App Promotion (iOS & Android)


What is app promotion?

App promotion refers to the process by which app developers advertise their apps. App promotion is critical for apps as there are more than 2 million apps on the market, and it is challenging to stand out. A robust marketing strategy is needed to ensure your app’s growth.

Ways to promote an app

  • Social media: It is crucial to offer your users useful content related to your app, industry, and the latest trends. Creating content on a regular basis builds trust and brand awareness.
  • Website and/or blog: A strong digital presence strengthens your credibility.
  • E-mail marketing: Effective newsletter(s) that carries value attracts the target audience’s attention.
  • App Discovery (OEM): Preloading your app and placing native ads on new mobile devices get your app in front of millions of users.


Explore how AppSamurai provides an impactful user acquisition channel through App Discovery.


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