or planning special occasions during Valentine’s Day. Using this targeted approach, your app can capture the attention of individuals looking for gift ideas, date-planning tools, or romantic experiences.

  • Update Your Ad Creatives:

Don’t be afraid to use Valentine’s Day imagery and messages. Ad creatives should incorporate established themes and resonate effectively with your audience. With so many apps trying to capture users’ attention, use the power of visuals to help you stand out. 

  • Engage on Social Media:

Leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok by sharing Valentine’s Day-themed posts, using trending sounds and memes. Additionally, you can create interactive content such as polls or quizzes related to Valentine’s Day themes, which will help you engage with your community.

  • Share the Love with User-Generated Content: 

Featuring user-generated reviews and testimonials adds authenticity to your marketing efforts. Monitor trending hashtags and topics to ensure your UGC campaigns stay up-to-date. Consider running Valentine’s Day contests or challenges for users to share their Valentine’s Day experiences. Build a vibrant app community by offering attractive incentives like discounts and rewards.

  • Customize Push Notifications:

Push notifications are a direct way to engage existing users and increase app interaction.  Notifications tailored to the user’s preferences and behavior can enhance open rates and bring back uninstalled users. Push notifications also enable app owners to highlight new features or content in re-engagement campaigns, enticing inactive users to return and explore the app.

  • Review your ASO:

Optimize your app store presence by reviewing and updating your (ASO) strategies. Ensure your app title, description, keywords, and visuals reflect the Valentine’s Day theme and resonate with potential users. To improve discoverability, include relevant keywords such as “Valentine’s Day gifts” or “romantic date ideas.”

  • Cater to Last-Minute Shoppers:

Offer flash sales and limited-time promotions to take advantage of the last-minute shopping rush. Create a sense of urgency with countdown timers and promote these deals across all marketing channels to capture procrastinating shoppers’ attention. Highlight your app’s features, such as the convenience of purchasing gifts or planning romantic experiences through your app.

  • Measure and Plan:

Make sure your marketing efforts are spread across various channels to maximize exposure. Measure the performance of your campaigns and analyze user engagement to refine your strategies for future campaigns. To assess the effectiveness of your Valentine’s Day marketing initiatives and identify areas for improvement, track key metrics such as app downloads, user engagement, and conversion rates.

Special Valentine’s Tips for Mobile Games:

  • Valentine’s-Themed Events:

Introduce special Valentine’s Day events, challenges, or themed levels to your mobile game, such as Valentine’s Day tournaments, challenges, or creative contests where players can showcase their skills. Incentivize participation and player engagement by offering attractive prizes or rewards.

  • Offer Limited-Time Rewards:

Offer special rewards and bonuses during Valentine’s Day to entice players. It may be useful to provide players with Valentine ‘s-themed items, skins, or power-ups that are only available for a limited time- adding excitement and incentive.

  • Share Valentine’s Day Wishes:

Feel free to send heartfelt wishes or messages within your game to show your appreciation to your players. Send personalized messages to show your gratitude for their support and loyalty, and thank them for joining your gaming community.

  • Utilize Rewarded Playtime

This Valentine’s season, transform players into champions with Rewarded Playtime, aka Play-to-Earn campaigns. This model offers incentives to players based on their game time, encouraging dedicated users to immerse themselves in your game continuously. Additionally, as players invest more time in the game, their inclination to make in-app purchases increases, simplifying scaling your mobile game. Learn more about AppSamurai for Games here. 

Final Thoughts

Valentine’s Day is a strategic opportunity for apps to enhance their presence and engage with users more deeply. As February 14th approaches, fine-tuning your marketing strategies becomes essential. Whether you’re in eCommerce, social media, or lifestyle apps, we hope this guide helps you take advantage of Valentine’s Day’s potential! Lastly, don’t forget to explore:

The post Valentine’s Day App Marketing: 10 Tips That Actually Work first appeared on AppSamurai.

Media Mix Modeling in Mobile User Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:32:58 +0000 5 MIN. READ As more and more platforms and channels become available for user acquisition, determining the most effective strategy becomes increasingly critical. This is where Media Mix...

The post Media Mix Modeling in Mobile User Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on AppSamurai.


As more and more platforms and channels become available for user acquisition, determining the most effective strategy becomes increasingly critical. This is where Media Mix Modeling (MMM) comes into play. MMM, a sophisticated analytical tool, has revolutionized how marketers approach media spending, making it a critical component in the toolkit of modern mobile marketing. In this blog post, we’ll demystify MMM, show how it can be used to attract mobile users and give a roadmap for leveraging it.

Fundamentals of Media Mix Modeling

In essence, media mix modeling is a quantitative method of analyzing the effectiveness of different marketing channels. Unlike direct response models focusing on immediate conversions, MMM takes a broader view. For instance, attribution analyzes user-level data to determine which marketing activities led to a conversion using the customer’s journey across various touchpoints. In this approach, external factors aren’t considered; the focus is on the user’s path to purchase within a short timeframe. 

Meanwhile, the MMM approach analyzes historical data, including variables like marketing spend and sales figures and external factors such as economic conditions or seasonal trends. It evaluates the impact of each media channel on overall user acquisition, considering long-term brand building and customer engagement. This comprehensive approach allows marketers to differentiate the direct impact of their campaigns from other influencing factors, enabling more informed decision-making.

Role of MMM in Mobile User Acquisition

Mobile marketing requires a deep understanding of user behavior. Here, MMM provides a granular analysis of how different media channels contribute to acquiring new users. Beyond superficial metrics, it reveals the paths that lead to app installations and engagements by diving into the user journey.

MMM helps allocate budgets more efficiently by analyzing the performance of various channels – programmatic user acquisition, social media, search ads, or even traditional media. It’s not just about reducing costs; it’s about maximizing impact, making sure every dollar is an investment towards building a loyal customer base.

An MMM can help you answer the following questions: 

  • How should we allocate our advertising budget?
  • Which marketing channels have the best ROI?
  • Is there an optimal time of year to invest?
  • What is the impact of external factors, such as seasonality and economic trends?

Data Collection and Analysis in MMM

Data collection and analysis are the cornerstones of any effective MMM strategy. The data spectrum for MMM is vast, encompassing metrics such as app downloads, user engagement rates, and click-through rates. The challenge lies not only in collecting this vast array of data but also in ensuring its quality and relevance. Privacy considerations, especially in the context of digital data, are paramount. As data privacy laws become more complex, MMM practitioners must find ways to ensure compliance.

MMM employs various analytical methods, with regression analysis being a common one. Regression analysis offers structured insights into historical relationships, laying the foundation for strategic decision-making. This involves identifying relationships between various media investments and user acquisition metrics. Advanced techniques like Bayesian probabilistic models are also used, providing a more dynamic and adaptive approach to understanding and predicting user behavior. Bayesian probabilistic models introduce adaptability, allowing marketers to respond in real time to shifts in consumer behavior and emerging trends. 

Here’s a quote from Singular’s CTO and Co-founder Eran Friedman:

“Part of the challenge with MMM is with very, very granular and very tactical kind of decision-making. It’s difficult to get insights, for example, at the creative level ROI … of course, if you have a lot of data if you’re running creatives at scale … then you can optimize things. But generally speaking, usually, it would be easier to seek a solution from the other methods such as deterministic attribution versus MMM for the operational or daily stuff.”

Integrating MMM with Mobile Marketing Strategies

MMM integration into mobile marketing strategies requires a delicate balance and a comprehensive understanding of the target audience. This section emphasizes the creation of a cohesive strategy that resonates with the audience by amalgamating insights from various digital media channels. Recognizing the diverse responses of different demographics to varied media mixes, customization emerges as a critical factor.

MMM facilitates customization and introduces the concept of real-time strategy adjustments. Marketers can swiftly pivot their strategies by continuously monitoring performance data and adapting to evolving market trends and changes in consumer behavior. This integration process is an ongoing, iterative, and adaptable journey, ensuring that marketing strategies remain responsive to the dynamic nature of the mobile landscape.

Emerging Trends and Technologies in MMM

With new technologies and trends influencing its application, the landscape of MMM is constantly evolving. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the forefront of predictive analytics, offering transformative potential. As a result of these technologies, modeling can be more nuanced and accurate, taking into account complex patterns and variables that might otherwise be overlooked by traditional methods. Consumer behavior is constantly changing, and the digital footprint is ever-expanding, which makes MMM’s future dependent on its ability to adapt to this ever-changing environment.

Best Practices for Implementing MMM in Mobile User Acquisition

It is essential to follow a structured approach when implementing MMM. Here are some best practices you can follow: 

Set Clear Goals:

  • Establish specific and measurable objectives for your Mobile Marketing Mix (MMM).
  • Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business objectives.

Collect Comprehensive Data:

  • Collect data that includes relevant metrics, including conversions, engagement, and marketing channel performance.
  • Create a holistic view of the mobile user acquisition landscape by integrating data sources from various departments.

Structured Analysis:

  • Utilize statistical and machine learning techniques to analyze the collected data.
  • Optimize marketing efforts by identifying patterns, correlations, and insights.

Cross-Departmental Collaboration:

  • Align strategies and share expertise among marketing, data science, and IT teams.

 Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

  • Be responsive to changes in the mobile user acquisition landscape, adapting your approach based on emerging trends and consumer behavior.
  • Invest in tools and platforms that enable more sophisticated data analysis and provide real-time insights for informed decision-making.

Test and Iterate

  • Verify the impact the MMM suggests for your media channels regularly through geo/matched market tests.

To sum it up

A media mix model is more than a tool; it’s a strategic map guiding marketers through the user acquisition process. MMM stands as a crucial component of informed decision-making, helping marketers formulate effective, resilient, and adaptable strategies to the changing tides of consumer behavior and technological advancement.

Key Takeaways

  • Media Mix Modeling (MMM) Enhances Marketing Efficiency: MMM analyzes effectiveness, optimizing media spending.
  • Facilitates Precise Budget Allocation: Provides insights for strategic budget allocation for maximum impact.
  • Depends on Quality Data Collection: Requires broad, high-quality data collection, ensuring privacy compliance.
  • Adapts with Emerging Technologies: Evolves with machine learning and AI for accurate marketing strategies.

The post Media Mix Modeling in Mobile User Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on AppSamurai.

What Is OEM & What Opportunities Does It Have for Mobile Marketers? Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:35:34 +0000 3 MIN. READ OEMs (App Discovery) have gained popularity in recent years thanks to the native and premium placements offered to mobile marketers. In this blog post, we’ll...

The post What Is OEM & What Opportunities Does It Have for Mobile Marketers? first appeared on AppSamurai.


OEMs (App Discovery) have gained popularity in recent years thanks to the native and premium placements offered to mobile marketers. In this blog post, we’ll explore OEMs, how they work, and why they are relevant to mobile marketers. Have a good read!

What Is OEM? What is OEM Advertising?

 The word OEM is an abbreviation and stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer.” A company whose products are used in another company’s products sells the final product to users. Manufacturers can reduce costs by partnering with OEMs such as AppSamurai. OEM products cost less than marketing and advertising the mobile app. In the position of suppliers, OEMs offer products in simple boxes and packaging, apart from producing.

Products sold by this method are called OEM products. There is no high degree of difference in quality between the original product and the OEM product. The word OEM is an abbreviation and stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer.” This refers to the process in which app advertisements are implemented into smartphones, and apps have the opportunity to catch the attention of new device owners. 

AppSamurai also provides OEMs with an innovative advertising model. It shows your app on users’ screens during device setup, thus providing 5 times more download volume results. For new devices, the pre-installed app; Increases brand awareness for new device users.

Opportunities of OEMs for Mobile Marketers

App Discovery has two methods:

  1. Pre-load Model
  2. On-Device Recommendation Model,

Both models are significantly successful at generating high install rates, acquiring motivated users, and increasing brand awareness. 

There are many ways for publishers to reach mobile app users, including social media platforms, Google tools, and Ad Networks. What if you could try innovative models over traditional methods and reach your ultimate goal directly? AppSamurai works with mobile operators and device manufacturers worldwide in more than 130 countries and crafts the most effective OEM strategies.

In the pre-load model, your mobile app is pre-installed on users’ newly purchased devices. This model allows your app to be seen by motivated new device owners and catches their attention from the very beginning. App Discovery eliminates the process of browsing app stores and trying to find the right app, creating a cost-effective campaign. 

The on-device recommendation model places your app in different ad units within the device, and your app becomes an essential part of the user journey. This model will not only improve brand awareness but also helps you reach real and engaging users. 

App Discovery has many benefits: 

  • Fraud-free user acquisition,
  • Instant access to a vast number of users
  • Builds brand recognition 

AppSamurai works with leading brands such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Lenovo, Oppo, and more. Learn more about App Discovery (OEM) here, and reach your KPIs!


The post What Is OEM & What Opportunities Does It Have for Mobile Marketers? first appeared on AppSamurai.

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